
Joined: Apr 3 2010

Medals Yondomain can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Naruto Fuuinjutsu Elite


Leave your Village and become a Missing ninja.


Become an S-rank Missing ninja.


Kill 500 ninjas.


Obtain 1,000,000 Ryos.


Make 5 players join your guild.


Not available at the moment!

Big Boss

Become a Kage/Organization Leader.

Monster Hunter

Capture all Bijuus.

Fortunate Bless

Good luck...

Fuuinjutsu Elite

You are a true Fuuinjutsu Elite!

Yams Secrets

ok xd

Pokemon Phantom Retribution

Beta Tester

You were a Beta Tester!

Bug Badge

You defeated the Bug gymleader!

Ghost Badge

You defeated the Ghost gymleader!

Dark Badge

You defeated the Dark gymleader!

Psychic Badge

You defeated the Psychic gymleader!

Fighting Badge

You defeated the Fighting gymleader!

Dragon Badge

You defeated the Dragon gymleader!

Fire Badge

You defeated the Fire gymleader!

Dragonball Supremacy

BlackStar Dragonballs

Make an BlackStar Dragonball wish!

Master of the Universe

Complete the game!






Legend Of Supremacy

Become A Legend Of The Supremacy World!

Fairy Tail: Old

The Golden Bass Trophy

Now, Dont be a Bass about it

Tales of Judgement R

World of Isylia

Join ToJR for the first time.

Active Taler

Have a play time of seven hours.

Making Friends

Create or Join a party for the first time.

Novice Chef

Cook a recipe for the first time.

Master's Pupil

Unlock the Overlimit skill at level 15.

Clear your path

Defeat over 1,000 enemies.

Young Helper

Have completed all Eltia's Side Quests

It's all about Artes

Win a PvP Match.

One Who Begins

Master a title

World of Accel

Join the Accel Dimension for the first time.

Dedicated Taler

Have a play time of 20 hours.

ToJ's Representant

Play as a Tales Character.