| If you see someone by the name of "Zete" on discord asking you to send them money on cash app, it's NOT me. He's a …
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| I hope this was noticed 2 months ago lol
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| Trainer1806 wrote: > any new on dis coming back zete or no We've all tried talking Ken into bringing it back (he has …
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| PrinceCuck wrote: > Thought you guys were translating this to a different engine? We are, and we aren't. We'll surely …
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| Halloween Event has started! Ghosts spawn at the higher areas and when it gets spooky outside, you will have better EXP …
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| all the praise goes to Crazah, he did almost the majority of the work here! coding machine
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| Really glad to be working on this project again, I'm sure it'll be lots of fun!
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| Hey guys been a while. I don't have a pc atm, so I've been focusing on perfecting my traditional mediums (I'm an artist …
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| Ganite wrote: > Yut Put has released many games lol. what, shitty single player demos? capture the flag crap? please.
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| dolla dolla bill no jutsu.
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| This just in, it appears people in Byond have [Terrible] taste in music. More as these news develope.
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| Ter13 wrote: > > in some cases you've got decent palettes, in others it looks like you went and took the default tones …
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| Aw man I love breath of fire, kinda wishing someone would make a fan game for it, I'd even help a bit lol.
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| Time ago I had made a few revamped bases for my friend Ackigozs Dragon Ball X game, and I've returned to find out …
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| @Poll; for the first Alpha test you'll be able to choose from these 4 Classes: Berserker: Close Combat fury based …
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| A fantastical online tactical-MORPG. Join now, play for free!
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| Just some teasing mocks for now :) I need a pixel art assistant I think.... sucks doing everything alone haha.
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| Lol you guys might be a little off on the real inspiration for the game though...
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| Murowko wrote: > Congrats Zete and Xyren your success on getting this done. I'm still working on my share. Xyren has …
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| In the future update you can finally expect STORAGE and NPC Shops to work! You'll be able to finally stock up on …
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| what o.o PZ has had a few more updates and fixes guys.
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| Straight out of my card game project because I cba to make something new at 8:30am.
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| here you go, hope it helps
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| dont just grasp onto the feedbacks, people don't know what they want...
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| The only game I've ever compleated? oh I didn't know I was able to code all of a sudden. Yeah, because I can totally …
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| I got with my GUT FEELINGS. hasn't really worked for me tbh.
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| i leik ur avatar vixiv did u maek et? can u maek me uan? pl0z work wif me on my naruto gaem...
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| And this is how you succesfully make a Isometric game:
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| Dude... I'm gona start my own card game >_> I wanted to tell you cuz I know you tried to make on in the past. Delete …
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| Yo sky remember when we both posted our bases on pixelation to see which one was the best? and then I raged out cuz the …
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| Ofc I'd make my own creatures and skills, I'm not the fan game type anymore at all. And I didn't mean no online, I was …
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| Me and Kyle just went p2p (subscribed), which means I'll make a dofus guild in a few days guys, making it easier to …
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| From an Artists point of view it's great, being able to work with all 3 chains of productions that is... It's alot of …
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| I'm not putting "him i'm ---" cuz if i post it and someone posted the same thing while i was uploading it's an epic …
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| Theres alot of light blue stray pixels that need to be cleaned up, also the anatomy isn't very good as as how the neck …
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| GTD73191 wrote: > Here's a Giraffe > > > > I'll be on the other side, slowly working on my reply to zete. Whoo, …
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| Monster Hunter isn't the main focus of this project anymore, just thought you guys should be updated... More info to …
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| This ^ This is why the entire planet blew up.
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| It's nice for a starting point, but there's still more you can add to it to really perfection it. Now let me start by …
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| This is what I gotta finish by monday: Yet I keep getting free lance work (not that I don't want it) and I have to help …
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| Aw no fair, I can't gif. Also, you're still fucking with me? You obviously haven't learned your lesson.
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