
Joined: Mar 17 2010

Medals Youske can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which Youske has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]

Pokemon: Shadows of Darkness

Legend Master

... How did you get a legendary... Now others will envy you

Flying Badge

Haha! The flying gym leader was beaten by you!

Bug Badge

Dang! You must of crushed them bugs!

Rock Badge

Wowza! You smashed them rocks witha hammer!

Water Badge

Cool! A little water won't stop you!
Fire Badge

Awesome! You're on fire!
Ice Badge

Man! You're cold as ice!

Pokemon BlueFire

Elysius First Visit

Earned when starting a new file.

Pokemon BlueFire fan!

Earned when getting a score of one million.

Mewgia Defeated!

Earned when beating Training Forest.

Sangrooth Defeated!

Earned when beating Tree Seaside.

Zengroth Defeated!

Earned when beating Tree Seaside's secret.

Shark Hunter!

Given to the player who beats defeating Sharkuza!

Ashura Defeated!

Earned when beating Blue Sea.

Monster Slayer!

Earned when beating Blue Sea's secret.

Goliath Defeated!

Earned when beating Blind Dungeon.

Broken Heart!

Medal obtained when beating Blind Dungeon's secret.

Got Mewtwo!

Earned when picking up Mewtwo from a special Pokeball.

The Imposter!

Earned when picking up Ditto from a special Pokeball.

Got Hawlucha!

Earned when picking up Hawlucha from a special Pokeball.

Bull Rider!

Earned when picking up Tauros from a special Pokeball.

The Water God!

Earned when picking up a Kyogre from a legendary Pokeball.

The Land God!

Earned when picking up a Groudon from a legendary Pokeball.

The Weather God!

Earned when picking up a Rayquaza from a legendary Pokeball.

The King Regi!

Earned when picking up a Regigigas from a legendary Pokeball.

Biggest Secret!

Earned when picking up Mew from a legendary Pokeball.

Virtual Pokemon!

Earned when picking up Porygon from a special Pokeball.


Earned by having Porygon evolve!


Earned by having Porygon2 evolve.

Le Artist!

Earned by picking up a Smeargle from a special Pokeball.

Got Turtonator!

Earned when picking up a Turtonator from a special Pokeball.

The Alien!

Earned when picking up a Deoxys from a legendary Pokeball.

The Beautiful Singer!

Earned when picking up a Meloetta from a legendary Pokeball.

One of the Twins!

Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball.

The other Twin!

Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball as long as you already have the other one.


Earned when picking up an Arceus from a legendary Pokeball.

Secret Move!

Earned by having a Pokemon learn Hidden Power+.

Zombie Slaughter!

Earned when beating all 40 waves at Zombie Castle.

Kick !@#$!

Earned when beating all 40 waves on Emerald Boss Survival.

Hero of Elysius!

Earned when beating Save Elysius event.

Full Moon

Earned when picking up a Lunala from a legendary Pokeball.

The Power of the Sun!

Earned when picking up Solgaleo from a legendary Pokeball.


Earned when unleashing Arceus' true potential.

The Powerful Ghost Pokemon!

Earned when receiving Giratina as a gift.

Hard Scaled!

Earned when picking up Golisopod from a special Pokeball.

The Mythical Shadow!

Earned when picking up a Marshadow from a legendary Pokeball.

Pokemon Renewed From Dust

Quest 1

Finish the First Quest

PVP Battle

Earn this Medal by Battling another Player Online!

Bulbasaur Fan

Join the Tree Slashing Grass Club by choosing Bulbasaur as your Starter!

Squirtle Fan

Join the Squirtle Squad by Chosing Squirtle as your Starter!

Gym Badge 1

Get this badge for Defeating Leader Lorona!

Naruto Fuuinjutsu Elite


Leave your Village and become a Missing ninja.


Become an S-rank Missing ninja.


Kill 500 ninjas.


Obtain 1,000,000 Ryos.


Make 5 players join your guild.


Not available at the moment!

Big Boss

Become a Kage/Organization Leader.

Fearious Beast

Become a Jinchuuriki.

Monster Hunter

Capture all Bijuus.

Fortunate Bless

Good luck...

Fuuinjutsu Elite

You are a true Fuuinjutsu Elite!

Yams Secrets

ok xd

Shonen Jump Battlers - Season 1

My First Victory!

Fight in a Player Match and Win for the first time!

I'll will be known!

Fight in a Ranking Match and Win for the first time!

Training will make me stronger!

Enter Training Lab for the first time

Our Fists Will Do The Talking

Fought over 10 Player Matches

I'll get experience!

Fought over 15 Ranking Matches

One Step Closer!

