125 Games Live! [Beta: ShowHide webclient]
Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.
95Roadkill, Ace_White, Anewbe, AngorySkaven, Ann Lynx, Annonibad, Areanes, Atttack, Axidy, Balofo4321, BetaAf, Bilary, Blaizeup, Blisteryearth, C0rp53, Calvindoyl, CaptainFwiffo, CharlesCM13, Chatauscours, Chelovecheck, Comka, Common House Plant, Cool shrimp, Costeau, CurtainsCalling, DanzaiEnthusiast, Deidrah23, DemoCrack, Desmet, Deyalord, Digitalattack, Doomvoyager, DukeDuki, DungaZ, Evilshadow44, ExpGatherer, FalloutRooster, Felixfelicis, Fromoriss, GhaeBoi, GreggoryJones, GregorySmash, Hahafunnyname, Henryu, Hermotimos, HuronBlackmore, HydrQ1, Iceman376, Ihatethisengine2, Joe Lampost, Jr2300m, Julius Augustus, Kalezebubba1, Karmoth42, Kenaboss, Kep14, Labeo0, LandoPleys, Lenny Greenawalt, Leshens, Lolvax1, Lorator, Luscao, Madssssssss, Mangosaft67, MattAtlas, MaxwellWeber, MetroSlackin, MisterMoon, MonkeyMan901, Mr Felon, MrOzaTV, MysteryChest, OldGuard, Oracle255, Osekiel, Paisley Park, Paperbirch, Poggamer21, Poisonforwin, Prophetb1, Psyduckxoxo, Pucufix, Raise_my_Paycheck, Reunification, RodimusBodimus, Rogueguy, RussianArmsDealer, Samual Johnson, Sapper212, Seabass390, Sexmaster, Sg2002, Sillybillysilly, Sir Meat-Magnet, Smithingson, Smokeych3353, SolidFury7, Spaceboi13, Spikespiegel00, Spycam, StephenNelson, Stryker764, Surimi, Sushnostb, SvenRo, Taco907, Taromaruslay, Teh Weirdo, Tharinoma, ThaTaxman, Theakboyy, Thebignoodle, Thebleh, TheGamer01, ThirdEyeRaptor, Tobias_reaper, TortoiseGaming, Trenchant, TrollerNoob, Ugnip55, Unknownity, Veglok, Walterariace, Wenlock_The_British_Hobo, WizardreousWalrus, Wolf_Dood, WolfOrion, WolfRUS, XtremeSavageXD, Zyrus0, 60 private
[ MonkeStation 2.0 - Now with 100% Free Lag. Medium-Rare Roleplay.
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium-Rare]
Time: 00:04:38
Map: Pubby Station
Alert: Blue]
Logged in: 107 players
[See list]
05-Command, Absolucy, Adefsas, Antlers, Arsen45, Av4l0n, Banement, Big_boss_crate, Butcer, Carry_ua, CinzaFalso, Clancer, Crusaderthe1, Daftfiddle, Darius Mcmullen, Deathmax14, DevinXoptoh, Divulf, DoctorPacman, DongyDongler, DozLocke, Eacles13, EndNick, Everythingwastaken, Fallen1220, FireballFlamer, GenericAndSafeUserName, Gentleman Destroyer, Gregorio_Zeppeli, Halfaplum, Hallifiskur, Highlander3BW, Higiro, Iamcooldan, InfernalNull, JesusKristinus, Jonathan.Woods, Judgement Bird, Justin hugo, Kill3rgames, Lahel42, LemiwinkstheThird, Lokedf, MaddieJV, Malgover, Mikisx1234, Mikt4743, Mr_CodeE, Nirmiii, NoHomoBro, Noice boi, Not kiwi2, Nullance, Pirotika, Plejek, QuarianCommando, Redemptionarc, RipperPond, Sanslesquellete, Seinte, Semi normal protogen, Shadyyy, Shawtylikeamelody, Shodd, Siff, Sniverrs, SpeebusDaGeebus, Steel_dragon_5, StomaticFlea, Supergamer215x, Tasso, The slopper, The Trollinator, Timoxa325s, Undercoverism, VerdantSun, Vitzenhauzer, Whiskey4, Wormygirlud, 28 private
