128 Games Live! [Beta: ShowHide webclient]
Only Windows users can play this game. If you are using an emulator, enter the URL for the game in File | Open Location on your BYOND pager menu.
06beebo, Acersago, Anaterno, AndroidSheet12, AnonHault, AnRandomPerson, Astre, AwkwardStereo, Bakacirnonine, Baldasbaldgets, BasilHerb, Blaskattacks, BlitzArde, BlowbackPodcast, Bluespace Lover, BOBAMA, BoostedSnake, Carl Trent, Catzonwheelz, Cazadore, CCRWasHere, CharlesCM13, CurtainsCalling, Cyberdie, CyberPoliceNSA, Darhan, DarthJarJarClownie, Deliveryshinobi, Digitalattack, Doctor Brutality, Dogar, Dr.apple, DungaZ, Dylisill, Eirenxiv, Fellowsinspess, FlamingTide, Flerpin, FLUFFYYY, FnordFnord, Furyaquario, Gibson1014, Gitfokt, GREGNAUNT, Hammerdan, Hermotimos, Hotcheeto03, HungryHungryHobo2, HyperBean03, I Hate Geese, I_4irik_I, Ica_not_lca, JFerguson, Jjt795, Kadeo, Kendrickorium, Kmsxkuse, Labeo0, Lambinatore, Lansaen512, Lenny Greenawalt, Mangosaft67, Maxo1243, MaxwellWeber, Newguy420, Newyorks, Nuklearcellphoneg, Omicega, Paisley Park, PaladinThicc, Pepsi02, Premedicated, Pucufix, Rhydic, Sader1337, Samual Johnson, Sapper212, SASoperative, ScrubLordFromStateFarm, Seabass390, Sergeys, Sheeplets, Shift_exe, SideCat, Silvercloud29, Some random guy 3124, Spartan2548, StomaticFlea, Svartalfar, SvenRo, Swagile, Takka, TeeCee4000, TheeBiggest, TheGarbageCan, TsyeykSuli, Tysonix1, UmbraLuna, UntoldTactics, Wabberspace, WickedCybs, Willzadl, WolfOrion, Xagral, Xenelex, YoTava, 43 private
Addirem, Akalies, ALIEN_108, Altruisa, AlvCyktor, Anonymous9710, Apple Whisky, Armina_Zenith, ArmouredSquit, ArrisFairburne, Athir, BedframeBasher, BlackMajor, Bob Cool, Boemanerds, BoisterousBeebz, CanineCopper, Colorlessspy, CprlEvergreen, Danielone, Draculion, Dudewithatude, EnzertioSlash, Evilwasbeer, Falconignite, FlowerNarga, FrekingYOU, Funny man12, Gearsin, Ghom, Ghostof93, GuessAgain_II, Itaski, JimBlob, Jonypotato, Just_Julius, KarimXZ, Krab_Spider, Kutsivi, Lingerlands, LlamaElbrus, Luxyleatherhat, Lyricjupiter3, Merek2, Minty_Fresch, Mocheeze, Mr mimewide, Odin933, PowerDag, Raytonku, Scarflix, SH4RKYT00TH, SidelSinister, Sixzma, Somememeguy, Somepan, SovietSpaghetti, SpliTistiC, SRQ, Sunoplyrus, Tawaporah, TehTerrarian, The Sharkenning, Thecoffeebunny, Triple skrek, Twisteh, User_interface143, Vanilla1040, Volkolov, Wabbajack10, XO-014 JUL, 45 private
1vy, Adertm, Buffyoda, Captain Cornelius Cornhead, Cboggs03, Chonky43, Croson111, Cythes, Dinonuggiesarecool, DirtTastesBad, DogoDober, Dr_dolphin12, Emanuel_hes, Forjabi, Freewayz, Garagarg, Gatsby229, Glassyduke, GoofyGuy, Gunner Gecko, HALFCOOL, Hardbass mcgee, Hembrent, HukWasTaken, Hydracoop, InfamousPotato, Kadirbaba, Karakoran, Kihatomay, Kosuke44, Kragot, MartianMike, Marvista, MassDefect, Mercadier, MiguelKenedi, MintyNeo, Mothmann, MyGenericUser2076_34, NeonLight133, Nero3217, NikitaRain, Not kiwi2, NoTimeForLove, Parterpator, PinkBlood, PureChaosPL, RacheI, Randumb Phantomb, Ranno, Ratkin, Ripperserk, Roostercat12, Roykan, RyokoAkemi, SansDudeMan, Sartorius7, Shekel_Boi, Sollessa, SurfinGriffin, TagGamerGame2, Tenn0, Test13579, TheCancer27, TheKay, UncleWeed, Visigothmommy, Vlad III Dracula, X900, Zack24, 50 private
[ MonkeStation 2.0 - Now with 100% Free Lag. Medium-Rare Roleplay.
