Ice Badge
You have defeated the Ice Gymleader! |
Psychic Badge
You have defeated the Psychic Gymleader! |
Water Badge
You have defeated the Water Gymleader! |
Thunder Badge
You have defeated the Thunder Gymleader! |
Grass Badge
You have defeated the Dragon Gymleader! |
Ghost Badge
Dragon Badge
You have defeated the Dragon Gymleader! |
Rock Badge
You have defeated the Rock Gymleader! |
Poison Badge
You have defeated the Poison Gymleader! |
Normal Badge
You have defeated the Normal Gymleader! |
Flying Badge
You have defeated the Flying Gymleader! |
Fighting Badge
You have defeated the Fighting Gymleader! |
Rainbow Badge
You have defeated the Rainbow Gymleader! |
Bug Badge
You have defeated the Bug Gymleader! |
World of Isylia
Join ToJR for the first time. |
Active Taler
Have a play time of seven hours. |
Making Friends
Create or Join a party for the first time. |
Novice Chef
Cook a recipe for the first time. |
Master's Pupil
Unlock the Overlimit skill at level 15. |
Clear your path
Defeat over 1,000 enemies. |
Young Helper
Have completed all Eltia's Side Quests |
It's all about Artes
One Who Begins
World of Accel
Join the Accel Dimension for the first time. |
Dedicated Taler
Have a play time of 20 hours. |
Professional Killer
The Elite
Learn all your clan jutsus |
The Master
Village Leader
New Legend
| |