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| GIVE US OUR TOP HAT, NOW. If my byond hosting is working this will work as well:
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| 99% Social Studies? 95% Mathematics I thought I was a math person :( …
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| Sheriff: Kansas woman sat on boyfriend's toilet for 2 years; didn't want to leave bathroom and by bathroom we mean …
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| Strawgate: Barrack Obama is going to win the nomination @Lounge Lizard: Strawgate rolled 1d20 for 6. (6) [21:06:12] …
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| I guess the US's inflation rate isn't as high compared to some others. 150,000% inflation, $1 a month ago is now worth …
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| The US economy is about to enter a long predicted, long delayed recession that will better the trade balance and …
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| This is the update to the previous post which describes the upcoming game im making called, “Super Power 2”
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| Is there any chance that a new version of BYOND could include a world setting for double point precision floating point …
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| Working on a Super Power game for Byond, this is a progress update which indicates things are coming along fine. Post …
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| Using input to call procedures or verbs with parameters I've got 10+ inputs in my game, each effecting a different …
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| Ideas for enhanced usage of the Grid system so that the overall grid, or the grid's themselves can be better used. 1 …
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| Can there be an option for the Grid that that calls a command if you just click within a grid cell? There could be a …
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| These may already be integrated, and im just not sure how to use them so if they are please be sure to tell me! 1. It …
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| [11:59 PM] Koil: no [12:00 AM] Strawgate: F***ers
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| There is now undeniable proof that the moon landing was indeed faked. This evidence is indisputable, and it thoroughly …
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| Take over the world by economic means
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| I know an auto anchor function already exists, but anyway that a feature that auto-anchors all selected items be …
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| A Mother passing by her son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed was nicely made and everything was picked up …
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| You decide '07! LONDON (AFP) - Women see masculine-looking men as more unsuitable long-term partners but men with more …
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| The first and most important thing about designing a house, is protection. This is going to be your home into the …
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| WASHINGTON - The Democrat probing President Bush's decision to erase the prison sentence of a former White House aide …
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| The O'Reilly factor is set to hold discussion and speak about the topic of the danger to north America from Bears. ARE …
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| I will be emailing byond shortly about my lawsuit. I am also considering making it class action worthy. Here are the …
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| Did you know, that the world speed record for a bicycle is 152.2 mph. This is nearly 50 mph faster then the fastest …
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| http://maps.google.com/ maps?f=q&hl=en&q=new+york+to+london& sll=30.297018,-95 According to math, the shortest path is a …
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| Or so says HP. If you customize a PC, you get the following options for processor. So apparently you can get the new …
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| Look over the descriptions of the following two houses and see if you can tell which belongs to an environmentalist …
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| http:// dynamic.media.adrevolver.com/adrevolver/banner/ 57719.gif
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| So in light of me having so much free time on my hands, I have started trying to solve the Rubik's cube as fast as I …
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| Can you please return the people to how it was? It is incredibly helpful to be able to view someones join date and …
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| Have you ever wanted to just go in the street and hold out a sign like this? Or wanted to burn a jewish flag like this? …
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| QUOTE: "Calling all lefties: The Army has brought their "surge" to the city of Tacoma. Last night, protests at the Port …
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| To: Subject: Interested in Strawgate.com Hey, im interested in purchasing the domain, Strawgate.com. I will be willing …
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