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Main — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
01:48:14, Red
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 84 players
[See list]
Abobovec, Admiral Dugall, Alexander Yurievich, Arachno_communist, Astrabel, Bazooza, Bebibura, Broodjeh, Buravchik, CEH9, Creel, Dageavtobusnick, Dartact, Darth Toaster, Demonisimo, Doctor324, Doctor_seks, DumkaTheSlav, EarlDP, Faflomion, Foxy62, FromBlood, Fry Duncan, Ginelow, Graymaxsoon, HappyRazery, Her_ying, Holy Cookie, Hooohooo123, Jezzail, KIllya343, Kitten228778, Kitters_715, Kkameoth, Kolarded, KoLBlack, LoHarcA, LostCrusader, Lurcat, Maks_Katamaran, Miliy_shark, Mirakk, Mishvat, Mitgu12, Mmustt, NEFORMAL2, Olegart, Paradox322, Parfum77, Pbl6a, Phistashka, Randy_Chance, Ren Saybere, SaltEater, Samoirofu, Sergeroy2001, SirSlyFox, Star_Bun, Targon38, Tinyti, TOPTUKASA, Urij2123, Vesterlim, ViRuSS13, Vitalcase, VoxPopulis, Wizq5070, X0XOJl, Xomazub, XPAS, Xrustakk, 13 private
Adefsas, AmericanToxic, BlackKeeper, Blargenth, Bmon, Boidca, BrickTheHooman, Build_R_, Chimist23, Computer_Player, Crazybawrks, Dafrek, Dancake, Derppudding404, Des4n, Destrucnope, DizzySweet, Dzhmbzh, EmeraldCandy, Englishformula, Finlaypatrickduffill, Freakycrafter, Fungliosis, GCGunther, Genizius, GuardianHellHound, Haydenredacted, Homtoh, HOMYGOODNESS, HZ60_, IDTia, Iramoye, JellyBeanerz, JoogdamanA, Jubjub126p, Kamachamaeleon, Kenumdrum, La Frog, LazyBatman, Lemon375, M_papi, Madman_Tony, Marginalorb, Mbreton101, McSkeeter, Nexeron94, Nitrogenstardust, Nonamee6, Nuggy, Piespylied, Pumpkin312, Sanicv63, Sarjastic, Sarodinian, SirCuddlebottom, Slybirdz, SoulScarab4, Syber_Sid, Tectuu, TheCosmicGoblin, Thepancakes1234, TheSardele, VoxalofBlood, Winterprision, 27 private
Adertm, Alkheim, ArcTec, AverageBeyondPlayer, Baldasbaldgets, BLUESMURF9111, Bogit, Box20, Cheetos13, ChristianDenDanske, Coolgreenbo, DiamondAries13, Diegoflores31, DogoDober, Dr . Oof, Dr_Kfromchanged, Dumplingsz, Eli-Te33, Emanuel_hes, Eshkinkot, Frenchmann, Gale526, Gallianrecon, Grubble, GungisGrand, Hahaomg, Hardbass mcgee, Holty, Icy5, ImpendingVoid, Jack_Macklin, Jakers457, Johnjc, Kadirbaba, Kind soul, Lenyokura, Lucky Cobra, Maaanor23, MetalScholar, NeGne, Noobsky Boi, NoTimeForLove, NurgleMachine, Parterpator, Quitartist, RavennIsHot, Rushhb72, RussianSus, Sartorius7, ShirouAjisai, Smrtnosni, SpiderFriend, Spooky696, SteelShanks, Sulaboy, SurfinGriffin, TagGamerGame2, ThCommodore, TheMysteryBox, TheSmithClan, Vaheliex, Wgtjunior743, Willcutt, 34 private
