115 Games Live! [Beta: ShowHide webclient]
Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.
Aguia Vermelha, Animaux, ANZAC Spitfire, ATGiltspire, Bartholomew057, Bishopil, Blaizeup, Blisteryearth, CatbugWasTaken, Catzonwheelz, CCRWasHere, Cess183, ChampionDragos, Cjman93, Codabu, CommanderCrack, CoreDuality, CountNealcha, Crovus, Deadspacemkii, Drewstein, DungaZ, Dylisill, Edwarus, EternalTipper, Fisto, FloranOtten, Frank001, Gavin1222, Gelimackert, Grubstank, HailToCarnage, Hf80, HungryCricket, HuronBlackmore, Ibessas, Ica_not_lca, IMGXKILLER, JayBaez, Jaz Sunman, Jonpola, Lansaen512, Lenny Greenawalt, Leshens, LittleZezah, Lourendril, MadassS1, MarbleBomb, Medeelel18, Nationalpriority, NekoSam, Nighter_I, Noice boi, Nyoz, Obsdark, OlderMan, OnePunchRonan, Priziwnik, RangerYote, Rebalwithacause, Redgob, Reidskogar, Reunification, Reyblood, Rifleman_Chips, RogueRay, Rovernic, SaltDog76, SASoperative, Schwimmbadpommes, Seanlol092, Sgt.Podjigailo, Sheeplets, Silvercloud29, SmrtakCZ, Snooper44, SombraD, Swagaty_Swoot, Swagile, Tampopo22, TheBadPerson, TheeBiggest, Thespy24574, TimeSweeper, Tiopur, Tristis123, TRK18, UmbraLuna, Vahalian, Vending Machine, Willzadl, Zzzmike, 55 private
Alakaya, Animu, Ansui, Casteroki, Claybug, CojiroBly, Corpe, Cumgus-Sus, DiscordWizard, Divifest, Dogmanguy, Elytrathewyvern, Fuexisch, Genicto, GNX, Godsring, Gyrann, Herr-Alois, Hmeister, Humble Scholar, JgDarkWolf, Johnoson, Johnpawson, Jollykarla5, JonathanTheIII, KarateWizard, Leudoberct, Limbet, Loosenail, M83T45LZ, Mackrelhead, Maximus15, MegaMagicMageMan, Metro_Dweller, MuqtadaAlSadr, Murkyemu1, Mus_Cogitabat, Officialn30, Ophaq, Periplaneta, Pig30n, QuadDevil, Ragnuv, Rkhal6363, Saltspider, Shadowradar1212, Silverdale, Sizzlintea, Soulthrice1989, Soviet_Spy09, SpadeTheFloran, SpaghettiBirb, Stupid Unicorn, SuperiorSpecimen, TheChocoboLord, TheDoxtor, Throgan, Tomodagachi, Vandell, Xnine10, 58 private
Amsy2, Antipoofy, Apple Whisky, Arsemunster, Athir, BedframeBasher, Biosm, Bobert_Roberts, Bonirus, BurgerMancer, Cat348, CattyDanny, ChildrenOfTheSun, Choobman, ChrisPbacion, Courier2223, Crumpaloo, Derpypaws123, FrekingYOU, Friday_Remada, Gearsin, GoreDem, JimBlob, Joeled, KateAnbolho, Leathergnome, Lil Cerberus, Lunarcomets, MajesticManateee, MewChild, Mibmob, MrGloopy, O0frost0o, PhazeJump, RadiantFlash, Shasy, SidelSinister, Silver Steele, SingingSpock, Skadi999, Skycraft782, Snellie, Snowerystorm, Soap_eater2001, SonoFelice, SRQ, Ssscratches, Taliyah of the Boreal Valley, ThatJayMan, Twisteh, UnkleSanik, Vanilla1040, WellingtonSkellington, Wendellcold, Wiking, XXPawnStarrXx, 42 private
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Main — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
01:32:28, Gamma
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 62 players
[See list]
