| Ah fair, I didn't search for the right keywords I suppose. For mods: please feel free to close this thread, however do …
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| hey i missed the two year anniversary of this
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| Yeah that's fair, I didn't go into this experiment expecting stellar performance in fairness. Although I do have to …
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| +1 for this. Could do some sweet things with any of those extensions really.
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| Death to those composite string things. Gurghhhh.
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| Odd. The resource has the CORS header and the browser has similar meta/doctype tags. I guess more tests are needed.
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| IE is torment, save us Lummox.
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| yeah guess you didn't do that one thing you said you'd do that lummox really needed huh edit: huh huh huh
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| EmpirezTeam wrote: > I don't celebrate Thanksgiving and find this notification highly offensive. You can't just assume …
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| Agreed with this. This confused the everloving crap out of me the first time I ran across it.
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| +1 from me Escaping square brackets in byond regex is hilarious. You gotta triple escape that shit. \\\[foo
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| Ditto on CTRL+W. I was unaware F4 was a...thing.
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| Ss4gogeta0 wrote: > Wirewraith wrote: > > You and I have a different definition of "cool". > > of course, you werent …
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| If someone mocks up a visual design I can shit out a fully coded (front end) site in a few days that lummox can decide …
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| +1 from me (also pretty tickled at the idea of adding a single indicator for a 4 digit number being "not feasible" …
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| A new protocol like unsecured:// (maybe a shorter name? I dunno) sounds like the best solution here. +1 from me.
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| It's also a standard in sublime text and kinda sorta phpstorm (it has "close others" and so on).
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| Another +1 for list support
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| Honestly all I'm seeing here are reasons for you "hiring" a web guy to manage the website portion of things (and no, …
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| Just do it all via ajax :shrug:.
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| Currently, if we want to reference a file compiled in with the rsc (cache files), we have to use the single-quote …
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| +1 for this, would be hella useful for some recent projects I've been fiddling with.
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| It came up recently as a thing that would be useful for custom map editors, so there's soooome utility to fixing it.
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| I didn't actually say to make it world/Init. I don't especially care what it's called, just when it happens.
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| Slightly late update here but: the libbyond user agent is sent when the server sends requests (e.g. world.Export) …
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| I can confirm that browse_rsc() is either sending the file on every request, or taking just as long to check that it …
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| +1-ing this. I've been working on a resource pre-loader for ss13 (goonstation branch) and I'm counting 200 individual …
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| +1 to Volundr here. He knows his stuff and is absolutely correct in this matter. Implementing his suggestions would …
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| Hi hello, just for posterity it's worth mentioning that this forms improper JSON strings. For list: foo=bar It will …
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