| I had to pay 18$ bucks for a membership now!? Why the heck did it go up?
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| I was interested in launching a BYOND-related site, and wanted to share my ideas with you guys for some input. My idea …
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| I'm still exploring the new site, and it's quite interesting. Good job guys, I might just renew my membership. :)
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| I am thinking about buying an EeePC, and instead of killing the SSD with EeeXubuntu, I'd rather install it on a SD card …
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| cameronbanga.com — That's what 4 college kids are trying to do this weekend. Starting at 5PM CST, these guys will try …
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| For Windows XP? For Free? I need something for my college class that can record the instructor.
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| Don't really feel like renewing my membership. There's not much of a point to it. I'll see you guys still on the forums …
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| Is there a list of commands the DreamDaemon can use? For example, if I wish to startup a world, and then how would I …
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| What are some good Nintendo and Super Nintendo games? [No "illegal" links please.]
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| I recently have been watching youtube videos of some of the "hardest" Mario hacks. Some which have been claimed as …
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| http:// wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/gutsy/ wine_0.9.47~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10- 1_i386.deb Could someone please …
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| I have recently "acquired" an mp3 song, it plays perfectly in my music player, but I do have a huge problem. For some …
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| Perhaps DreamSeeker can run some kind of test when people try to host, if it can't get a connection back to the world, …
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| Great strides have been taken since the last WINE release, we were able to come up with a few workarounds for the …
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| Am I doing it right? :P Each planet of mine had about 1,000 Fighters, 350 Crusers, and 50 Dreadnaughts. I practically …
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| Does anyone know how much space (in MB / GB?) the 26 episodes of SIGN take up? I want to transfer the DVDs onto my DS! …
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| I need to use one of the trial versions for one of my college classes. Does anyone have a link to it? (I do not want …
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| Worst movie ever. Worst ending ever. It was like Dead Rising in a grocery store! :X
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| Can we have a command to use with menu items (like .reboot, .screenshot) to close the current DS window, and then …
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| In my next game I'm making, the map takes up the whole screen. When the players maximize it, it only stretches NORTH to …
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| I want to start a project with someone, but this will require both of us to make rather radical changes to code and …
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| I wish to get a DS, wish to know the following. 1) Can you emulate Playstation 1 games on the DS? 2) Can you emulate …
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| I wish to create a roleplaying engine somewhat like Tabletop, but with a lot more features, and the ability to have a …
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| I hate iTunes now. I wish for an alternative that features DRM-free music. I mostly listen to Christian Rock, so it's …
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| Applicable Configuration: BYOND Version: 411.976 Operating System: Windows XP Web Browser: Firefox Game/Hub(s): Dream …
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| I know this has to be one of the easiest features ever, so why not add it? It's a hassle selecting all of my labels and …
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| I've ran quite a bit of testing with the new 4.0 and WINE, and have gotten it up to par, to where most everything …
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| Important Poll, please vote.
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| I would love to see the interface look like this... The ability to have our windows in folders? The ability to move a …
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| Create forms with inputs using windows!
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| Im trying to track down this old game. The only thing I remember about it was, the second "stage" was some kind of evil …
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| Got a little question for you guys, not anything important, but still interesting. In a game that is heavily populated …
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| I remember seeing a site on digg a while ago that focused on a variety of language, where users could submit their own …
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| I've read the reference about MapColors() and am very confused. How would I go about setting an icon's alpha values to …
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| I want to learn Java. I looked at a few simple tutorials that focused on command line. I made a few simple applications …
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| Just found out about this awesome javascript libary that lets you make web based guis with like 3 lines of code! …
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| Tiberath wrote: > Flame Sage wrote: > > But I really want to move into PHP 24/7, I've already made quite a few cool …
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| Is there any way I could possibly improve on this perfect masterpiece? :) What can I do to make it look... normal?
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| I have my web server laid as followed. / usefulfunctions.php index.php test/ (directory) /test/ …
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| Is there such a thing? How do I use it?
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| Everything you see right there works. I can make forum posts, reply to forum posts, all by using a database :) I …
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| I have various .php documents, mostly handles for sessions. Is there a way to combine a "login html page" with the php …
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