Aumsi, Avtobus.png, Bebibura, Belara, Buravchik, Cast_ass, CherTV20, Chromosome_Killer, Corde50, DirkRaccoon, Duck808, DumkaTheSlav, Ersgan, F0ll0WThrough, FantomAc, Foxy62, Georgebolder, HamInY77, Herobrine998, Ilyaqa, Infaselt, JinushiShido, Kitmoli, Kriss_morel, Lerionix, Lobshibsdik, Logul, LoHarcA, Maks_Katamaran, Narium_Nox, Natosaphix15, Neor4ik, Nikkers, Nilon, Oa_oska, Orbitemouse, ParanoiDd, Pro100tehb, Romanys22222, Rwellexion, S1nkey, Shizord, SolgeBrown, Stombr, StrollerST, Timgorand, TrueWorm, Useless One, VoxPopulis, Wolf1k, Yura540, Zaharik, Zloy_kotek, 8 private
AberrantQuerist, Araulius, Bakeun, Bedsheet, BekBurger, Blooddrun, BLUESMURF9111, BoorsLite, BURGERMANa, Cobalt Velvet 235, ComradeJoseph, Dinonuggiesarecool, Dirty Little Vegetable, Ed1749, Emanuel_hes, Flarenock Anders, GalacticOutlaw94, HackerHank, Hitecca, HukWasTaken, Icey0525, Icy5, Jaxorion, JingusSwan, KarlGustav, Laughingxp, Lokedf, Malphystoh, Monkepower394, Necronyte, NoNameWorks, Not kiwi2, Parterpator, Plejek, PottotheFisherman, Pugman899, QueenReduviidae, Ratkin, RoobToob, Sanslesquellete, Selu, SgtManGuy, Shablamo7, Silanus, SpeebusDaGeebus, Supernova160o, Thedragmeme, TheDukeo7, Visigothmommy, XiggiStardust, Yellows, 22 private
[ MonkeStation 2.0 - Now with 100% Free Lag. Medium-Rare Roleplay.
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium-Rare]
Time: 01:03:10
Map: MetaStation
Alert: Red]
Logged in: 93 players
[See list]
Absolucy, Agent_Cyan, Ariral, AyeRvt, Azura Chitin, Backstib, Bananaboi12, Chispaboby, Chocalope, Clancer, Cotor, Crosh76, Dogehava, DozLocke, ForbiddenKotori, Frapdaddy, Froggy0710, Gintoki418, Glyphee, Hallifiskur, Hippie.Treeman, Iamcooldan, Kittenplays, Leige_Boy2, Lucky Cobra, MaxiRRRR, Megavoltar, MineraTrapper, Mojo_risingg, Mr_breh, Mr_CodeE, Mystic_Midgit, OILOOKATTHEBAY4, Professor Evil, RoseBudz, RuggedChuck, Sakura_Blossom1, ShirouAjisai, Shotgun Wizard, Siff, SmackCracker, Somememeguy, Stickman monkey, U have small PP, Wigly, Xployt, Yatosamasensei, 46 private
[ Paradise Station] — NSS Diagoras ( Discord)
The Perfect Mix of RP & Action
0:34, Green
[Now with threaded atmospherics. Lag is even more gone., <a href=" https://www.paradisestation.org/w]
Logged in: 76 players
[See list]
Adefsas, BlackKeeper, Bmon, Boba235, Bonewheel Skeleton, Cocacolagua, Computer_Player, D0NP1MP0N, EmeraldCandy, Ffacetheslayer, GCGunther, Gibbv62, Gondor2222, Greginald, HajiBarDE, Haydenredacted, Iramoye, Ix_SpaceDragon_xI, Junnky.D.Boofie, Kamachamaeleon, LazyBatman, Leanfrog, Leboucliervert, M_papi, Master_Drake_, MixityMaxity, NeoForReal, Nutzi, OscillatingOrangutan, Pooble, Rizencraft, Sanctussvn, ScottishZ, Seventh_Laze, Sidex00, Slybirdz, Stoniest, Stoup, Taurtura, The_Rel_Grill, TravisAngel, WhyGalaxyPanda, Winterprision, Zenosyne, Zwan1990, 31 private
[ [RU] BlueMoon — Cellar Station 13] ( (WL-Discord)) (18+)
[18+] Russian modified S.P.L.U.R.T.! Hosted by SmiLeY!
