| Logic dictates that SHOULD work, but not everything is logical. Logic dictates that medals attached to a hub that does …
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| Specifically, the game stored your name where it usually stores the data for choosing which wild Pokemon should appear …
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| I was talking about top-down, not isometric.
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| Ghtry wrote: > One possible problem I could foresee with this kind of request would be using windel() to delete default …
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| Calus CoRPS wrote: > Now, most commercial games are based off the same model it seems: Modern/WWII Shooter with …
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| Pretty much every MMORPG is an endless RPG, as those games are always being updated with new features.
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| What are your computers specs?
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| It also highlights the line that caused the error, with decent accuracy, so we already have this.
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| You can't get help outside of your game's forums.
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| I hate seeing all these hubs with games that don't exist anymore. There are hundreds of games that were never even …
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| Yes, but that would be work./sarcasm
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| It hasn't been implemented yet because there are very few practical uses for it.
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| Can't you already offset the view and/or rotate it? I remember being able to do this before.
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| Lummox JR wrote: > I finally looked up your game (for the future, it would be preferable if you could provide a link to …
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| Where is that? I've never heard of it.
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| I would just like to say that the first reply is most likely correct. This sounds like a false positive.
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| It means you can't ship your game with a partial or stripped installation of BYOND, or claim that BYOND is your product …
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| To give other people the link to the server, and many other reasons that I can't think of right now. On another note, …
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| X-P Danny wrote: > Any one want gfx artist just post Or we could just go to www.puresilvabannermaker.com.. .
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| If you want an avatar, you have to pay like everyone else.
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| I don't see this report a rip function. Where is it?
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| world.realtime var This is the time (in 1/10 seconds) since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 2000 (also known as the BYOND …
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| How does BYOND determine which games are more popular than others?
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| I'm working on this system to display a few states of an icon in a window, and I'm wondering: What's the best way to …
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| Background pictures aren't worth ripping, Falacy.
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| What's changed to make pixel movement easier?
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| There should be a setting to change the text in the statusbar. winset(src,"window1.statusbar" ,"text=\"Statusbar …
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Sep 4 2012, 4:40 am
OmGiTsAdAmLeE Grief in cow rp,why youre away when we need you
he have griefed many guys