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium-Rare]
Time: 00:01:49
Map: Delta Station
Alert: Green]
Logged in: 86 players
[See list]
Absolucy, ACompletelyNormalPerson, Activespine, Adamsogm, AlphaTronix, ArcadeFirefan, Av4l0n, Big_boss_crate, Bladerade, Bluddfang, Boyu_2, Brille65, BubbieBoy, Burning_Cider, Calakan, Cheetos13, Creatinebeat, DevinXoptoh, DozLocke, Dragonspeaks 2.0, Eacles13, EnglishTeapot, Fartlord69420, FishWithHumanTeeth22, Gazzmaz4, Gentleman Destroyer, Halfaplum, Hallifiskur, Hamptermaster, Hippie.Treeman, Hostile_Burner, Iamcooldan, KittyMeowMaster, Krocgar, LeaveTheCapsuleIfYouDare, Light293, Lysonnite, Marklyfied, MondayMan, MorganTerim, Mr_breh, Mr_CodeE, MrDuckyton, NoHomoBro, NouNou, PeterMX, QuarianCommando, Raise_my_Paycheck, RipperPond, Ronuro, SapphicOverload, Saturb_, SigmaPwnOx, Somerandomsandwich, Supergamer215x, Test13579, TheBowlofGhost, TheMinuteRice, Tostah, Vectris, VerdantSun, Vioraen, Wormygirlud, Yyuki_, Zanden, 21 private
Afellguy, Albo3, Anguilliform800, ARefrigerator, Bluespace Lover, Butch_Flowers, Camper80, Captain Gecko, ChickenDoesScratch, DabTheBold, Didosforte, Digdugxx, Dilithium, DrDogler, EliteRJ, Farsighted Nightlight, FeyjaFox, Friender, Jang1111, Javeliiner, John_Im_Sorry, Johnoson, Jollykarla5, Keebo885, Kille_Zero, LancashireladGotHacked, Leo Kiuaski, Levinx23, Lord Preston, Luka02, Lukashein, Nicknamed12, Ophaq, RadiantFlash, Rkhal6363, Rylvokus, SirMungoStyle, Skyglazer, Sopa_radioactiva, SweetRelish, TakoDragon, TrustySycophant, Tzer, Ultimum, Umasi, Vizendel, William A. Smith, XenosTiger, ZeBlooShadowVirus, Zezima17, ZoniRamboni, 30 private
Airwolf435, AnguishedEnglish, BrokenOculus, Bryar, Carfalgrof, Chaplinslife, Chemlight, CobaltIngot, DayDream21, Deedubya, DeLineFortune, DingusThe4th, DNApe, DrukhariRat, Falconlunchables, FloofyMomo, Foydame, Gruntmaster26, Hl_scientist, Icequeen102990, Jedi_Toothpaste, Kay-Nite, Knouli, LukkaDa, Magi1138, MerlonFire20, MiiyaBox, Phoenix_powder, RetroCrawler90, ROASTEDPOTATO, SciDragon, ScrapYard, Servious, Sketchy_Axoltol, Sneakonyou, Soap_eater2001, Steelvombo, Stobarico, Sunabo, Syalea, Thegrandlizzerd, Umodefuego, Wiking, 39 private
[ [RU] BlueMoon — ?????? ?????? | ???? ????????] ( (WL-Discord)) (18+)
[18+] Russian modified S.P.L.U.R.T.! Hosted by SmiLeY!
