Zero Final

Online: Super RPG

Joined: Aug 28 2007



May 15 2013, 3:23 pm
Zf, could you kindly add me on skype: melancholic.rose

Thank you :)
Zero Final
Nov 17 2012, 8:12 am
Uh everyone in Megaman I dunno. Server seems to be down but who knows what happened.
Oct 21 2012, 6:51 am
where the hell is everyone in megaman?

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Medals Zero Final has earned in his favorite games

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Murder Mansion

Classic Win

Win a round of Classic Mode against at least 1 human opponent

Earned on May 13 2013, 11:45 am

Take Charge

Earned when Rounds Started count/score reaches 50. (Points are only earned for this if at least 1 other player joins the round and the round is played through.)

Earned on May 13 2013, 12:54 pm


Earned when Hosted Games count/score reaches 50. (Points are only earned for this if at least 1 other player joins your server and at least 1 round is played through.)

Earned on Aug 6 2013, 4:45 pm