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| Mystic Journey is now gone forever and we all regret it going away(some of us anyways)..... In these sad times we thank …
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| Well many of you may or may not know me. But it saddens me to tell every one that after 3 and 1/2 years of being apart …
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| after looking up the Nds headset i was on wikipidiea and i saw an article about the wii and i was curious so i looked …
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| A fast paced mini game. Inspired By the homeless.
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| has any 1 else noticed that Nsb (Naruto strikes back)source has now become the new MM (Majian and mystic) rip and now …
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| photbucket has had a major revamping of there systems. noew they offer 1 gb of space for free. also a 3min upload of …
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| I have am and have created a couple of rpg based games but i feel a need for change. So iam thnking of makeing an acton …
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| u make a good point but at the makers decression u could only have large bg music on that sever and small fx in the …
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| i use photoshop and streching thought not hard and very little distorton occours iam still puzzled y byond would no …
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| thx 4 the encourageemnt ill see how far i can get with it
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| the orginal post was deleted i think due to how long it was This info is form Wikipedia Nerd, as ay stereotypical or …
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| i have a pocket pc would byond work on that ?? and if it cant wuts to say that it cant, all it is a samll computer just …
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| well we dont have that many good iconers ither so its porbly the same this is just a litte bit "extra iconing" all …
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| Y cant we sign its cool. just look at its sooo gangster!!!!
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| I wanted to know how much peole would like byond on G4 that would give byond more poularity and maby some sponsers and …
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| Wow i just put the "instant" map to the test with picture that is 1279 pixles wide 1384 long 96 dpi. (which is not that …
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