Aimilios, ApollosLights, Bobjask, Boltersam, BoryaTheSlayer, Bowlofcereal, BurgerMancer, Cade1op, ChickenDoesScratch, Corydagoat, Dead wulf, Dismasofamerica, Drgnfire, Dumbdumn5, Eethir, EmilyFontaine, Excavis, FrostN, Gauchoblues, Gentlemanly Headcrab, GreenishBeanish, Greggbot, Grryn, HavenInTheHeaven, Heimy, Horatioat, IsaacSalvor, Itus, Lorilili, Loulz, Lutowski, MaSvedish, Maze456, MegaMagicMageMan, Mr. Skelly, Mus_Cogitabat, NecBROmancer, Necronyte, NeggyNeg, Ocelottt, Odisurin, OmegaTracing, Potatocrip, R9b1t, RebelFarming, SageOrlando, Savoryrex, Shadowww, Smuggytheone, SolaAqua, SoreYew, Taliyah of the Boreal Valley, Tekoro, Trash_Witch, Wolfmoy, Xuvari, Yellowbandit55601, 56 private
[ [RU] BlueMoon — Not So Dynamic Space Sector] ( (WL-Discord)) (18+)
[18+] Russian modified S.P.L.U.R.T.! Hosted by SmiLeY!
[Delta Station, green alert, 69 playing]
Logged in: 69 players
[See list]
1DarkWater1, AbyssMaelstorm, AFTLX, AlexsanDOOR, ARZUMATA, BauntyFT, Borisovych, CupTeaZee, DaCookieTe, Dakone22, DastinD, Dbdzx, DevilDeadSpace, Dimofon, DireFelis, DrWolfgang, Episode, Faltay, FamousInvisible, Farrellka, Grey_Gunner, Hardbass228, Iveess, Ivelair, Jhin Handa, Just Mouse, KolhoznIIk, Konsol, KrutoyZ, LiChFail, Medet2008, Memeholder, Mixalic, N2k_, Nai1ten, Omantis, Oroshimura_Iori, Pingvas, PochkaPonchika, Randevi, Ron528, RuleserCri, Saser141, Sc1de, Scrambles_cream, SgtDavidson, Shcil, Silverfox_Paws, Silyamg, Stasdvrz, Toshick, Ty4ka.Ha.Hebe, Victor_poplavsy, Vlonger, Whiskeyishere, 14 private
ABoxFox, Aisu9, ALIEN_108, Altickium, AlvCyktor, Amelora, Azinar, Biosm, Bob Cool, CprlEvergreen, Diesel0, DNApe, Draculion, Dudewithatude, Friday_Remada, Gearsin, Ghostof93, Gmgaraz, GuessAgain_II, JimBlob, Karbe, KarimXZ, Kegdo, KriegsmarineOffizier, Lil Cerberus, MadlyEvilWaffle, Mr mimewide, NotChazzed, O0frost0o, PhazeJump, Phoenixx0, RadarStatic, Raytonku, SeriouSarius, Shucky, Sirob, Snajper202, Somememeguy, SRQ, Stickydragon, Tactifool, Tatto_Moon, Tawaporah, Thesaltiest, Tryrex, Vanilla1040, Vhariik, XPokee, XXPawnStarrXx, Yanush, Zero the big boy, 45 private
AnnikaSwe, ARefrigerator, Butch_Flowers, Camper80, CountChoccy, Cynicalwhovian, Dazric, Dead wulf, DeenDoor24, Digdugxx, DrDogler, Everoth, Halb, Hmeister, InferNelKorzky, ItsFrybo, Jamsdrawers, Jariko, Javeliiner, Jobimbum, John_Im_Sorry, Johnoson, Keebo885, Kyrigen, Lord Preston, Meltharas, Minstar, N8-Toe, Nid42, Omegagachi, Ophaq, Pugly43, Ragnuv, Roui, Rylvokus, SacredMitosis, Sencer1930, SirMungoStyle, Skyglazer, Solar Powered Chinchilla, SpliTistiC, Superpilotboy, SweetRelish, Tamuren, ThatSlavicGirl, The unloved rock, Tr4shf1r3, TrustySycophant, William A. Smith, Yomorabbit, Yupup, 39 private
1vy, AnonymousWoman, Bartholomew057, BeardedSnake, DiscordWizard, DRD2021, Drifter 7371, Drunken Lombax, Enu, EvenInDeathIStillServe, Floggy, FreeStylaLT, HotelMoonstone, Investigator77, ItsCatTime, ITZSHIFT_YT, Jul Waters, Juuboo, Katty Kat, Lan_Choileach, Larry_Linguini, Lemonbird, Lord inquisitor plasmaman, Miriah, Muhsollini, Ollanius, Plexiant, Rebel0, Redoran, Rudew, Ryan180602, Sarknesss, SFox63, Shadowradar1212, Skiply, SLRaptor, Snek_the_great, Thedragmeme, Troontjelolo1010, Undard, Uniqueuser2, Whitewolftamer, Willmbrink, Xully, ZoeTheOrc, 8 private
