ZeroXemnat2's Favorite Games
*Last Update 10/17/2023* A Bleach MORPG loosely based on the popular anime and manga, with RPG elements and a content ...
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
A roleplaying game with a fantasy medieval setting. Version 4.041 - 1/31/2017
Choose your starter digimon, level up, digivolve, fight with other players in arena and defeat all the bosses. More to ...
Digimon Sagas Classic ( Formaly known as Digimon Wild/Digimon Sagas )
The ball of light has been lost. Gain power as you search for it in this large world.
Insert small description, here.
A unique MORPG inspired by the gameplay of classic console RPGs
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.
Multiplayer fantasy roleplaying. Only roleplayers need apply. (No longer updated.)
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