| Ive made a very basic site for my upcoming forums. View it here Its not ment to be fancy or complex just simple and …
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| What else can you do with a BYOND Scape subscription other than get the special source codes?
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| One day I got board and decided to see if I could make a forum system and get it popular and used by many. I doubt this …
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| I have downloaded the the original doom for the X-Box. And it reminded me that it is the best game ever. <3 doom …
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| What is the most complex thing you have seen done in DreamMaker/DreamSeeker. I would have to say its OFD's …
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| In dreamseeker when your loading a game, or downloading some source code it show the total file size in bytes. In a …
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| I used to be a text only web designer, but I got bored and lernt how to use photoshop. The banner is made by my friend, …
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| Here is a guied telling you how to build one your self …
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| Theres a fire neare where I live, and I cant go help kill it. Cant wait till next year when I will be able to though ^_^
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| Im working on a site for www.anomalix.com I was thinking make it so that someone with a high enough user level had an …
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| I wake up this morning, roll over and turn the TV on. I switch to the only decent channel to watch some cartoons, and …
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| Whats your opinion when you start going out with a girl or guy. Do they have to look good or do you take it as an added …
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| I some how deleated the HIMEM.sys file on my mum and dads comp. Im thinking re-install windows again but Im not sure if …
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| Im currently planning on amking a BYOND Forum Spin off and then add some more options to it like more themes ect. I …
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| Anyone wanan give me a link to some funny sites? Or somthing to do?
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| Look at its site: http:// www.kooringal-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ *whips up somthing fancy looking and shows it to them*
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| Im going to start learning somthing new because DreamMaker, HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL wont take me far in the computer …
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| Could someone link me to some good DMCGI tutorials? Ive looked at Nadrew's but I want some text explaining things not …
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| Any one think this is real? http:// www.nintendods4free.com?ref=1000000483 Go there, and sign up and we shall see
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| Im making a BYOND related site out of bordem and and I was woundering if it would be ok to use the icon Byond have as …
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| First of all, it doesnt render CSS proplerly Go here in FireFox(or someother standards compliant browser), and then try …
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| Ive written a HUD based char creation system, its nothing fancy just click on somthing and it will take you to another …
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| Ive been thinking of ways I could run DreamSeeker at school in lunch time. Heres what Ive got so far: Run the setup …
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| Ive been thinking of ways to make a decent DB/Z game. And after reading all the posts on the forum about it I think I …
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| It would make turf making a lot easier if the IconEditor in DreamMaker had a spray tool. Could this be inclueded in a …
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| I think it would make the forums much cleaner/accessible if they were viewd as a flat forum style (Shows the topic of …
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| Its a Perl Drum set (standered 5 peice (not counting cymbals) set) In extreamly good condition and I got it for 250$ …
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| Say I wanted to make it so people could tell if a game I made was up from my site how would I go about doing this? …
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| Im bored and have nothing better to do, so im giving away orkut gmail invites. Any one want one? reply with your email …
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| I was browsing through the contens of one of my old hard drives and found the site I made for an old game of mine …
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| I have finally gotten a domain for my site so my forums are up permanantly, the address is …
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| I have recoded some forums and need some people to rate them. The address is www.smoko.no-ip.org . You will have to …
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| Please rate my forums, their located Here Post your opinions here so I can make them better
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| I havent been able to log back onto the forums I signed out yesterday. Im using Fire Fox, when I click the Login button …
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| So far I have this: '; $header = mysql_fetch_row (mysql_query ('SELECT `value`, `value2` FROM `misc` WHERE `name` = …
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| Anyone used it yet, I think its the best Database management program ever
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| I made a new site layout yesterday, Its a bit plain and needs improving. Feel free to give your opinion. Thir will be a …
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| I've been thinking about making an Open Source RPG for BYOND, and I thought about the Zeta Rip stage and thought about …
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| What should I use WinAmp or Windows Media Player?
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| Ive been planing and coding little bits of an RPG with a side on fighting system, (kind of like the old mortal combat) …
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| Ive started working on a site called The Dark Realm's, Ive only uploaded the Title page and the forums (non PHP BB, PHP …
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