Admiral_Lazuli, ArcanaObscura, Capesh, CassieCassadar, Chaplinslife, CobaltIngot, Darkinite, Diltyrr, DingusThe4th, DreadedReborn, DrpMstr, ErikaKeller, EsotericColourless, EtherealSalt, Flameofsparta, FloofyMomo, FlufflesTheDog, GlyphicSylphid, Jkeller098, JugoDeNarancia, Kare Rott, Lapey131, LukkaDa, Magentaformula0, MerlonFire20, Mongol Mangopv, Moonridden, PangolinStirfryLungJuiceCough, Phoenix_powder, PieDuck, Pyrodrgn, Ripik, ROASTEDPOTATO, Servious, Sketchy_Axoltol, Smokeyocity, Sneakonyou, Sunabo, Syalea, SyrupyThires, The Little Dragon, The Photographer, Troogini, 22 private
[ [EU] /tg/station Terry : hosted by /tg/station
Time: 00:11
Map: NebulaStation | Next: MetaStation]
Logged in: 42 players
[See list]
ABritishfox, Archimus, BingBong34, Bobbussus, Coolzmanz, Cyncerity, Dorkson0, ECKeeva857, Eigengrau4, FancyGourmet, FighterOfKeyboard, Iksxde, Illucient, Improvedname, JonatBender, JustAllTanks, KA2220, Kingwewuz, KiromaKa, Lipino7, Llaren Hlaalo, MiX195, MrAdriaxis, Qriminal, Radioprague, Redwizz, Rex9001, SasukexSakura1337, Sref-Fed, Trango1212, Trilinear, Vipex, ZealousZeke, Zemsta, 8 private
Allazarius, AnikiJunior, ElochkaIgolochka, Ericgame37, Evgen00751, Hlestkin23, HubaBub, I-Yas-I, Ignietferro, Jeckson, Karp123, Kenshy4420, KotikNarkotik, KyIie, Lady Rainicorn, Lotosov322, Mahdias, Mirrit, MlsKira, Naivo, NikitkaGame, One_of_NOOBS, Plum2000, PrPSmooth, ReaRea389, SarElam, Sarov, Tern0220, Toto-Xoma, ToxicCity, Vendetto_Vertuozo, Vergessen6366, Vladmar, Zinthos1, 20 private
[ Aurorastation: Heavy Roleplay Server — SCCV Horizon ( Forums): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~46 players, hosted by aurorastation]
Logged in: 46 players
[See list]
4000daniel1, AngryBoar, ASmallCuteCat, Cash7800, Charger10k, Decepter, Deridin, Dr_Trench, Dreamixpl, Greenjoe, Jasorn, JeffMomentRed, JuneauQT, Kanoyx, Kelnor, KingOfThePing, Loorey, Meh West, Michael2680, NerdyVampire, Noobling123, Not-a-Gonk, Oddbomber3768, Outboarduniform, Pedantic11, PierogiMan, RandomHomelessGuy, Sadkermit, SimpleMaroon, Sparta9002, TeslaBeam, Yoshifan360, 14 private
[ [SS220 |RU| Paradise - Black]] — ??? ????????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
0:12, Blue
[MedRP, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 41 players
[See list]
Chevapchichi, Danik_Aks, DarkFox4, Dogusu, DreamingRebel, DumbRedCross, Eros112211, Ferg2288, Grin_IDoL, GucciVence, HailFriends, Hydra59, Ingaverin, Ivelair, IvelinMeow, JlolyShxt, Kasatto, Kornev, Kustikplay, Maloitill, MiracleSpirit, Mrazixy, NaFty, P0n4ick, Qwzar21, RoninZA, Rozval, SemBen, Singsink, SpckNaDA, Totuku, 10 private
[ [US-Central] [MRP] /tg/station Manuel : hosted by /tg/station
Time: 01:24
Map: Ice Box Station]
Logged in: 46 players
[See list]
