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| Do you really think many people here are intelligent enough to reverse engineer, though? (No offense meant)
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| http://news.zdnet.co.uk/ internet/security/ 0,39020375,39183106,00.htm Whatddya think now? (I was told to post this by …
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| Phoenix Man wrote: > Yeah, DanTom. What is the BYOND sourcecode like? It looks like code. > How does it work? You …
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| Kaga-Kami wrote: > MySQL is easy to setup and use with phpMyAdmin. A program cannot dislike someone, a computer cannot …
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| I know, I know. :P. The woman did that so she can see the man again. I've heard it too many times before, so I KNOW …
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| This idea sounds good, :P. You should DEFINATELY go with the AI, because, like said before, it'd make it..Unique. :P.
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| Razor52 wrote: > thats not a bad idea, but i think using passport would be simpler and as to cloggin my email, theres …
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| It's probably a bad copy. I've heard of people receiving bad copies of XP (often, pirated versions, of course).
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| Sariat wrote: > Jermman wrote: > > What has happened to all the oldbies, I just reilised from that counterstrike thread …
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| I just went ahead and ran it through a translator, and edited it just a BIT to make it make sense. I came up with this: …
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| OMG WTF. It's Lenox! That looks..just horrible..doesn't it? lol
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| Ah, I've tried, but my router is causing problems (It's completely blocking port 80). I like that picture though, it …
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| Elation Wrote: > Of course it's the answer to life. > > What, are you going to be telling me that Dolphins are Mice and …
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| Elation wrote: > Garthor's 16? > > So he was 15 all this time? > > Woah, I'm 15. I don't have much time to achieve …
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| Elation wrote: > I think I could clear up the hub in around 3 hours. > > Any bets? [Wonders who Elation is] $5 says you …
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| Malver wrote: > Personally, I've put a lot of work into my BYOND games and still don't feel that any yet deserve me to …
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| Kunark wrote: > Just because they made BYOND, doesn't neccisarely mean they are the best programmers on it: Technically …
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| Wizkidd0123 wrote: > Instead of an authentication code, IMO, it would be much simpler to just have it give the player …
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| http:// snowflakes.lookandfeel.com/viewflake.php?id=5658330 Pwnt. :P
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| GokuDBZ3128 wrote: > Lol. Oops. Well, this is inspiring me to make a zeta translator. Hint: Type in "I R z3t@ …
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| OR, If you send me a new CD-RW, I'll host for you. :P. (My Redhat CD #1 is corrupt, I need to replace it :P)
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| Kunark wrote: > EAT??? How about SNORT! Eh? Now it's war :P. Real men snort Shaving Cream :P
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| Crispy wrote: > Um, yeah. An X-rated taco. Oh the humanity. =P > > Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that! =D …
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| Well, good point o_O. They could just use Advanced Find/Replace and replace the comments with spaces, but the point was …
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| I replied to one of Ter13's post with my l33t sp33k! It really does seem wrong, oh wait, I thinkg I saw *SOME* credit …
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| lol, you MUST be a nerd, eh? I am as well, a nerd(I call myself it, so does everyone else for these following reasons:) …
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