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| Final Fantasy Online by Gakumerasara.
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| Lady Nightstalker wrote: > Aww poor Killer...ask Puppetboy, he's really generous, he bought me my membership :D …
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| If you don't like it, then why did you take it? x_X
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| I've heard rumors that a new Rambo is in production. Sylvester Stallone is 60, and he still keeps it going.
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| JIHAAAAAAAD! *kills SilkGames* Alllalallalallaaaa!
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| Thus, seconds before I die, you'll be able to tell me when I die! You're hired!
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| It's called "Flicka", by the way. Not "Aflick". :)
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| People should realize that their background makes them who they are, and not the color of their skin. I hate it when …
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| TheJester wrote: > This man: > http:// www.pyromanuniversity.com/games/zelda5/boss/ volvagia.jpg It won't let me …
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| Silent Sage wrote: > Axerob, pie isn't 3 dummy. You're absolutely right. Pie is blueberry.
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| I saw your entry on the forums. Looks pretty good.
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| Oh no, they actually want you to work in school. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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| Tiberath wrote: > To be honest, I'd rather a bullet in my brain. Amen.
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| Now just think of all the cases that haven't been caught...
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| I'm crying. Really, I am.
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| Results 1 - 10 of about 16,300,000 for Dr. Hood. (0.29 seconds)
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| I was at a store a few days ago and I noticed something strange: When Halloween decorations are out, so are the …
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| Woo, this sounds like a great idea. Hope it turns out.
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| Well, that's that. Time for a new RPG to settle in. *points to Acheron's Awakening*
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| I just got back from seeing "World Trade Center" with my girlfriend (she just left for home). I've never been moved …
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| Happy Birthday. Don't get too incoherent with those adult beverages.
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| Congrats to you and your fiancée.
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| Happy Birthday and welcome to legal adulthood.
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| What's that, Yeller? Timmy is trapped in a well?! OH NOEZ.
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| Holy shit. I've been waiting for this for awhile. I love this series! I've read the Sword of Truth series through …
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| Impressive how idiots perservere in trying to get what they want, after being denied several times. Sometimes you …
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| I wonder...do people that buy and wear ripped jeans believe that penguins are evil? DUN DUN DUN! :O
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| Welcome to the community. Enjoy your year-long membership! :D
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| You've got some alright beginning flash experience. Keep it up. (Member of Newgrounds.com since '03)
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| Well, finally. I've subscribed to BYOND. Since my 18th birthday, I was able to create a checking account at my bank, …
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