[Delta Station, green alert, 57 playing]
Logged in: 57 players
[See list]
AbyssMaelstorm, Alex_xpr_01, Altyn01, Arcanistis, Asix, Daess_Alecto, DireFelis, Fardrod, Farrellka, GeneralisimysPrinter, Grey_Gunner, Ivochka, Just Mouse, Karp123, Kladmen uwu, Knight_of_dusk, Lampkin, LiChFail, Mahabar, Mathemat1ka, Moun4l, Nai1ten, Nazar_TR42, Netundrea, Omantis, PuroSlavKing, Randevi, Sansaika, Sanshine, Scrambles_cream, Sem2000, Shcil, Silverdale, Silverfox_Paws, Silyamg, Snaipernoob, Sobakk, Sova_mor, Stasdvrz, Swgitty sw00ty, ViDL, What_is_your_name, 15 private
BattleLaf, Bearthedog, Bladethrower, Calphrick, Celeste1138, Concretedrinker, Duke Littleman, EthanRek, Fishpope, Floweriadna, Gomoku, Gunslingn_Rat, Humanoid_Toaster, Joeybob12, Junjun12, Kinda_Controversial, Larryy, Laugoose, Lefinch, Lorwp, Newblicious, Nobody3211, Nule, Oremir, PvtPancakes, Reydane, Rileyjoxd, Robbarthala, Rubys154, Satur9Scholar, Schrodingerrr, Smoked_Shrimp, SnugglyCactus, SpaceBean, SuperBongoTime, The Southern Frontier, Tyeatsdea, UDontGnome, Vastyny, WantedClock, WyrdDoe, 22 private
Adefsas, Ajc007007, Autocephalophagy, Bisavee, Bluecloud117, Bluedragonfang, Bmon, Bobi1kenobi, Brincek, Chimist23, Dankwulf, Dareb, Fordoxia, Gilbert Bates, Gondor2222, IDTia, ImNotTheSharpest, ISims4, Kamachamaeleon, Kofse, LgMark2200, LordSadonV, Mandosplosion764, Master_Drake_, Metrona, MixityMaxity, Nitrogenstardust, Nonamee6, Pismorizzo, PsudoJudo, Rithvik1, Runkor111, SaltDog76, Sandman129, Sanicv63, SchrodingersWolf, Slybirdz, Urcool1000, Wuhh, Yisati2, 34 private
Angelsr, Athiny, Bl4ck_Dr4gun, BlueNOJ0, Bobjask, Bonanas, BoryaTheSlayer, Crime man, Fadayo, HanSolo1519, Hazama_The_Trolledge, HomuHomu, Impactisnice, Jams and Bread, Jdeuce22, Jooj45, Komo_dong, LemiwinkstheThird, Lokus, MachinePixie, MegaMagicMageMan, Mixmi, Nyvrem, Ocelottt, Painless42, Rangomanta, Rasma, ScarletReign, Silver Steele, Sunny0.5, Taumanta, Tbanner, Thedexfiles, Tiltedurn, Tzula, Urban Mech, Wolfmoy, Yargaming, Yorkie_Matt, 35 private
74Delta, Agux909, BillyBoBBizWorth, Chemistrymain2, Cricket Cricket, CuHgukam, Cuperkin, Deadeagle, Demir pl, Dreathtil, Edward2004, Fawcksy, Fizshigit, Icey0525, IFN Mccree, Kill3rgames, Krome Angel, LittleRiolu, Lulzaccolyte, Luxulria, Mooster123, NoKohi, Omic, Oompa_U, Panzer IV, Passe2142, Racobio, Richard The Rat, RuleHispania2002, Sidewinder14, Sigity, Soulthrice1989, Spockye, TelvanniHorator76, ThatOneUkranian, TheChibi1, Thenoob699, ViperSnake01, 23 private
[ Aurorastation: Heavy Roleplay Server — SCCV Horizon ( Forums): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~58 players, hosted by aurorastation]
Logged in: 59 players
[See list]
1062 Aphelion, ASmallCuteCat, Casgam1, Clyde27, CoolfoolFTW, Cupax3, Deridin, DrPockets, FabianK3, FlamingLily, Floggy, FrozenDahliaRose, Fyni, Greenjoe, JuneauQT, Kaizr, Loorey, Memescope McGee, Mr.Popper, Noble Row, Not-a-Gonk, Oddbomber3768, Outboarduniform, Peenyu, PierogiMan, RandomHomelessGuy, Rodmuth, Sadkermit, Sparta9002, TeslaBeam, TonesofBones, Triogenix, Tsunasw18, Uioplol02, ValentineUnderscore, Yonnimer, Yoshifan360, 22 private
[ [US-Central] [MRP] /tg/station Manuel : hosted by /tg/station
