| UMA Wya i havent seen u in too long!!!
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| Ive served my life sentence to byond so fuck this
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| Its another Naruto Rip based off SSO :/
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| So whats gonna happen for Byond's 15th anniversary?
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| If your happy and you know it clap your hands
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| When will itcome up again...
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| The game was great too bad its not free to dwnlode anymore
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| Wahts up please page me asap i wanna ask u sumthing
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| I....I love you thank you so much im in debted to you!!!!!! I will definetly use this for my new project ill gve you …
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| Thanks so much man im about to cry ive been looking for something like this all day
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| Its been down for a while...Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! It might be fun again now
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| "...don't judge others simply by your preconceptions and judgment based on their appearance. You assumed... that I have …
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| Hey Kaz long time its been i'd really like to catch up and also... FIRST
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| I read it page me back srry bout' last time, ill make that library for you
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| Well I dont want to copy everyone else and say welcome back so...Back welcome? xD, anywho I have a question ask yusuke …
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| Good luck on your game, mines is 90% riginal and i did a lot of it by mmyself I'll chek yours out wehn its publlic and …
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| A mini chat system where you can barder with freinds and enjoy a little convo
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| any1 with cvoding expirience i need ur help 4 multiple problens: how doi give myself more verbs i tryed this …
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| hey remember me? probably not cause u have to deal with 150 people a day well could you give me some old phoenix files …
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| um sure sorry i didnt get the comment eirlier i dont check this much
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| saucepan man ur game sol is awsome y freinds and i play it a lot. but thats not wat im here 4 i need to ask u something …
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