Admiral gigatron, AverageTaxPayer, BastardBlaster, Buffoilymen, Cencere, CoffeeDragon16, Couturier, Dawnseer, EnterTheJake, Froggy0710, Gaarfield, Googa_simulator, Grammi, Illucient, Ispiria, Jezzared, Korusho, Krookodilehunter, Mindustry, Moomcheese, Nickup9, Scott17, Stolz_4, Suede Falcon, The1stTyrant, TrustedTrustee, Tyaper, WarpedGlo, Xep, Xzero314, 16 private
AlbanilGaming, Bigboy1208, BurgerWithButter, ChonkyLord, Drakios, Edward Silverhand, FatherPineTree, Freackylad, Gaius_Frakkin_Baltar, Gearboxer1, Glowbold, Jamesbar12076, Jelliefishing, Juniyper, MankyLittleMan, Midnightradar, Mike was taken, Odyanii, Roman_Aramov, Solenoid, SpaceBean, SuperBongoTime, Telareti, Thepersonwithnoname, Theriph, War_Sometimes_Changes, Xenomni, Xzxwm123, 21 private
1Moth2, 2Bro2B, 4mnesty, CokeUser, Darvin008, DeltaRayx, GermanRUS, Herbalist, Jockerge, JollyRojer, Junger Fuchs, JustHumanz, KuMarKet, LEMON4K, Lolkyrylkorol, Noonar, PoroKuru, Red_Lizzzard, Stombr, Tololert, VaiNeuro, VeryBadVirtue, 7 private
Achap, Axeman51575, CptAzure, Dijks, Eluxor, EmpressEri, ExaltCommander, Fisheater, Gusmal, Hammerdan, Huskymaru, Joe4444, Lennyface Gaming, LordLoko, Memefist, Phantom_Cloaker, Sevatar27, Skateboreding, Spartan2548, Taumanta, The Dancer Of The Boreal, 9 private
68PROEB1001, Abs0lute_zero, Beestol, CheBukek, CuHgukam, Dedbro, Gvanter, KeiZet, KOH-I-NOOR, Mo3goed, MrBite, Nikita588, SonicEnergy, Surffering, Svetik_sk, TIkwah, Twixis, Wincant, 3 private
[ Psychonaut Station] — Türkçe SS13 ( Discord)
Time: 00:01
Map: Delta Station]
Logged in: 20 players
[See list]
Banditwithdrugs, ClasicMan, Diyabo, Farukes, Gozuken, Jefferson Thomas, Klashain, Kleonnv0, Odavardir, Revacholiere, RifkiAgabey, Sayhan, Sylaas, Tek Tasak MuZ, Uranuslu, Vekelma, 4 private
Aft2001, Bluisp, Durin the Deathless, Hollywoods3, Joeybob12, Madcraft47, Mailman T, NemoVI, Obsidian29, Oniondude, TekoTheTeapot, Torchwick, Witchkit, Zwucky, 9 private
Asdfagi, CAOS_quackquack, DaCapox, KubeRoot, NachoMacho, Nikkideez, Pixelpoepleman, QuaintSun1, SuperPantsHero, Tango177, Tayloriguess, Twingo, Wikimody, Wrill, 7 private
[ [MRP] Pentest SS13 - A Shiptest based server — The Incineration Upsilon ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 19/150 players, hosted by Constell]
Logged in: 19 players
[See list]
Aliceee2ch, Blacklist897, Ed1749, FleetingExpertise, Frenjo, InfiniteGalaxies, Jmlop0, LordVonSepheron, PENTOVEX, Schmorgisborg, SimplySmiley, YoTava, Zergking, 6 private
AuRseS, Awers855, Gear5, HarveyZ, Hihimax, Kierri, OneBigDrop, Renard Queenston, SmokeND, Swing, Tatzelwurm, Yui Akana, Zaursus, 6 private
Bhset, Disco Paradox, Dogmanguy, Famara, Gboster, Jafun33, Mikafur, OodlesOfNoodles, SeniorFluffy3, The_Puppay, Xalox, Xiyi, 11 private
Agux909, CzHa, DealPhys, Demir pl, Gonzoman217, IFN Mccree, Inershal, Oompa_U, Passe2142, Richard The Rat, Space4, 7 private
Gabopwn, Ivan_The_Red, Kalaveras, Lucy Louve, Merrgear2, Peepeepeeter, PirateDave102485, Shromply, The32bitguy, Walterariace, WillieDog, 3 private