Time: 00:50
Map: Tramstation]
Logged in: 57 players
[See list]
AuraSeer, BaronOBeefdip, Bingusdingus, BloodyChristmasMiracle, Brikitect, Btcbuster, Conmen, Excalibot, Froboot, Frootyboi, Grammi, IZbychu, Jerryboy001, Ju45he, Kemanon, Kleonnv0, Korusho, Krookodilehunter, Magical 7.62x39, Mamishimimakato, PileOfGravel, Realsans_, Redgolf, Robustitron, Sonnzer, Squishy_pone, Stiix, Tapubulu, TeenisTime, ThCommodore, WhiteTower, 26 private
[ Shiptest — Tragedy Mu ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 51/200 players, hosted by ZephyrTFA]
Logged in: 51 players
[See list]
1HoneyDragon, BetaDeveloper, Bighoppa, Burning01, Cheeseweb, CluckinAwesome, Communismbelike, Ekiau3, GeneralThrax, Glissery, JoogdamanA, Maksoplo, MemeSnorfer, Nuclear24, Overteh, PK_Sonikal, Pootpootis, RawBread, Rivercadaver, Rowinuo, Slim Pickems, Squiddily, ThatsMamaLuigiToYouMario, TheArbiber, Theos, Thera-Pissed, Turbotank2901, USSWatercooler, Viburnum, W1nd w0lf, 21 private
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Main — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
01:08:55, Red
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 37 players
[See list]
9ush_ka, Andrey Ctalin, AnShigan, Darth Toaster, Dima03ip, Dozu, DumkaTheSlav, HappyRazery, Holy Cookie, Hooohooo123, Itsavarnex, Jezzail, Kortizol_xdd, Makaroshka003, Maks_Katamaran, Mitgu12, Nezer, Novenki, Rogue_ru, SaltEater, Sergeroy2001, SirSlyFox, SoulFN, Trokius, Vitalcase, Vladiolus, Wenr, WHO562, 9 private
2Vitamin2, Bebrun, DedIsReal, ElochkaIgolochka, Gfitkiilt, Illerk, Ivin_Slimes, JackalTabaqui, Jeckson, Junger Fuchs, Korka228, KotikNarkotik, LegendImp, LisikoHoro, Memeholder, Mental eater, Naivo, Nersand, PoroKuru, PukaKakaTwar, SaintPaladian, Sergeos Loes, ToxicCity, ZeeDSB, Zinthos1, 10 private
AbyssHarlequin, Assistantmain, Bluedazzled, Bowie.BW, Bupman, Calicomp, EmeraldNotAminer, Gekkoni, Gosspel, Hufffy, Lazyrobot123, Narkotic0341, Natallius, Nikkideez, NotEbe96, Pancho20, Psionic Tarrasque, SpringOs, SunShine214, Unknownautistico, Weedspagon, Wikimody, YoshimiWasTaken, 7 private
[ Teatro Espacial 13
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium-Rare]
Time: 01:14:46
Map: Heliostation
Alert: Green]
Logged in: 17 players
[See list]
Cobrakanbr, Corvopimpolho, Crazyraio2BR, DarkPudding, Eletronico, FidgetyBacchus, Fixing Good, Gilbert Bougainvillea, Iarley1234, Josinhodasquebrada, Kihume, Ocaryn, Ppduin, SrKolobanov, Star-09, Tuna_na, UnknowYee
[ [SS220 |RU| Paradise - Black]] — ??? ???????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
2:45, Green
[MedRP, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 24 players
[See list]
Arkonostop, Bestiya, Cimvol, Danik_Aks, Fkk, Gree_mos, Grin_IDoL, KainUlfric, Maskriel, MopaHa, Mramok4313, NeIlya, Phoenix_Marksman, RoninZA, Stakanovec, Tea_lub_Vea, 8 private
Aft2001, Asterion0, Atra_xite, AymanDude, Bromethium, Dgames_Crew, FluffyFrogAttacks, MarkBicycle, MrpeanutLiam1, Omsyar, Polydanke, Retinal, RSG250, Sylandrophol, Xalibur, Zeldarraria, 8 private
[ Riviera Station 13 — OLD Space Station 13, those with certain sensibilities may find it hard to play here.]
