| So white men can dance? Or was he just a black man wearing a white suit?
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| Meh, Half-Life 2 is highly modable, do the indie developer doesn't need to buy a licences untill the full product is …
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| Don't know how that happened >.> I was watching Shawn of the dead, untill the stream messed up and it started over.
10 |
| But my laptop is for computing and my TV is for movie watching. Hell, my TV isn't even wide. I don't think it is better …
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| Why not have them as the same application? Why split them?
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| Something like CLS in dos? Not a bad idea, but a good few return breaks could produce the same effect.
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| Wow, I almost want to get that at work... just to see our 20 or so networked printers go crazy... but that would be …
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| Lookin good. How about the dope space ghost? Wouldn't take that much work. I really like this CSS, far better than …
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| Wow, you like totally convinced me. Not. This thread is about mac sucking, it is about mac commercials being too smug …
18 |
| Yota, doc is a Microsoft "Closed Standard". It is not plain or laided out. They actually try to make it hard for other …
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| Meh, life will get better... or it wont. Either way, it will go on. Best be a scab on society untill you are removed …
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| I wonder about the lightsaber scenes. They might come of as uncreative and overdone. They are embedded with other …
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| "Star Harbor Nights" by Alexandra Erin Isn't that Lexy? I seem to remember her writing something with that title? …
5 |
| Pfft, those don't adhear to the *.3 standard system... Not that *.3 means anything, it hasn't ment anything since the …
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| Once again, they are reinventing the wheel when the old one as functioning great. I will keep my OpenOffice, thank you …
15 |
| Well, my first instinct is to check your host file. Search C:\Windows\ for a file with the name host or hosts. Open it …
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| No, what you are talking about is a flaw in current spoken English. As far as law goes, facts are different based on …
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| Couch and video game tester, preferably at the same time. Also, a game programmer, but something tells me that is not …
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| Trillian is an instant messanger client that handles most IM protocals. This inclues AIM, Jabber, MSN, Yahoo, and …
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| When I was helping you lastnight, one of the examples I typed boy.proc.think(), but caught myself and fixed it. I think …
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| Du'wat' now? My process was close to what he had, but lacking many details. I just guessed based on how my browser …
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| I don't like hearing the "It used to be good, but now it is bad" argument because it was always bad. I watched it as a …
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| It is handy to be able to do anything you need to on any other OS without having to reboot or something. I run win98 in …
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| If it can do jabber, yes, if it can't, no.
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| I think the behavor should be switched, clicking on it comes up in a new window, shift+click replaces the old one.
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| Gotta love simple solutions. One of the great things about FireFox is that it's strong profile base allows for great …
3 |
| Hmmm, interesting sign, but it is lacking something...Oh, a cat in a dress and a wheelchair. You add those and I will …
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| Wireless is a good bit slower than wired, but not so much that it affects much. I can see the diffrence between sending …
26 |
| I liked it, but I know that if you hadn't played FF7 than you would probably be lost on most of the movie. I knew the …
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| I'm sure it was, my boss is an accountant, he is constantly doing things like that. He is crazy about saving money, he …
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| Wow, you really beat the pants off all of our crazy ideas.
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| True, but you could just make any input invalid if the move away from the shopkeep. Now I noticed that you where having …
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| I have it the 13-15 hour mark before. I woke up and the roof of my mouth was full of snot. I was sick and it was …
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| Wow, you actually saw music on MTV? They must have been filling their music quota for the month that day.
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| Wild: I have always heard otherwise. Most animals find the taste of human flesh to be repulsive, especially those in …
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| We have a simular service. Called Cricket. Probably the same parent company. The problem is, if you are outside your …
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| Another good thing to include is a "busy" variable. Generic enough that it can stop most actions from happening at the …
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| Heh, you should mess with his head. Leave a note on his desk with those screenshots saying "Come see me" and sign it as …
13 |
| SpyBot S&D: http:// www.safer-networking.org/ Adaware: [Big long download.com link] Between those two, you should be all …
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| Heh, I think I will let this one go. Only because he stopped. Also, I had no intensions on really do anything legal, …
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| This seems like a bad way to do it. This would require an update of the PHP file every time you want to allow for a new …
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| That seems silly Crispy. It has been a long time since I have seen anyone who has a download cap, at least that low of …
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| Yes Hazman, I invaded Iraq. Me and the other American members went over there one weekend and took it over, too bad we …
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| Flick: That would be great. Another idea with saving, temp save each drawing after someone is finished in standard …
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| Well, unit selection and moving is hard. And in battles of 100+ units, things get slow, really slow. Wildblood has …
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| Yes, and I would expect Flick to be that way, he is a nice guy, but I was just telling Worldweaver that "So I guess …
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