[MetaStation, green alert, 61 playing]
Logged in: 61 players
[See list]
AbyssMaelstorm, AngryLaska, Arcanistis, C4lrissian, DefinitelyNotNesuby, DeltaRayx, DevilDeadSpace, Dimakr, Diyavol00, Gelerra, GeneralisimysPrinter, GermanRUS, Ghost Ghostovi4nik, ILLA_3000, Kebanar, Khelmik, Kladmen uwu, Koldyn, Lilitiym, Marxist, Memeholder, Mental eater, Murken4ik, N2k_, Nersand, Oroshimura_Iori, Pingvas, Psihodelix, Pufikc, Rewokin, Runmysoul, Sem2000, Shamriel, Silyamg, Siwa, SmiLeYcom, Stasdvrz, SwordsmanAway, Ty4ka.Ha.Hebe, Vergessen6366, Weirdbutton, What_is_your_name, WrynnN7Zrood, XaeshkaVD, 17 private
AGreywolfe, BioFrequency, Bity_Hoobre, BoobInfiltration, CaptainAstra, Centauration, Cerocn, ChonkyLord, Cindertroy, Cosy_Hoodie, Denis6p2, Enigma10, Ferimur, Freackylad, ImpastaRoni, Kodname454, LemonCake_Official, Lioslionheart, MadnessGuy900, Mawzarella, Mike was taken, Moel, Null200, RaccoonPope, Reshig, SadF_ce, Satur9Scholar, Shiiba, SludgeGlop, SnugglyCactus, SomeOlFellow, Telareti, Turtle1, WyrdDoe, YawgmothDidNothingWrong, Yoshifan360, Zacharyblr, ZombieApocalypseDK, 25 private
[ /tg/Station - Terry [EU] [NEW SERVER] [SUPER FAST] [MULTI-THREADED MAPTICK] [NEW HOST] [GOOD BYE MSO] : hosted by Scriptis
Time: 00:23
Map: Tramstation]
Logged in: 40 players
[See list]
ATHD, Banzai_Samurai, BingBong34, Cringebase, Debesta, Dr_dre-kll, Dr_pupper, Dust_onthecode, Fm2111, Foux0, Jose_gonzales_4938, Kacperpl123pl, King_Mapache, KiromaKa, Kopcheniupes, Leonard252, LitGrill, Llaren Hlaalo, Mechanoid_N_639, MooCow12, Neon Spark, Redwizz, Robotdude6777, ShadowStorm0, Taru0, Tempo19, Toparai, Trango1212, Valer Magister, Veranix, Victor220522, WeLL558, WilloftheWest, Winters1, 6 private
Antanon Ezkail, Bartholomew057, Breni151, Clicker_labs, Dangerlurking, Death82341, Dergthederg2, Dhaeleena, Dr.arielpro, Fabian272, Gerando, Guhmaster2003, Hlestkin23, Jonypotato, KeoMac, Khod_Khasunii, Lankongus, LemonFY, Loillp, McKinney, Mindstormsman, MioDude, Mjolnir2, NatPlayz, Omorbin_time, RaidenDusk, TheAmazingDaito, TheDoorMatt, Unash332, ViperREV, Xonkon, Zoey 43, 18 private
Dark Fantasy Survival Game
OPEN LAUNCH: Whitelist disabled for a day
[ PLAYERS: 37]
Logged in: 37 players
[See list]
AcidCruelty, AlexanderG5, AnikiJunior, Bautidy, BlackTornot, Daleenie, DITC228, DON_TCLOUWN, DriaA, EgorchikChertila, Fawl, GunKrest, Hamurlik, Hellobyonb, IrvingMcAll, Jhin Handa, Kek12345678_1, Odinokiy_Marazmatik, PanzerFuchs, Papliks, PoroKuru, QWxiZX, RedHood2503, Repeynig, S1lv3rv1x3n, Sarov, SD03, Sigma4213, Skriptonix, Soyali2, TurchenukOleg, Zcv, 5 private
Aabry, BadShot, Bluisp, Canned_snakes, Carthridge, CHEMBIO, Consumo, Drossr, EmeraldNotAminer, Fr4meperfect, Gearboxer1, IjNebula, Keyofcswift, Mailman T, Microoowaaave, Onionbubz, QuixoticAspect, RabidAttackGoat, Sir Gigglesworth, Smallsandman, Snatterclaws, SteveRooly, Sunkiisu, TamedEvil, TexasBlue, Torchwick, Travelsock, Witchkit, Zwucky, 9 private