Logged in: 23 players
[See list]
Akuyamigami, BigNateBiggers69, Cinnamonroll99, Drugsareexpensive, Dustland, Gabagoolman, Lysol Brand Official, MisterLach, Narand, PubbyTears, Ripcityfan, Sneed - Engi of Rot, TheBIGoldRAPE, TheClownForHire, Tinnit, 8 private
Athena14, Gabopwn, GDISPathe, Joe4444, Merrgear2, MonkeyMan901, Monolamp63, PowerfulXtian, RGBDeadSilent, Silens_Vigil, Stakeyng, Swagaty_Swoot, UntoldTactics, WickedCybs, 12 private
Alex23116571, DeltaRayx, EmberBeast, Feldera, Hazzi, Hollowfill, HuskTV, Junger Fuchs, Lady Rainicorn, Nac_1, WrynnN7Zrood, Znch, 7 private
Canned_snakes, Daswasme, Drossr, Durand, FuttNutt, Madcraft47, MadnessGuy900, Ponderingwolf, Skotcher, TomateZz, VeryCreative2, Vipture, 7 private
ADepressedPyroshark, Axalast, Famara, Hydrosatan, Jackolanto, Pugman899, Some1s, SweetToothArt, Usabaker, Xiyi, 5 private
Byryndk, Delingar, Doctor049, Hihimax, Nikolay Vasilyev, OneBigDrop, RuleserCri, Slavvach123, Timgorand, Zaursus, 3 private
[ Baystation Wiki | Discord
Action Roleplay observed by One Huge Eyeball
Playing traitor with 10 players]
Logged in: 12 players
[See list]
Fantasy Computer Roleplaying Game
Round Time: 05:10:46
[Hosted by zeththemagician]
Logged in: 14 players
[See list]
[ NSV 13 | Official | MRP | 98% Free Lag | Spaceship Combat Server — NSV Recurve( Discord| Website))
Time: 00:37
Alert: Condition]
Logged in: 7 players
[See list]
[ CEV Eris [EN] RP server - Join the ragtag crew of doomed ship on quest for exploration, insanity and greed! Unique graphics, department factions and antags! — CEV Eris ( Default): chronicler, respawn, AI allowed, ~]
Logged in: 7 players
[See list]
[ Lobotomy Corporation 13] — It's management time! ( Discord)
Map: [Facility F-987 ISLAND]
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Logged in: 8 players
[See list]
[ /vg/stationMedRP - Vanilla SS13 experience, no ERP, a classic server since 2012, 18+
Mode: Dynamic
Time: 00:00
Map: Box Station]
Logged in: 8 players
[See list]
[ [RU] Celadon Shiptest: Alpha — Neter-hkertet Sigma ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 7 players, hosted by Voiko]
Logged in: 4 players
[See list]
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Secondary — NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
01:43:52, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 4 players
[See list]
[ [US-Central] /tg/station Sybil : hosted by /tg/station
Time: 00:24
Map: Ice Box Station]
Logged in: 4 players
[See list]
[ Dwarf Fortress 13] DISCORD

Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ [EU] /tg/station Terry : hosted by /tg/station
Starting: Now
Map: Ice Box Station]
Logged in: 5 players
[See list]
[ [RU/EN] DARKNESS: The Collapse — (18+)
A lovely revamped bite from original Vampire: the Masquerade 13 creator.
Roleplay server set in World of Darkness universe.: hosted by BadTeammate]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
Starpeck (18+ EN)] — Discord
Oldschool vibe with a mature community.
Roleplay, antagonists and anthros!
Map: Ice Box Station
[3, 3 playing]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ MonkeStation 2.0 - Now with 100% Free Lag. Medium-Well Roleplay.
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium-Rare]
Time: 03:52:00
Map: MetaStation
Alert: Blue]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ [SS220 |RU| Paradise - Green]] — ??? ????????? ( Discord)
Banda & Streamers project, 791 voices
0:51, Green
[MedRP, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 3 players
[See list]
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Secondary — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
01:49:13, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
Logged in: 1 player
[See list]
[ genessee's fucked up and evil shiptest — Asphodel Sigma ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 2 players, hosted by genessee]
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
[TCPcommunitySS13 : hosted by TCPCommunity
Time: 00:30
Map: Ice Box Station]
No players.
[ Polaris - Heavy Roleplay — Cynosure Station ( Default): extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, hosted by ss13polaris.com]
No players.
[ Lumos Station 13 [OLD] — Space Station 13 ( Nostra-13)]
Moving to new server, just up so people can copy characters!
[Box Station, blue alert, 1 player, hosted by A Disgruntled Austra]
No players.
[ [UA] ELYSIUM — TTH Liberty ( Forums): extended, respawn, vote, ~1 player, hosted by yournamehere]
No players.
[fstation - Fresh, Fun, Fantastic! Refreshed fork of /vg/station.]
