Lol, I admit this idea is very stupid, but it is very entertaining.... I recommend seeing the story line generator first heheheheh.....
![]() Dec 26 2004, 12:37 pm
![]() Dec 26 2004, 2:12 pm
Lol anyone looked at them yet? Im working on a Quest Generator now heheheh... It isnt like these are ever going to be used, but I like making them so I can see what they say because Its all randomized, Like for the Title Generator I have lists with different things like Articles/Adjectives/Nouns. So it generates the titles like this: [Article] [Adjective] [Noun] and since there is a vast amount of adjectives and nouns in the lists, its hardly ever going to give the same one twice. The storyline is generated like this, "[Article] [Person] and [Person2] [Plot] [Setting] [Time] [Time2] [Date] [Date2], the [Date3],[Date4]" there are huge variaties of things that it can give you.... teheheh, xD
This belongs in Creations... Then maybe people will see the post. Also, put http:// before those links, because there's not too much point in making those long links if they have to copy-paste them anyways.
*yes, I'm one of the people who will type a big message about making links instead of taking 3 times less time to just copy paste the link. I know, I know...* |