AberrantAntag, Bare Neck, Bonanas, DavidAreYouSure, Desqair, Dwanofwar3, EricZilla, FrothyPandora54, Funguy01, Hugzar, Humanne, InquisitorJohn, Jermal254, KekistanianCitizen, Macorf, MercuryArrow, MizunoMex, Mocash00, Nafanyaa, Nero3217, Oshuka1997, SgtCherry, SomaCruz982, SoulWinter446, SpumpJam, Tzula, Xenonia, Xxxnoscopexx, Zuperned, 48 private
Ams05, BadLuckDemo, Carfalgrof, Chemicaliber, Codyman765, DingusThe4th, DrukhariRat, Electric Kitty, Extramrdo, FieryMorty, FloofyMomo, Fuexisch, HazraPanda, Jonusdarc, JugoDeNarancia, Koshi Kaiser, Linkbro, Marqe_, Olirant, Phoenix_powder, PyriteChimera, ROASTEDPOTATO, ScrapYard, Spiralwithin, SquishyRolls, StarHorder, Tamaya, Xblasterr, 31 private
Astartee, Bigfoot02, Derkot, Drunken Lombax, DrWolf67, Emilia123, Farsighted Nightlight, Gentlemanly Headcrab, GiberPetooh, Glacii, Grasshand, Hidrokiliak, Invyicta, Jackalface, LeChatGuide, Lia526, Lord inquisitor plasmaman, MFDimmer, MortoSasye, Plexiant, Represailles, Sarge7767, Savoryrex, Snax Mang, Stobarico, Sunabo, TheSweetWaffle, Willmbrink, 28 private
[ Aurorastation: Heavy Roleplay Server — SCCV Horizon ( Forums): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~41 players, hosted by aurorastation]
Logged in: 41 players
[See list]
4000daniel1, Acetrea, ASmallCuteCat, CatsinHD, FabianK3, FrozenDahliaRose, Fyni, Gabopwn, Goolies, Greenjoe, HanSolo1519, Jasorn, JeffMomentRed, JoeTheBro, KingOfThePing, Loorey, Mr Lenny, NerdyVampire, Relaxedlimbo2, SeB007, SimpleMaroon, Sine_Wave5, TeslaBeam, TonesofBones, Toomie, Wykthor, Yonnimer, 14 private
[ SS220[RU] | WyccStation (Paradise) Black] — ??? ???????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
0:07, Green
[MedRP, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 31 players
[See list]
Arkonostop, Bar4uk, Bigor228, Buji_NoT, Chipiki, Ciborgcat677, Draconic_Viper, Elder178, H333cbn, IrishLA, IvelinMeow, Kelzen1, Kursh2, LeNova, ManeNeko, Misuk, Nanime_Desu, Rouk_Kir, Rozval, SemBen, TBone1234, Wernon, Zeoneon, Zerosumy, Zikky, 6 private
BillyMayz, Bowie.BW, Bupman, CrabMw, Dingo ak Dingus, Dr_Arturo, Draculion, Glooshkow, Gosspel, JamesPlushie, Jesters_Ballad, NorfFC, Psionic Tarrasque, Robert_Strong, RukoFamicom, ShpongledKane, SmackS, Szczebrzeszyn, Wikimody, XeonMations, 6 private
BigJoney, Blunt dummy, Chomusuke, Daemon.Veiss, FluffyFrogAttacks, GrungoFlorbit, Madcraft47, MarkBicycle, MrpeanutLiam1, Refrigerater, Salami_Sam, Snoid, Spacemanspark, Speecrab, Sylandrophol, V1ad_3, Waterworked23, WitchyCorgi6256, 11 private
[ /vg/stationMedRP - Vanilla SS13 experience, no ERP, a classic server since 2012, 18+
Mode: Dynamic
Time: 00:43
Map: Box Station]
Logged in: 29 players
[See list]
ApotheoticOrder, Blitzikaze, BottledWater, Burneddi, Chimpston, Dankstar, Friendshipboy, Jesture, Kavlax, LEDDriver, LKULTRA, Locese, Narand, Pepsiman0, Personable, Tusterman11, Vicente S, Yvvel, 11 private
BlackWombat, Cheeky Citrus, Flyguy715, GodsSilliestClown, Gunner_X, JanniesAteMyAssMan, Kabra_Man, Killaninja12, LoadedGun, Loumyer, Marklyfied, Nomorelies, Oak lee, Pugly43, Puppetine, SirMungoStyle, Timmy Two-Toes, Vumbo01, 24 private
