| Back when I joined in 1999 I was 12. BYOND really got me into programming, even though I sucked at it. Now I work with …
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| Hey i stumbled on this game while bored... http:// www.thestylemachine.com/ownage/ its fun when you play on hard.... but …
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| awwww c'mon if u wanna play a REALY GOOD strat game (darkness and my opinion anyway) play artifact …
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| Bwahaha all ya newbs.... i've been here since 12/28/99 haha as i say in all the games i play.... stupid n00bs... :P …
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| Anyone play the game artifact? couse I know darkness and i play it to gether alot xept i take breaks and he doesn't …
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| I have been with Byond for like 2 years(12/28/99) longer then practicly everyone on byond and the people are ok but …
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