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Secondary — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
03:36:38, Red
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 17 players
[See list]
Bestiya, Dimempers, Fwtgf, Jack denials, Kannabis, Mecramem, Mr.mister33, Nechaev, Stelk, Vreditel, 7 private
[ Lobotomy Corporation 13] — It's management time! ( Discord)
Map: [Facility A-098 ALPHA]
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Logged in: 15 players
[See list]
[ [RU] Celadon Shiptest: Alpha — Chax Omicron ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 12 players, hosted by Voiko]
Logged in: 12 players
[See list]
[ NSV 13 | Official | MRP | 98% Free Lag | Spaceship Combat Server — NSV Reclaimer( Discord| Website))
Time: 00:05
Alert: Conditio]
Logged in: 10 players
[See list]
[ Offical Halo: Space Station Evolved (Med-High RP) — Geminus City ( Forums| Discord): reclamation, respawn, vote, AI allowed, hosted by BDpuffy420]
Logged in: 14 players
[See list]
[ [SS220 |RU| Paradise - Green]] — ??? ????????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
0:26, Green
[MedRP, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 5 players
[See list]
[ /vg/stationMedRP - Vanilla SS13 experience, no ERP, a classic server since 2012, 18+
Mode: Dynamic
Time: 14:43 | Shuttle: ETA 09:57
Map: Asteroid Station]
Logged in: 8 players
[See list]
[ [RU/EN] DARKNESS: The Collapse — (18+)
A lovely revamped bite from original Vampire: the Masquerade 13 creator.
Roleplay server set in World of Darkness universe.: hosted by BadTeammate]
Logged in: 6 players
[See list]
[ Baystation Wiki | Discord
Action Roleplay observed by One Huge Eyeball
Playing secret with 6 players]
Logged in: 6 players
[See list]
[ Iskhod — Nadezhda Colony ( Discord): mime, respawn, AI allowed, ~8 players, hosted by Ryuu-Chan]
Logged in: 7 players
[See list]
[ [SS13.RU] Animus (OnyxBay, Classic Space Station 13): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~6 players, hosted by SS13.RU Team]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ Shiptest 2b2t — Celadon Anarchy Realm — Sawal Xi ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 3 players, hosted by Voiko]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ Fallout 13: Big Iron — The Wasteland ( Discord)]
RP/PvP - Two Years Strong - Fallout for Normal People
[Central Pahrump, 3 players, hosted by Preston Garvey]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[ [RU]Coffeé colony - Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Default): guide, respawn, AI allowed, ~5 players]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
07:26:33, Green
Wiki, respawn]
Hosted by Userbaza
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ Fallout 13: New Reno — New Reno ( Discord)]
[18+] Take a trip to Nevada and see the New Reno arch! No ERP! Fallout RP!