Bighomer, BlockBatr, BoringCommunist, Cheeseromancer, Gelovalo, Guhduh, Hero1001, I Am An Mouse, IcedHeavenonce, Legalillegaldoctor, Legheadstripdragenter, MeltingMen, NoTimeForLove, Petwir, Squeakanist, SussyHrefMan, Tartersause, Thaumic, 13 private
Arnetamin, Ashton_Fox, DedIsReal, Dummy Thiccens, DungeonMaster1234, FOX_REVv, Fuga788, Kri1ziz, MintMetal, MrPersival, Omantis, Sobakk, Step2311, Tatzelwurm, TheSabreplr, Willbemine, ZeeDSB, 11 private
[ Baystation Wiki | Discord
Action Roleplay slathered with Dubious Sauce
Playing secret with 25 players]
Logged in: 25 players
[See list]
Atebite, Feline_Warrior, Hjack909090, Not-a-Gonk, Podszywacz, Ranno, Rockton, Shrimpism, SilentAutumn, Space_Apple797, The unloved rock, The_Spanish_1nquisition, Zenithstar, 12 private
[ [RU] Celadon Shiptest: Alpha — Zirnitra Omega ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 16 players, hosted by Voiko]
Logged in: 16 players
[See list]
Asuraqami, Diadokh, FlexOK, GleBonzay, GUNSGUNSGUNS, Kisel111, Mikeo1112, Molniz, PetroIvanovich, Sheya, Skadi999, TheSOL, 4 private
ArgentinaCanIntoEuro, Athena14, BiterOAnkles, BV1000, Charles_Wedge, CoreFlare, Delta_Dav, Gonepostal298, Moca_The_Porg1, MoxxIsHere, PoorlyCannedFood, Putnam
[ Offical Halo: Space Station Evolved (Med-High RP) — Geminus City ( Forums| Discord): reclamation, respawn, vote, AI allowed, hosted by BDpuffy420]
Logged in: 9 players
[See list]
[ Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Discord): ghostship, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~7 players, hosted by Sojourn]
Logged in: 7 players
[See list]
[ ? Sussy Wussy UwU Nebula: Thicc Amogus Chungus Research & Copium Factory | Gigachad Sigma Male Grindset Division 69420 | No Retards?? vine boom POV: When the Impostor is THICC | Fisting & Blowing Research Facility | L + ratio + touch grass | [18+ R]
Logged in: 6 players
[See list]
[ HALF-LIFE:EPISODE-13 : respawn, hosted by Yournamehere
Time: 00:29 | Time Dilation: 5%
Map: City 13 Central District]
Logged in: 14 players
[See list]
[ /tg/Station Sybil [ENGLISH] [US-WEST] [100% FREE LAG] [DDOS]
Time: 01:44 | Shuttle: ETA 00:44
Map: Ice Box Station]
Logged in: 5 players
[See list]
[ [RU] SS1984 SierraBay — playing secret on NSV Sierra
MRP-HRP, Xenos Whitelisted
[ Wiki] [ Discord]]
Logged in: 6 players
[See list]
[ Voidcrew — ( Discord) ( Github): extended, respawn, AI allowed, 6 players]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ Foxybar — Foxybar ( Discord)]
[18+] Simplified Furry ERP Space. Designed for socializing and lewdness. Drop in today! https://discord.gg/FYSksfduBn
[Foxy Bar, 5 players, hosted by AR]
Logged in: 4 players
[See list]
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Secondary — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
01:48:01, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 4 players
[See list]
[ Yogstation 13] — Dive in Now: Perfect for Beginners!