No players.
[ Offical Halo: Space Station Evolved (Med-High RP) — UNSC Outpost ( Forums| Discord): STARTING, respawn, vote, AI allowed, hosted by BDpuffy420]
No players.
[ Tau Ceti Unofficial 2019 (RU) — NSS Exodus ( site): bs12, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player]
No players.
[ CatGirl Paradise — Vietnyam ( Discord)]
[18+, +Agevet] Tired of grimdark? Come have a little goofy with your ERP/RP. Tribal Vs. Murrine style! https://discord.gg/g2bhedkH8f
No players.
[ Fallout 13: New Reno — New Reno ( Discord)]
[18+] Take a trip to Nevada and see the New Reno arch! No ERP! Fallout RP!
[Reno, green alert, 1 player, hosted by me]
No players.
[ S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: 13

Map: Zona (255x1000)
Mode: extended]
No players.
[ Foxybar — Foxybar ( Discord)]
[18+] Simplified Furry ERP Space. Designed for socializing and lewdness. Drop in today! https://discord.gg/FYSksfduBn
[Foxy Bar, hosted by ARFS]
No players.
[ Shiptest 2b2t — Celadon Anarchy Realm — Mam Delta ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 1 player, hosted by Voiko]
No players.
[ [UA] Sich.me Bay12 by LectorBlood — playing meteor on ?SEV Torch with 0 of 0 alive
[ Wiki] [ Discord] [ Source]]
No players.
[ Toolbox Station ( Forums| Discord)
Map: Box Station
Round Time: 3:46
-LRP, Newbie Friendly
-High Sec Standard
-Stun Based Combat]
No players.
[ AuStation — Death-World Installation 85 ( Discord| Website): hosted by Mcterra
Time: 00:00
Alert: Green
Players: 1/200]
No players.
[ Official Burgerstation Server] (SS13 FROM SCRATCH)
Gamemode: Lobby
Map: Planet (500x500)
Duration: 0:15]
No players.
[ White Dream TG: RU] SITE | DISCORD
No players.
[ RU/EN - ZeroOnyx - Inspired by 2022 OnyxBay
Focused on a mostly classic, controversy-free experience.
Everyone is welcome!
Learn more: about ZeroOnyx and FAQ]
No players.
[ Stella Nova — ISEO Endeavour ( Discord): extended, respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Hearth of Hestia staff]
No players.
[ [RU] SS220 Paradise Extended eXperimental — NSS Cyberiad (ParaCode)
Modified ParaCode, full russian support, EXTENDED ONLY
2:53, Green
MedRP, all species, Wiki, respawn]
Hosted by RV666
No players.
[ Yawn Wider Station — Cryogaia ( Discord): 18+, extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by]
No players.
[ Foundation 19 SCP 13 — Site 53
Come get all your SCP needs! Join our Discord to gain access!
Gamemode: secret
Respawn allowed
Hosted by Foundation 19 Networks
<a h]
No players.
[ [RU] Lambda 13: Shiptest — Maan-Emo Zeta ( Discord) ( Github): respawn, 1 player, hosted by L-DEV]
No players.
[ Fallout 13: Big Iron — The Wasteland ( Discord)]
RP/PvP - Two Years Strong - Fallout for Normal People
[Central Pahrump, 1 player, hosted by Preston Garvey]
No players.
[ GearStation 13 [MRP/HRP] [99% LAG FREE] [NEW CODEBASE]
Time: 01:07
Map: Kilo Station
Alert: Blue]
Hosted by Sergeirocks100
No players.
[ Corestation — NLS Southern Cross ( Default): extended, respawn, persistence enabled, persistence mapload enabled, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Zelds]
Hosted by Zeldazackman
No players.
[ JoyStation - Joy Station 13
Join us for a new-player friendly, classic space station 13 roleplaying experience!
Time: 19:41:36
Players: 1/200
Map: Kilo Station ]
No players.
[ Citadel Station 13 - Main - Neckbeard Hub 58] ( Citadel) (18+)
Furry-friendly server with antagonists AND roleplay!
[MetaStation, blue alert, 0 playing]
No players.
[ Urist McStation — Beginner friendly MRP set on a spaceship; playing traitor on ?ICS Nerva with 0 of 0 alive
[ Discord]]
No players.
[ Sandstorm Station 13 - Fist Suffix 28] ( Sandstorm) (18+)
Extended with no random events.
