
Joined: Jan 14 2009


Medals Zanellin has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokémon Online World


Earned on Jul 17 2018, 3:49 am


Naruto VS

Enter the Fray

Fight your very first match.

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 6:02 am


Win on the first match you fight.

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 6:04 am


Win a match.

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 6:04 am

Hat Trick

Win three fights in a row.

Earned on Mar 6 2012, 6:08 am



Beta Tester

Medalha dada a quem jogou na fase de testes.

Earned on Jan 29 2012, 3:04 pm


Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation

Been There Done That

Old Fight For Supremacy Medal

Earned on Dec 27 2011, 10:12 am


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Dec 27 2011, 10:13 am


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Dec 27 2011, 10:29 am

Witches' Chess

Oblivious Ruler

Win a game without moving or capturing a piece with your king.

Earned on Nov 6 2011, 12:56 pm


Bleach: Oblivion Crusade


You have found one of the mystery medals.Can you find the rest?

Earned on Oct 19 2011, 6:00 am


Heroes United

Been There, Done That

Login to the Game

Earned on Oct 19 2011, 5:13 am


World of Beyblade Online

New Player

Medal for all new players

Earned on Aug 27 2011, 4:12 pm


Naruto New Age Brasil


São o menor nível ninja e também os que apresentam a maior diferença no poder.

Earned on Aug 24 2011, 1:37 pm



Its the Taking Part that Counts

Simply join or start a Wargames server to receive your first medal [E]

Earned on May 20 2011, 8:19 am


Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

First Timer

Connect to the game for the first time.

Earned on May 15 2011, 3:17 am


Space Station 13 Medals



Earned on Feb 10 2011, 12:04 am


Naruto The Final Battle


Reached the rank of Jounin and joined the ranks of Elite Ninja!

Earned on Jan 5 2011, 12:04 pm


Your Leader has added you to their group of ninjas entitled the ANBU!

Earned on Jan 6 2011, 10:35 am

Mangekyou Sharingan

You have unlocked Mangekyou Sharingan! Gaining the Jutsus Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu, and Susano'o!

Earned on Jan 7 2011, 4:19 am


You have joined the evil group entitled "Akatsuki"...

Earned on Mar 10 2011, 10:58 am


Final Fight

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Dec 26 2010, 3:45 am

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Earned on Apr 20 2011, 1:20 pm