
Joined: Sep 16 2015


Jan 27 2016, 6:51 pm
Turles was in the Shrine to Poseidon one day training his cosmo by meditating.Then he can sense the cosmo of Oarus comming and he gets up to meet him.Oarus tells him of Hades tourniment and this news causes some concern in his heart.He says to Oarus"Lets spar to increase out power" as he begins to lower his cosmo.

When he has reached the lowest level of cosmo and Oarus has dont the same he crouches into a sparring stance and waits till Oarus is ready.When they are ready both of the Marines begin to battle.Turles and Oarus exchange blows for several hours.Turles sparrs all the while blood is draind from him.He keeps fighting even though is is being weakend by the loss of blood.After a while he gets so weak he has to stop and recover.

When Turles has recovered his strangth and had some food to replace the blood he lost he jumps back into sparring with Oarus and begins punching.His and Oarus bodys fight the currents of the deep sea to exchange blows.As he spars he can feel his body and cosmo becoming stronger.His sparring with Oarus begins to pay off as he keeps exchanging blows with Oarus.Turles makes shure to push himself as far as he can bafore he has to rest.When he is done resting he jumps back into sparring with the Elite Kappa Marine Oarus. *

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You helped squash bugs in alpha.
All by Myself

As Rogue, win a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, help save a Ninja target. (Unimplemented)
A Win is a Win

You should be ashamed, Bodyguard. (Unimplemented)
Good Judgment

As Judge, win a match by ruling against a villain. (Unimplemented)
Poor Judgment

As Judge, rule against an innocent over a villain. (Unimplemented)
Not So Crazy, After All

As Psycho, kill at least two villains in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Still a Killer

As Agent, trick the FBI into killing two innocents in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Serial Killer

In a single match, kill at least 5 players. (Unimplemented)
See It All Go Down

As Detective, be the last one standing in a 6+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Alone in the Dark

As Ninja, win a 10+ player match as the only surviving Mafia member. (Unimplemented)
First, Do No Karma

As Doctor, survive a 10+ player match by only saving yourself. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, save 5+ other players in a single match. (Unimplemented)
I Am the Law

As Deputy, win a 10+ player match while always arresting villains. (Unimplemented)
We All Deserve to Die

Play a 6+ killers-only match in which everyone dies. (Unimplemented)
All for Naught

As Bodyguard, save an innocent who is then immediately voted out. (Unimplemented)
THAT'S What We Pay You For

As Senator, cast the deciding vote against two villains in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

As Police, successfully investigate every villain in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As non-Medical staff, survive a 10+ player match while being unnecessarily saved 3+ times. (Unimplemented)
Guardian Angel

As Bodyguard, survive a 10+ player match while only protecting innocents. (Unimplemented)
Leading the Witness

As Godfather, fool the Witness and Medical Staff twice in one match. (Unimplemented)
Just Being Petty

Get revenge on your previous killer in the first round. (Unimplemented)
What's up, Doc?

In 6+ player matches, die in the first round, three times in a row. (Unimplemented)
I'm Helping!

As Citizen, vote for a villain in every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Witness, experience a quiet night for every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Didn't See That One Coming

As Witness, die immediately after witnessing another target. (Unimplemented)

Dragon Wu

Znakeei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Znakeei Class
Artifei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Artifei Class
Dumonei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dumonei Class
Godei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Godei Class
Dakei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dakei Class
Dragonei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Dragonei Class
Androei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Androei Class
Magicalei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Magicalei Class
Artifei Humanei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Artifei Humanei Class
Legendary Mamallei Unlocked

Player has unlocked the Legendary Mamallei Class

Fairy Tail: Old

The Golden Bass Trophy

Now, Dont be a Bass about it

Sigrogana Legend 2

Hopeful Gambler

Played 25 rounds of Chinchiro.
Brave Gambler

Played 50 rounds of Chinchiro.
Gambling Slave

Played 75 rounds of Chinchiro.
Gambling Junkie

Played 100 rounds of Chinchiro.

Lose 300 or more coins in a single roll of Chinchiro.

Win a roll during Chinchiro with the maximum bet.

Roll a Storm while playing Chinchiro.
Beginner Arbalest

Unlock the Arbalest promoted class for Archer.
Beginner Engineer

Unlock the Engineer promoted class for Rogue.
Beginner Ghost

Unlock the Ghost promoted class for Duelist.
Beginner Lantern Bearer

Unlock the Lantern Bearer promoted class for Curate.
Beginner Magic Gunner

Unlock the Magic Gunner promoted class for Archer.
Beginner Priest

Unlock the Priest promoted class for Curate.
Beginner Tactician

Unlock the Tactician promoted class for Soldier.
Expert Arbalest

Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class.
Expert Black Knight

Reach class level 30 with the Black Knight promoted class.
Expert Demon Hunter

Reach class level 30 with the Demon Hunter promoted class.
Expert Engineer

Reach class level 30 with the Engineer promoted class.
Expert Ghost

Reach class level 30 with the Ghost promoted class.
Expert Grand Summoner

Reach class level 30 with the Grand Summoner promoted class.
Expert Kensei

Reach class level 30 with the Kensei promoted class.
Expert Lantern Bearer

Reach class level 30 with the Lantern Bearer promoted class.
Expert Magic Gunner

Reach class level 30 with the Magic Gunner promoted class.
Expert Priest

Reach class level 30 with the Priest promoted class.
Expert Tactician

Reach class level 30 with the Tactician promoted class.
Expert Verglas

Reach class level 30 with the Verglas promoted class.
Expert Void Assassin

Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class.
Walking Around Money

Have 50,000 Murai on your person at once.
Mercala Lover

Donate 5,000 or more Murai to Hikari in a single donation.

Land the finishing blow on a Gigas Rex with Beowhulf's Shooting Star.
I Will Show You My Dance

Win a battle with the Neverending Story set active.
Arctic Punt

Defeat an enemy by kicking them into an Ice Point.
Winter Wonderland

After using the Expanding Ice skill, have 30 or more Ice Sheets active.
Hold My Everything

Win a battle with no items equipped.