99% Lag-Free | New Player Friendly | Active Community
Time: 00:57 | Map: YogStation | Alert: Green
[ Website]
Logged in: 13 players
[See list]
[ Lobotomy Corporation 13 (Classic)] — It's management time! ( Discord)
Map: [Fixer Office]
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[ Psychonaut Station] — Türkçe SS13 ( Discord)
Starting: Now
Map: Delta Station]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ SS220[RU] | WyccStation (Paradise) Green] — ??? ????????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
1:33, Green
[MedRP, Wiki, respa]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ Fulpstation] — Now with 100% more nanites! ( Discord)
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Time: [ 01:06]
Map: [ Pubby Station]
Logged in: 6 players
[See list]
[ Toolbox Station ( Forums| Discord)
Map: Box Station
Round Time: 0:59
-LRP, Newbie Friendly
-High Sec Standard
-Stun Based Combat]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ Fallout 13: New Reno — New Reno ( Discord)]
[18+] Take a trip to Nevada and see the New Reno arch! No ERP! Fallout RP!
[Reno, green alert, 3 players, hosted by me]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[ [ES/ENG] Astra] — NSS Cyberiad ( Discord)
[Paradise code] Servidor de Hispania, MRP con eventos y antagonistas! / Server from Hispania, MRP with events and antagonists!
1:51, Green
[ , <]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Cleo — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
03:43:20, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ VMstation Old School /tg/ Server — nuts balls ( Default): secret, no respawn, AI allowed, 1 player, hosted by vmstation]
No players.
[ Artea Station Early Days (Discord!, Website!)
whitelisted, 18+, HRP, respawn, no silicons, overmap
Time: 02:21
Map: ALV Belryth
Alert: G]
No players.
[ Lumos Station 13 - Christmas Continent Omega] ( Discord) (18+)
MRP 18+ We're back! Again! Honestly how many times is this server going to kick the bucket?
[Snow Taxi, blue alert, 1 playing]
No players.
[Riviera Station 13 — OLD Space Station 13, those with certain sensibilities may find it hard to play here.]
No players.
[ Polaris - Heavy Roleplay — Cynosure Station ( Default): secret, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by ss13polaris.com]
No players.
[fstation - Fresh, Fun, Fantastic! Refreshed fork of /vg/station.]
No players.
[TCPcommunitySS13 : hosted by TCPCommunity
Time: 02:37
Map: Ice Box Station]
No players.
[ 420 Station — ?CEV Zerzura ( Discord): extended, respawn, vote, ~1 player, hosted by James]
No players.
[SS13.SU] Infinity RU ( Discord) A medium/hard RP server with modified Bay12 code.
Players: 1 | Mode: extended]
No players.
[ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: 13
Map: Zona (255x1000)
Mode: extended]
No players.
[ SS220[RU][WL] | WyccStation | Paradise Prime] — ??? ????????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
[MedRP, Wiki]
No players.
[ TeguStation — Roleplay Server
Modern and fun codebase for everyone!
Gamemode: extended
Respawn allowed
No players.
[ [UA] ELYSIUM — TTH Liberty ( Forums): extended, respawn, vote, ~1 player, hosted by yournamehere]
No players.
[ Foundation 19 SCP 13 — Site 53
Come get all your SCP needs! Join our Discord to gain access!
Gamemode: secret
Respawn allowed
Hosted by Foundation 19 Networks
<a h]
No players.
[ CEV Eris [RU] RP server - Join the ragtag crew of doomed ship on quest for exploration, insanity and greed! Unique graphics, department factions and antags! — CEV Eris ( Default): respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player, ho]
No players.
[ [RU] Donnarex Project | Sojourn Station | M-RP. — Nadezhda Colony ( Default): mime, respawn, AI allowed, hosted by OrdinaryLife]
No players.
[ [RU]Coffeé colony - Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Default): mime, respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player]
No players.
[ CEV Eris [EN] RP server - Join the ragtag crew of doomed ship on quest for exploration, insanity and greed! Unique graphics, department factions and antags! — CEV Eris ( Default): chronicler, respawn, AI allowed, ~]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
1 private
[ Tau Ceti Unofficial 2019 (RU) — NSS Exodus ( site): bs12, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player]
No players.
