
Joined: Mar 21 2010

Medals Wolfnova has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Monster Kingdom


Login to the Game

Earned on May 11 2013, 9:14 am



Resident of Everland

Create a character in Everland.

Earned on Sep 19 2011, 10:26 am



Level 10

Reach level 10.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 20

Reach level 20.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 30

Reach level 30.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 40

Reach level 40.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 50

Reach level 50.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 60

Reach level 60.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 70

Reach level 70.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 80

Reach level 80.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Level 90

Reach level 90.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Elmenar

Participate in the defeat of Elmenar inside Elemental Cave.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Bargliir

Participate in the defeat of Bargliir inside Bargliir's Lair.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Theklar

Participate in the defeat of Theklar inside Orc Fort.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Krilur

Participate in the defeat of Krilur inside Shadow Lair.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Dredsha

Participate in the defeat of Dredsha inside Plagued Cave.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Arahk

Participate in the defeat of Arahk inside Arahk's Lair.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Unyxor

Participate in the defeat of Unyxor inside Plagued Cave.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Gorik

Participate in the defeat of Gorik inside Rotting Caverns.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Slimmus

Participate in the defeat of Slimmus inside Rotting Caverns.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

One Disguise

Defeat Slimmus inside Rotting Caverns without more than one player getting Slimmus Disguise each berserk.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Enwyrm

Participate in the defeat of Enwyrn inside Rotting Caverns.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

What Time Limit?

Defeat Enwyrm inside Rotting Caverns in under 4 minutes.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Teridal City

Participate in the defeat of Lord Jarkis and take control of Teridal City.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Elveia

Participate in the defeat of Lord Suraat and take control of Elveia.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Vikadonia

Participate in the defeat of Lord Xyh and take control of Vikadonia.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Buldor

Participate in the defeat of Krawe and take control of Buldor.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Metopilu

Participate in the defeat of Lord Dred and take control of Metopilu.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Imperial City

Participate in the defeat of Lord Gretus and take control of Imperial City.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Frozen City

Participate in the defeat of Lord Skirn and take control of Frozen City.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture City of Kings

Participate in the defeat of Lord Gamlet and take control of City of Kings.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Shinro City

Participate in the defeat of Lord Vulkar and take control of Shinro City.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Capture Vikiar City

Participate in the defeat of Lord Vikiar and take control of Vikiar City.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Master of Jewelcrafting

Level your Jewelcrafting profession to 375.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 6:46 am

Defeat Harch

Participate in the defeat of Harch inside Liche Cave.

Earned on Mar 5 2011, 7:38 am

Defeat Sargon

Participate in the defeat of Sargon inside Imperial Cave.

Earned on Mar 22 2011, 4:10 am

Defeat Dracolo

Participate in the defeat of Dracolo inside Undead Cave.

Earned on Mar 22 2011, 4:14 am

Defeat Dranol

Participate in the defeat of Dranol inside Dragon Cave.

Earned on Mar 22 2011, 4:31 am

Master of Blacksmithing

Level your Blacksmithing profession to 375.

Earned on Jun 18 2012, 2:38 pm

Defeat Aergus

Participate in the defeat of Aergus inside Spectral Tower.

Earned on Jun 21 2012, 1:31 pm


Casual Quest

Ancient Tome

Survived to wave 40

Earned on Mar 4 2011, 5:15 am


Pokemon Challenger

Beta Tester

A genuine beta tester!

Earned on Mar 24 2010, 2:26 pm


Resident Evil

Barrel of Death

Kill 5 zombies at once with an exploding barrel.

Earned on Mar 24 2010, 2:15 pm