| i decided to get my hands dirty on some pixel art I usually specialize in anime, traditional art, and especially vector …
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| Why potatoes? Why not tacos? :\
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| I really think it depends on the game itself much. Different games should have different routes of approach when it …
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| It does. I'ma go head and try it out. - Thanks
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| heeeey remember me ripper? Im that guuuy :D Give me membership powers. .. .. I have dasher naruto src pack revised.
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| Out of all the Linux distributions you decided to choose Debian?
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| Hardcore simplicity love it. I also love how you outline most of your icons.
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| I'll be sure, to keep that in mind.
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| The src is quite old... Never knew it was that bad.... I'll go ahead and apply your fixes. Thanks for your C&C's!
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| Flysbad wrote: > Elk Darkshire wrote: > > I love SAO :P best of luck for this one!!!! Please continue ^^ > > They …
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| You probably forgot that if __name__ == '__main__': Initiate(); In python also translate to mob/Login() in dm
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| King_LiOnZ wrote: > Just another day for me.
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| May I add some $ to the first prize? ;]
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| Are they also animated with the sticker style, or is just for display?
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| Good to know the game isn't dead :D
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| It doesn't have a goddam start menu. :\
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| LOL why is everyone keep telling me that i love bieber :\
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Oct 13 2012, 2:01 am