No players.
[ [RU] Celadon SCP
Gamemode: extended
Respawn allowed
Hosted by Voiko
No players.
[ Corestation — NLS Southern Cross ( Default): extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Zelds]
Hosted by Zeldazackman
No players.
[ [RU] SS220 Paradise Extended eXperimental — NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
Modified ParaCode, full russian support, EXTENDED ONLY
0:48, Green
MedRP, all species, Wiki, respawn]
Hosted by RV666
No players.
[Russ Station : AI disabled, hosted by RussMoney
Map: IceCube Station]
No players.
[RU] Lambda 13 - Discord
2 online
No players.
[ Civilization 13 (Official)
Map: Nomads (Mediterranean) (102:17)
Gamemode: Classic (Stone Age Start)]
No players.
[ Stella Nova — ISEO Endeavour ( Discord): extended, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Hearth of Hestia staff]
No players.
[ GearStation 13 [MRP/HRP] [99% LAG FREE] [NEW CODEBASE]
Time: 00:47
Map: Kilo Station
Alert: Blue]
Hosted by Sergeirocks100
No players.
[ CEV Northern Light ( Default): shitgenerator, respawn]
No players.
[ Urist McStation — Beginner friendly MRP set on a spaceship; playing extended on ?ICS Nerva with 1 of 1 alive
[ Discord]]
No players.
[ Citadel Station 13 - Main - Automated Dynamic Colony X-ray] ( Citadel) (18+)
Furry-friendly server with antagonists AND roleplay!
[PubbyStation, green alert, 0 playing]
No players.
[ CRXB-Industries Experimental — Shiptest ( IRC) ( Github):]
No players.
[ Official Burgerstation Server] (SS13 FROM SCRATCH)
Gamemode: Lobby
Map: Planet (500x500)
Duration: 23:09]
No players.
[ Auld Lang Syne — Vegas Valley ( Discord)]
[18+] Whitelisted only! Fallout Inspired HRP experience. Apply for whitelist at https://discord.gg/X6rCWR3buu!
[1/75 player]
No players.
No players.
[LAMBDA 13] RU Civilization 13|1
Kapтa: Jungle Colony (00:00]
No players.
[[SS13.RU] Onyx (OnyxBay, Classic Space Station 13): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by SS13.RU Team]
No players.
[ AuStation — Resolution Station Pi ( Discord| Website): hosted by Mcterra
Time: 00:00
Alert: Green
Players: 0/200]
No players.
[ Coyote Bayou — Coyote Bayou: Redux (Return to Roleplay Edition) ( Discord)]
[18+]Imagine a furry erp server that has no round timer, no pvp, and hectic pve. Without baymed. Welcome home.<]
No players.
[ [UA] Sich.me Bay12 by LectorBlood — playing traitor on ?SEV Torch with 0 of 1 alive
[ Wiki] [ Discord] [ Source]]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Vega — NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
No players.
[ NSV 13 | Official | MRP | 98% Free Lag | Spaceship Combat Server — NSV Vespula( Discord| Website))
Time: 00:15
Alert: Condition]
No players.
[ Yawn Wider Station — Cryogaia ( Discord): 18+, extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by]
No players.
[Nebula base 13 : hosted by nebulabase13
Time: 00:44 | Time Dilation: 9640%
Map: MetaStation]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Skyrat Main — ( Discord)]
SFW, ??????? ????, Text-to-Speech, 533 voices
[Void Raptor, ~0 players]
No players.
[ STONEKEEP (18+) (Immersive RP)
Dark Medieval Fantasy Roleplay
New Map: StoneHamlet
Whitelist Enabled: discord.gg/stonekeep
No players.
[ Lobotomy Corporation 13] — It's management time! ( Discord)
Map: [Facility E-117 LAKES]
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
1 private
See http://www.spacestation13.com/
Commenting has been turned off since developers do not generally read HUB comments. Please, take all grievances, suggestions, etc. to the forum/forum thread of the SS13 version you are currently enjoying! There are currently no plans to sell the SS13 hub entry, please do not respond to such advertisements.
Version 13
Date added: | Feb 15 2003 |
Last updated: | Sep 23 2019 |
190418 fans