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| One Piece: Battle Royal sounds cool to me. :p As for the art itself, I can't really give any judgement with it all …
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| Etsukurenay wrote: > Unwanted4Murder wrote: > > XLR8ED wrote: > > > ROFL....this is what you get for posting work in …
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| O MAN DAT IS DA BEST BASE I EVER SEEN ...Since if I say anything else you'll just ignore me anyway, apparently.
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| Etsukurenay wrote: > And pitmch, i said i accept all criticism of people, i juust dont like people who post 2 or 3 …
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| I was working on this just for fun. I made a base and then I put some clothes on it, hence the "mockup" tag. I doubt …
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| Hey, I just wanted a little criticism on a few icons I've been working on for a game I've been doing solo so far. I'm …
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| I like it. It's different from most BYOND bases, which is a good thing... he doesn't look like a steroid-addicted …
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| Cold_Solstice wrote: > They all need to be redone. Not that they are poorly drawn. They are just to childish. They need …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > Needs more blue hair. You gotta have blue hair.
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| Jamora1124 wrote: > Plus, I don't know the right color to color white people. I have trouble doing the skin tone for …
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| DemonSpree wrote: > Am I the only one who LOL'd at the "eating himself" thing? Nope.
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| I like how stylistic it is, it's a nice change from seeing the same bases over and over. But the way you've done his …
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| I had trouble with the boils on his arms - too big and they looked like an extension of his arms, too small and you can …
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| Masterdan wrote: > I understand how you feel, however since you have a well established game I think it is more than …
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| I'd be happy to help you come up with some criteria, but I have a few questions and I dun' really know how to go about …
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| I suck at shading. Tips appreciated.
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| The dark prince majin vegeta wrote: > > I could have the wrong person 'cause there's another Raziel that works for …
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| Just a few of the states of the shinigami suit from the upcoming revamp of Breed of Destruction. Credit goes to …
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| SuperAntx wrote: > i fixed ur icon with newgen gfX. > I lol'd.
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| It held my attention well enough and I've only played BLN once or twice. Maybe BLN just isn't the type of game that …
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| re·view –noun a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; …
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| Hyren is the only person who can review a game he GMs for and not end up looking like a complete douchebag. That's why …
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| Sorry Vcent, I only played your game like once; on the whole, I don't like BYOND games and try my best to avoid them. …
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| Click above to visit the Dawn of Desolation website!
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| I'll make a turf set for this if I have some free time. 'No promises~' and all that, though.
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| http:// www.dawnofdesolation.com Hoping to get a bulk of the website done today... if you have a chance, Dan, swing …
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| I think the review system is one of the best things to happen to BYOND anime. Before this, it was nothing but petty …
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| The multiple dimension thing looks pretty nifty.
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| I don't get particularly annoyed with them, it's just hard to find a good game to play in Unpublished anymore.
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| I've been using Basic and QBasic since I was six. From there, I learned HTML, then Actionscript, PHP, and MySql …
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| Yeah, I have trouble getting on almost every day. It's a real pain, but I suppose it's bound to happen on any popular …
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| Danial.Beta wrote: > You can say, at the very least, the quality of living for poor people is improving, even if it is …
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Jun 4 2018, 7:18 pm