Zoom Speed

Joined: Nov 20 2012

Medals Zoom Speed can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which Zoom Speed has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]



Kill at least 600 players.


Collect at least 3,000 amount, 3,000 power, 600 kick, and 600 throw powerups.


Collect over 9,000 power powerups.


Survive in Sudden Death for 2 minutes.


Gather 20,000 acorns.


As a ghost, kill the player that killed you and return to life two times in one match.


Kill at least four ghosts while alive in a single match.


Become a Feval subscriber.


Kill at least four other players within 4 seconds of eachother without dying.


Be the last player alive after a team match with at least five players on both sides.


Kill at least five other players while also killing yourself.

Alchemist Classic

Topaz 1

Send 200 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Topaz 2

Send 400 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Topaz 3

Send 600 garbage blocks to your opponent in one combo!

Ruby 2

Get a 5-long consecutive combo!

Ruby 3

Get a 7-long consecutive combo!

Emerald 2

Clear 8 blocks in one grouping!

Emerald 3

Clear 10 blocks in one grouping!

Sapphire 1

Win a match after clearing 20 garbage blocks.

Sapphire 2

Win a match after clearing 40 garbage blocks.

Sapphire 3

Win a match after clearing 60 garbage blocks.

Star Sapphire

Achieve a Ranking of 600 or higher.

Star Ruby

Achieve a Ranking of 700 or higher.

Star Peridot

Achieve a Ranking of 800 or higher.