Rank Up to higher ranks in Ranking Matches

We Will Settle This Another Time

Win a match by a Time Out in Ranking Matches

A Battler's Experience Never Stop

Fought your way to reach level 10 as a Battler

Friendly Rivalry

Play 15 Free-For-All Matches in a Brawl Party (8 Party Members)

Experiencing The Battler's Life

Attain over 25,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

Known By Many

Bought a Character for the first time!

Ultra Special Finish!

Finish your opponent with a Koma Special!

Super Finish!

Finish your opponent with a high combo of 25+

Koma Finish!

Finish your opponent with a Koma Attack

An opening, You are finish!

Surprise your opponent by countering their upcoming attacks!

I'll never let my guard down!

Block any upcoming attacks from an opponent!

My Own Team

Create your own guild or Join one for the first time!

So Close, Yet So Far!

Have ranked up to C Rank in Ranking Matches

Character Specialist!

Have a character who've reached C Rank from any matches!

Personal Party of Hype!

Play 50 Free-For-All Matches in a Brawl Party (8 Party Members)

A Battler Never Give Up!

Fought your way to reach level 30 as a Battler

Survival, The Sole Option

Survive more than 60 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Hard Difficulty Only)

Long Way Ahead!

Attain over 100,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

Mr.Titles / Mrs.Titles

Own over 30 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Willpower of a Battler!

Won over 20 consecutives battles!

Confident Battler

Win a battle with a win rate equal or below 30%

Amazing Comeback!

Defeat your opponent with less than 10% Health in Ranking Matches

SJB Champion

Join a SJB Tournament and Become its Champion

A Battler Is Destined To Fight And Create Bonds

Fought your way to reach level 75 as a Battler

Hero of SJB

Survive more than 120 waves in Zombie Arcade. (Shonen Difficulty Only)

It's All About Perseverance!

Attain over 500,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The King of All Battlers

Win a KoB Official Tournament {Season 2 Trophy}

So Much Titles To Handle!

Own over 100 titles {Season 2 Trophy}

The Philosopher of Battling

Attain over 1,000,000 Experience through fighting {Season 2 Trophy}

The Adventure May End, The Journey Doesn't!

Fought your way to reach level 200 as a Battler {Season 2 Trophy}

Zombie Apocalyspe God Survivor

Survive all 200 waves in Zombie Arcade. (The Lee Bros. Difficulty Only)

Naruto: New Regions

Village Leader

Became a Leader of a Village


Became A Jounin

Ninja Advancement!

Became a Chuunin

Hebi Leader

Became the Leader of Hebi

Hawk Leader

Became the Leader of Hawk

Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai

Became an ANBU


Obtained 3,500


Obtained Level 500

First Kill

Obtained your First Kill!


Obtained 25 Kills

Tutorial Complete!

Completed the Tutorial for the first time!

Dragonball Supremacy

BlackStar Dragonballs

Make an BlackStar Dragonball wish!

Master of the Universe

Complete the game!





Lord Of Supremacy

Life of Misery


Namek Dragonballs

True Hero


Legend Of Supremacy

Become A Legend Of The Supremacy World!

Final Fight

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.


This shows you have been able to accomplish the hard and gain Chuunin among the other Genins!


You have accomplished getting Jounin, showing you are an elite ninja within the village.


You were made an ANBU by the Village Leader, showing you are a strong ninja who can even protect the village within the shadows.

Elite Ninja

You have made Jounin and learned over 50 Jutsu techniques.

Clan Leader

You've become a leader of a Clan!


The Hokage is the supreme leader of Leaf who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Amekoutei is the supreme leader of Rain who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Tsuchikage is the supreme leader of Rock who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Otokami is the supreme leader of Sound who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


Use Byakugan for the first time.


Activate Sharingan for the first time!

Black Flames

Currently unavailable.

Everybody Hates A Sasuke

Currently unavailable.

Bleach: Hollow Flash

Gave In

Go into the dark


Find the light

Dead-Man Walking

Die 50 times


Kill 50 people

Taste of Blood

Devour a soul


Perform a Soul Burial

Soul Eater

Devour 100 Souls

Perform 100 Soul Burials
Devour of Worlds

Devour 500 Souls
Captain Planet

Perform 500 Soul Burials

Reach level 100
Average Weakling

Reach level 250
Walk the Line

Reach level 500
Crush the Line

Reach level 1000

Reach level 10000 as a shinigami

Espada Class

Become an Espada

Dirge Of Chaos


You are now the leader of your squad! Give them duties, help out new people in your squad, or just slack off and let everybody else do the job!
Another day , Another level

Get to level 1,000!
Champion !

Win a tournament!

Get 1000 flash step uses.