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| o.0 I thought you had died. welcomeBack --------- >Aaiko's dead though. >Nope. He's still on crack. (World of …
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| I'll take the Wii off your hands if you want :D ?
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| Guess2: Something to do with using the hubs with a program, not a browser?
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| I bet you are looking for a preview of whats on this post? well too bad...mwuahahahahaahah here's some random text …
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| They showed this on attack of the show...yesterday I think it was... It works, if you blow of the candles it starts …
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| Thats jierdan D_D, older than I thought he was. Hm.
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| Woah I've seen this somewhere, I can't remmeber where I love it :D Thanks for reintroducing me to it
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| You can make me a background with the squirrel pictures here if you want: http:// sawstock.deviantart.com/gallery/ …
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| I have a feeling someone needs to go ahead and get the matches...
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| Lucky V_V your done with it V_V
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| *hits puppy in the face with a femur and rolls him down a hill* As I was saying...they are singing...
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| EWW...thats gross....my sisters are older than that...I can't imagine my (step) dad being that age....*shudders* that'd …
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| This man: http:// www.pyromanuniversity.com/games/zelda5/boss/ volvagia.jpg
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| Hmmm...Anyone use a drawing tablet...I'm looking into buying one/getting one for christmas so I'm trying to figure out …
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| XD a muppet, love that one.
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| they have cute anime-theme-song-worthy voices =D!! ...Love japanese music...i like listening to it because you can …
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| hot - the gray pumpkin in the sky(?)
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| Forget about the main street.
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| I prefer FMA its got more emotion and what not going in it...The filler episodes usually aren't annoying or dumb …
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| Anyone know of any free easy-to-use sound file editors... (or want to stay on for a few hours and then cut out part of …
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| O-m-g.... IT BURNS!!!!!!!
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| Random note: National Guardsmen is in charge of this guild now. I am poor and have no time. -Kbye.
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| *Uses the boost to get thru* *Uses bombs wisely* --Target destroyed--
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| myspace.com/ancientwhisper had a really nice one, but changed it back to her old one. I saved the really good one, I'll …
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| That would make it easier to buy giant inflatable snowglobes to put in random peoples' yards during the summer …
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| Heh I saw that yesterday while I was "stumble upon"-ing
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| Woah that last pic of the dog is pretty cool, with the blue eyes/blue collar thing going on ;) (I actually had a …
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| There are 2 nice bigish grey bars on each side of the add a comment area. and maybe move the comments over some....
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| They might have a log that shows when you called/who you talked to, next time you call just mention it.
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| I don't like most places'/people's coleslaw, but if I find the right kind :D I eat a ton
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| You could use the on-screen keyboard!! :D........
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| Yeh, it does look familiar....
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| (Um warning: don't click if you really have epilepsy...) http:// byonder.doyouhaveepilepsy.com/
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| Holy hell whats more annoying is when you get updates and it keeps popping up that damn "auto-restarting in X minutes" …
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| "The recalled batteries were shipped in notebooks sold between April 1, 2004, and July 18 of this year. The were …
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| *blink* That peace picture reminds me of a rabbit....
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| edit...wait...ugh..... new count 1st!!
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| Meh not dice..I've seen dice as the only thing tho..
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