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| After a really long time of messing with this code off and on, I've come to what I think is the fastest possible …
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| Most efficient way to keep world.log in a file AND in host output.
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| I'm getting this error message when I try to run a dmb in trusted mode on my own ubuntu box as root BYOND Error: …
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| What is byond's stance on this? I got a page on my pager, it was an AD.
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| The partly submerged in water effect (or in large grass effect, for example) is accomplished by making the bottom half …
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| It seems that Dream Maker is holding on to a memory or cache for maps and if those maps are modified outside of Dream …
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| Has anyone ever tried creating a modular plugin based ai system? Did you like it?
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| http:// www.secretsofgrindea.com/ So what do you do when you find something that has way more money, man power, …
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| It would be great if we could get a TRACE() function that you can call on an object to start tracing its proc calls …
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| Double clicking on an image file in the dream maker object tree will open in windows when it is detected as being too …
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| Now that BYOND is migrating towards custom interfaces and in-map gui's, I have a neat little trick that will help speed …
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| What is the recommended or "generally agreed upon" coding convention in DM? My two guesses would be Java per Oracle, or …
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| When you start a process with & at the end, it allows you to do other things and leave that process. But what do you do …
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| This should be accessible by remote clients using the .debug profile command. So even if host is on linux or windows or …
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| The title speaks for its self. If I'm testing my BYONDexe client, and then I find a bug and I want to profile. I have …
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| Dreamseeker for iOS, BYOND for eternity?
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| Request for a hub based whitelist. Need a way to prevent clients from downloading resources at connection level by just …
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| 1. How can we white list people on linux with cfg/ folder? 2. How can we prevent an unwanted client from downloading …
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| Do you miss building an exe from within Dream Maker?
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| An article on how to speed up Forum_Account's Dynamic Lighting library.
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| I'm wondering how i can get the dm code style formatting on my own website mob icon = 'file.dmi' var example = 0 …
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| Before you code, think. Before you write, read. Before you speak, listen. Before you comment, reflect. Before you …
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| Which method of looping through list contents is faster?
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| There are some pretty lengthy pager conversations that get stored up on the web interface and there's currently no way …
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| It has come time to create a moving platform datum in my game and I am interested in hearing some ideas on how to …
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| maptext turns 1 year old.
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