| Hello Prost, Thank you for showing interest in the game. But first of all: Could you send us a link to the anime hub? …
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| We got Mist back as our 24/7 host so it won't be needed anymore. But, if you wish to host, be active and apply on the …
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| http:// pokemonredsteel.proboards.com/ index.cgi?board=bannedkthx&action=display&thread= 1554 Fill that out here: …
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| http:// pokemonredsteel.proboards.com/ index.cgi?board=bannedkthx Make a post there following the format please.
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| Make an account on the forums and apply here following the format: …
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| Himoj, the only way to get unbanned is to proof your wrong in a Ban Appeal on the forums which Mattz_2 gave you the …
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| Again, wrong place. Follow these steps: 1. Make a forum account. 2. Go to this link: …
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| 1. Wrong place. 2. No form. 3. Forums are for unbans.
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| Good grammar is a must. Typing like that? No thanks... If he would improve his spelling, it would be fine. But this …
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| I looked through the ban list but I can't find your key in there... I'll do a second search when I got time... In the …
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| Wohoo. Became a Fan :3. Now to increase my rank here to then next level!
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Dec 24 2011, 3:45 am