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| Lummox JR wrote: > Also I expect in a lot of situations, people won't want objs within a list to be serialized; they'll …
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| I imagine that sending the sound to multiple players at once could potentially result in the sound being played on …
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| Wild Bill Bartok wrote: > Yota wrote: > > I'm fairly sure this is quite impossible, due to how the compiled byte codes …
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| I like this suggestion, but if JSON were to be added, could JSONP be supported as well for the sake of cross-domain …
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| Yeah, I'm aware of these things. I realise now in hindsight that the second paragraph is a bit ambiguous, but I was …
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| Although I would prefer the use of a properly elevated process, an alternative would be to give the Users group write …
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| I propose that the browser be given a means to both read the state of controls on the skin, and manipulate them.
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| I'm kinda sad that you ditched the C# version, being a .Net guy myself, but it's best that you work in a language …
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| May I suggest something similar to images, only completely opposite? The trick we use now to selectively show objects …
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| If the text rendering library were to use separate objects for each letter, I would imagine that the instructions would …
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| D4RK3 54B3R wrote: > Back in the day, things weren't expected to be realistic, so everything was stylized and had a …
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| That post is referring to get_step_to(), which is a function that uses a simple path finding algorithm to determine …
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| If we can't get them to add line numbers, how can you expect them to add code folding? =p
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| Making a DM proc like newlist support arglist may be a difficult matter, however making it support a single list …
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| Oh no... first Dan and now Darke! Nadrew you FIEND!
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| I had posted this on the old forum. I forgot about the feature tracker. http://www.byond.com/ developer/forum/?id=728661
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| Leur wrote: > Yota wrote: > > BYOND needs to step up support for the new Windows with new taskbar support. > > > > I'd …
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| This is unrelated to BYOND. It has to do with how your local network is set up.
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| Look up the 'GetMedal' proc.
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| I love how the your boss is yelling at you even after you make him a rich man.
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| You jerk! Give me those monitors before things have to get dirty! *sob*
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| Augh. Time Warner needs to burn. We switched our TV/phone/internet to Time Warner for the bundle, and it is horrid. …
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| Windows has your answers. There is a 'tags' attribute for files on the file system, but I'm not sure how to modify it …
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| Yes, I've been noticing these the past few days. They seemed to be the only ads that came up. Thank god I haven't run …
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| 1) Do you play BYOND games, develope or create them, both or neither? - Both (Arguably) 2) What do you think about the …
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| Heheh. I posted this when my membership was going to expire last year. Now I only have 20 days left on my …
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| Good to see you! Alive, at that! Welcome back to BYOND.
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| What I mean is, you aren't capturing anything useful for the programmer to make use of other than the tag name. The …
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| 58 One-Handed 108 Two-Handed
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| Pre-ordered before the Wii came out. (I think...) Before I watch, are there any Subspace scenes in this video? I …
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| Way to go, never heard of it. =D
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| I really like the new site. The colors remind me of a merge of awesomeness between the old Games and Developers …
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| Will someone pay for my account? =D
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