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| GreenMonkey wrote: > If you use splash screens for introductory purposes then follow with generic-looking pixel art, a …
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| I dont know if its already in the game but I was wondering would it be possible for the zombies to mutate after so many …
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| not really I like em but others will surely want u to change some stuff u should add a 50 cal to that sheet tho
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| but they would be kept in the download history as stuff he has bought assuming he has bought them so he would be able …
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| I am working with my 32x64 base icon on my game and I was curious as to what size the building icons should be like …
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| Upcoming Game to Downfall Productions More info coming soon Update Progress 9/2/11 Skill Tree System In Stat Point …
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| Ohh I can feel the headache already oh well nothing ventured nothing gained
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| Well I have a rough 32x64 base icon made for my game and I was curious if i should adjust the size of my turf and Skill …
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| This game looks great hope you get it up soon
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| I just wiped it and started back up from before I started working on the game again I can put the new stuff back in …
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| nice i wish i would have bothered to look for the blue book would have saved me a load on printer ink lol
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| I love this demo its gonna save me hours of resource and forum hunting can u do one for enemy AI next
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| Yes I am aware that my css sux and as far as the game goes yes it will all original it will feature weapons like …
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| I Really wish this was still up and running
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