[Box Station, green alert, 1 playing]
No players.
[ Artea Station Early Days (Discord!, Website!)
whitelisted, 18+, HRP, respawn, no silicons, overmap
Time: 12:57
Map: ALV Belryth
Alert: G]
No players.
[/tg/Station+ Core Sector [US-EAST] (LRP/NRP) : respawn
Time: 02:28
Map: Delta Station]
No players.
[? Sussy Wussy UwU Nebula: Thicc Amogus Chungus Research & Copium Factory | Gigachad Sigma Male Grindset Division 69420 | No Retards?? vine boom POV: When the Impostor is THICC | Fisting & Blowing Research Facility | L + ratio + touch grass | [18+ R]
No players.
[ Coyote Bayou: Classic — Coyote Bayou: Redux (Return to Roleplay Edition) ( Discord)]
[18+]Nash is back. Come whack Merek with a rock. (lovingly) Mostly Non-Fallout Furry Post Apoc Action!]
No players.
[ Voidcrew — ( Discord) ( Github): extended, respawn, AI allowed, 1 player]
No players.
[ [ES/ENG] Astra] — NSS Cyberiad ( Discord)
[Paradise code] Servidor de Hispania, MRP con eventos y antagonistas! / Server from Hispania, MRP with events and antagonists!
No players.
No players.
No players.
[[SS13.RU] Animus (OnyxBay, Classic Space Station 13): secret, respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by SS13.RU Team]
No players.
[ Unoffical Civ 13
Map: Wasteland (06:11)
Gamemode: Nuclear Wasteland]
Hosted by Ghostly98
No players.
[ Lumos Station 13 - Alium Frontier 12] ( Discord) (18+)
MRP 18+ We're back! Again! Honestly how many times is this server going to kick the bucket?
[Box Station, blue alert, 0 playing]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Vega — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
No players.
[ Fulpstation] — Now with 100% more nanites! ( Discord)
Beginner Friendly: Learn to play SS13!
Roleplay: [ Medium]
Time: [ 03:16]
Map: [ Delta Station]
No players.
[LAMBDA 13] RU Civilization 13|1
Kapтa: Jungle Colony (02:25]
No players.
No players.
[SS13.SU] Infinity RU ( Discord) A medium/hard RP server with modified Bay12 code.
Players: 1 | Mode: extended]
No players.
[ Psychonaut Station] — Türkçe SS13 ( Discord)
Time: 00:16
Map: Ice Box Station]
No players.
[ CRXB-Industries Experimental — Shiptest ( IRC) ( Github):]
No players.
[ [RU]Coffeé colony - Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Default): jester, respawn, AI allowed, ~1 player]
No players.
[ CM&Other
Hosted by: For3xsis
Round time: 00:00
An RP server focused on a tight knit platoon fighting xenos!
Shoot the shit *and* shoot shit.]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Skyrat Main — ( Discord)]
SFW, ??????? ????, Text-to-Speech, 533 voices
[SerenityStation, ~3 players]
No players.
[ Sojourn 13 — Nadezhda Colony ( Discord): respawn, vote, AI allowed, ~1 player, hosted by Sojourn]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 Paradise Cleo — NSS Kerberos (ParaCode)
00:26:44, Green
russian language, Text-to-Speech, 781 voices, all races, Wiki, respawn]
No players.
[ Yogstation 13] — Dive in Now: Perfect for Beginners!
99% Lag-Free | New Player Friendly | Active Community
Time: 01:07 | Map: YogStation | Alert: Green
[ Website]
No players.
[ [RU] SS1984 SierraBay — playing secret on NSV Sierra
MRP-HRP, Xenos Whitelisted
[ Wiki] [ Discord]]
No players.
No players.
[ Unofficial IS12:Warfare by Incitatus Team — Pain, Suffering, and Flesh Edition ( Discord): warfare, ~1 player, hosted by Incitatus Team]
No players.
Map: LV-624
Mode: Extended
Round time: 01:47]
Hosted by Adort
Logged in: 2 players
[See list]
2 private
See http://www.spacestation13.com/
Commenting has been turned off since developers do not generally read HUB comments. Please, take all grievances, suggestions, etc. to the forum/forum thread of the SS13 version you are currently enjoying! There are currently no plans to sell the SS13 hub entry, please do not respond to such advertisements.
Version 13
Date added: | Feb 15 2003 |
Last updated: | Sep 23 2019 |
192279 fans