[Reno, green alert, 1 player, hosted by me]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ Fulpstation] — Now with 100% more nanites! ( Discord)
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Time: [ 20:09]
Map: [ Theia Station]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ Sandstorm Station 13 - Main Safety Workspace LII] ( Sandstorm) (18+)
Extended with no random events.
[Box Station, green alert, 1 playing]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ Eldermoor
Dark Medieval Fantasy Roleplay
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ Yogstation 13] — Dive in Now: Perfect for Beginners!
99% Lag-Free | New Player Friendly | Active Community
Time: 01:26 | Map: YogStation | Alert: Green
[ Website]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[ Toolbox Station ( Forums| Discord)
Map: Box Station
Round Time: 4:13
-LRP, Newbie Friendly
-High Sec Standard
-Stun Based Combat]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
byond://BYOND.world.1951486765You will have to login before joining this game.
[ NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
02:59:59, Green
Wiki, respawn]
Hosted by Bobavich
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[fstation - Fresh, Fun, Fantastic! Refreshed fork of /vg/station.]
No players.
[Riviera Station 13 — OLD Space Station 13, those with certain sensibilities may find it hard to play here.]
No players.
[? Sussy Wussy UwU Nebula: Thicc Amogus Chungus Research & Copium Factory | Gigachad Sigma Male Grindset Division 69420 | No Retards?? vine boom POV: When the Impostor is THICC | Fisting & Blowing Research Facility | L + ratio + touch grass | [18+ R]
No players.
[TCPcommunitySS13 : hosted by TCPCommunity
Time: 00:02
Map: Ice Box Station]
No players.
[ Foxybar — Foxybar ( Discord)]
[18+] Simplified Furry ERP Space. Designed for socializing and lewdness. Drop in today! https://discord.gg/FYSksfduBn
[Foxy Bar, hosted by ARFS]
No players.
[ Polaris - Heavy Roleplay — Cynosure Station ( Default): extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by ss13polaris.com]
No players.
[ [UA] ELYSIUM — TTH Liberty ( Forums): extended, respawn, vote, hosted by yournamehere]
No players.
[ [UA] Sich.me Bay12 by LectorBlood — playing extended on ?SEV Torch with 0 of 1 alive
[ Wiki] [ Discord] [ Source]]
No players.
[ AuStation — Death-World Installation 85 ( Discord| Website): hosted by Mcterra
Time: 02:56
Alert: Blue
Players: 1/200]
No players.
[ Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Discord): jester, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Sojourn]
No players.
[ GearStation 13 [MRP/HRP] [99% LAG FREE] [NEW CODEBASE]
Time: 00:18
Map: Kilo Station
Alert: Blue]
Hosted by Sergeirocks100
No players.
[ Corestation — NLS Southern Cross ( Default): extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Zelds]
Hosted by Zeldazackman
No players.
[ Dwarf Fortress 13] DISCORD

No players.
[ Opal Station AU / NZ - opalstation.com
Map: MetaStation]
No players.
[ Citadel Station 13 - Main - Moon Academy Ten] ( Citadel) (18+)
Furry-friendly server with antagonists AND roleplay!
[Box Station, green alert, 0 playing]
No players.
[ Big Frog Party [TEST] — Enjoy your suffering, Drink Pepsi( World Server ReduxDISCORD)  : canon, ~1 lost soul, hosted by rd mlk zika]
Hosted by Rdlite
No players.
[ Stella Nova — ISEO Endeavour ( Discord): extended, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Hearth of Hestia staff]
No players.
[ Sojourn Colony — Nadezhda Colony ( Discord): guide, respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by yournamehere]
No players.
[ Urist McStation — Beginner friendly MRP set on a spaceship; playing traitor on ?ICS Nerva with 0 of 1 alive
[ Discord]]
No players.
[ Yawn Wider Station — Cryogaia ( Discord): 18+, extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by]
No players.
