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| digitalmouse wrote: > well unless you were born before August 1st, 1967, i would say... yes! What the hell. You are …
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| I hadn't done this for a while, and I should've made it longer, but this is a laste minute fiesta. Have fun with it. :) …
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| I really really wish that they trash Dr. Mario, Pichu, Young Link, Pichu and Roy. And Pichu too. Give Falco and …
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| I'd like to think I get around this "blogging" rule (Ugh, I hate the word "blog" so much) by filling it with mostly …
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| I have a bunchie picture but if I shared it I would be banned from the front page. Think about that for a while.
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| When it comes to opinion posts, as long as the poster so much as attempts to back it up with reasons or examples it …
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| If it was just renamed, would it have generated a new number? I thought they just changed it to Developer How-To and …
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| Oh man, the knee was so cheap but hard as hell to pull off. Tray-SEEE!
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| http:// www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20060529/pssig.htm And because the Japanese sucks when you don't read it, …
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| Doesn't that work with any number between the 127 and 1? Like, or, etc. I remember hearing …
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| After thinking about it, I guess the point of the ranking system is what is "in", or most popular at the time. It …
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| Dream Maker? Heck, I did it in Notepad. Find/Replace "f" with a blank space. Removed the blanks, and then find/replace …
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| If I recall correctly, that was just an experiment of his to see if it would work. The Dragon Warrior icons were more …
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| It's oddly comforting to know that I'm not the only one in a shitty situation at this time. :/
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| ...Really? They do? Where does it say that?
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| No, I did not know that. If I ever get a cat again, I will want to try that.
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| And people call you the troll, Garthor. Wow. It's like people have an inability to shut up if there's the tiniest …
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| It all started when a new person moved into the neighborhood. With the rivalries of the Ze and the Tarips mafias coming …
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| HAHAHA. This is beautiful!
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| You're becoming a priest?
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| ...Then I'd be broke within the week. :( Give me my unlimited services!
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| Well, if you want to get REALLY anal, he said "send it to me". Singular, like how he used MP3. Lyrics is plural, so he …
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| Oh. Well, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that some people will prefer the free alternative to something even …
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| It looks like it. I don't really know what breed it is but I heard they didn't get much bigger than that.
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| ..... Um... Well, just because a game has a particular rating doesn't mean that it ought to "fill out" everything that …
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| Haha. Is that Sky Lancer, Zeifer? I've got a quote from him long ago that I can recall from memory. Sky: If you …
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| ...That you really don't need it, but only if you've never had it. My room is rather messy. My computer is worse. At my …
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| The geniuses that are the call center employees at Eircom, my internet provider, canceled our service a month earlier …
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| According to a Google search, the song is "Call On Me" from Eric Prydz.
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| 926? Edit: I appeared first in the list when I checked it, so Byond likes me the most. :)
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| It sounds like you're fishing for someone to respond with "permadeath". I don't see what else can be done with a …
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| Didn't you have 61 fans the other day? You're dropping!
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| What Elation said may have been harsh, but it wasn't a contentless source. He was basically making fun of you for …
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| Welcome to the world of MMORPGs. :) As long as progression is kept varied and entertaining fewer people will want to …
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| But you blew yourself up in Star Trek: Nemesis! How are you here!?!?!?
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| Do people really use the support form more than once a day? :o
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