[ [ES/ENG] Astra] — NSS Cyberiad ( Discord)
[Paradise code] Servidor de Hispania, MRP con eventos y antagonistas! / Server from Hispania, MRP with events and antagonists!
No players.
[ RU/EN - ZeroOnyx - Inspired by 2022 OnyxBay
Focused on a mostly classic, controversy-free experience.
Everyone is welcome!
Learn more: about ZeroOnyx and FAQ]
No players.
[SS13.SU] Infinity RU ( Discord) A medium/hard RP server with modified Bay12 code.
Players: 1 | Mode: extended]
No players.
[ Artea Station Early Days (Discord!, Website!)
whitelisted, 18+, HRP, respawn, no silicons, overmap
Time: 15:31
Map: ALV Belryth
Alert: G]
No players.
[ ParaCode Test] — ??? ?????????
ParaCode Testing Server
0:19, Green
[Medium RP, varied species/jobs, Wiki]
Hosted by Subdrum
No players.
[ [RU] SS220 Paradise Extended eXperimental — NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
Modified ParaCode, full russian support, EXTENDED ONLY
15:47, Green
MedRP, all species, Wiki, respawn]
Hosted by RV666
No players.
[ [Immersive] MintStation (RU) — ( Apply!">Discord)]
[18+] Russian modified Nova! Hosted by Alma!
[Ouroboros, ~1 player, hosted by Phoenix404]
No players.
No players.
[Nebula base 13 : hosted by nebulabase13
Time: 00:42 | Time Dilation: 10413%
Map: MetaStation]
No players.
[MonkeStation 2.0 - Now with 100% Free Lag. Medium-Well Roleplay.
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [Medium-Rare]
Time: 00:06:30
Map: MetaStation
Alert: Blue]
No players.
[[RU]TG MassMeta : respawn, hosted by MassMeta Crew
Time: 02:58
Map: Delta Station]
No players.
[Andromeda [+18, MRP] : respawn
Time: 00:51
Map: MetaStation]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Vega — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
2:10:14:49, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
No players.
[ Shiptest — Leng Theta ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 47/200 players, hosted by ZephyrTFA]
Logged in: 46 players
[See list]
46 private
[LAMBDA 13] RU Civilization 13|1
Kapтa: Jungle Colony (00:00]
No players.
[ [RU] Lambda 13: Shiptest — Houseruled Fatimid City XVI ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, hosted by L-DEV]
No players.
[ Tau Ceti Unofficial 2019 (RU) — NSS Exodus ( site): bs12, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player]
No players.
[ White Dream TG: RU] SITE | DISCORD
No players.
[ CRXB-Industries Experimental — Shiptest ( IRC) ( Github)
Round Time: 20:49:37:]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 SierraBay — playing secret on NSV Sierra
MRP-HRP, Xenos Whitelisted
[ Wiki] [ Discord]]
No players.
[ Unga Marines | U.P.P. Talos
Map: Orion Military Outpost
Ship: Talos
Mode: Lobby
Round time: 00:22]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Skyrat Main — ( Discord)]
SFW, ??????? ????, Text-to-Speech, 533 voices
[SerenityStation, ~1 player]
No players.
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Cleo — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
No players.
[ Unofficial IS12:Warfare by Incitatus Team — WW1 But Terrible Edition ( Discord): STARTING, hosted by Incitatus Team]
No players.
[[US-Central] /tg/station Sybil : hosted by /tg/station
Time: 00:19
Map: MetaStation | Next: Ice Box Station]
No players.
[Adventure Mode — Sleepy Caves: ~5 players, hosted by Lir]
No players.
See http://www.spacestation13.com/
Commenting has been turned off since developers do not generally read HUB comments. Please, take all grievances, suggestions, etc. to the forum/forum thread of the SS13 version you are currently enjoying! There are currently no plans to sell the SS13 hub entry, please do not respond to such advertisements.
Version 13
Date added: | Feb 15 2003 |
Last updated: | Sep 23 2019 |
192412 fans