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| Alpha Testing shh. Go away
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| Lummox JR wrote: > Good gads man. Don't put your whole reply in bold; that's annoying. Please edit your post to make it …
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| Released for the PC back in November of last year and for the PS3 in December of the same year, Unreal Tournament 3 is …
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| Why yes, I will admit that everytime I see its shiny blackness I drool. That is aparently a problem. In any case, I …
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| Whee~ Ok, I'm not literally on fire. That would suck. horribly. Well I mean... Yeah theres really no good end to that …
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| Jobs are a wonder :o I figured if I save up money from this month and the next month I'll have around 600$ Which is …
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| Yeah, don't tell revanent but I had fun playing the Wii at my uncles house this wiik week. Super Mario Galaxy was …
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| Super Mario Allstars. I wasted too much of my time on that game =\.
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| Yes but you CAN kill some npcs required for quests and some quests actually count on this to make you fail them~
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| Actually, Sony bought exclusive rights for Haze. The 360 and PC versions were canceled!
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| Well I mean, they could have atleast TRIED to add a bit of depth... like character classes and fun stuff like that …
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| Yeah I mean, come on. We practically own the gaming industry. If they stop making games for the PC then what do we do? …
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| After Awhile I did fix it~ I even put in speach bubbles :D
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| CHO! REN! SHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! search it up on Google, you'll find it without much …
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| But having fun is half of the experience D:!!!! Actually, to tell you the truth, I suck at fighting games so I have to …
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| I have one thing to say: Guh-narly. Also, this is going to be humorous right?
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| My laptop was made in 1998 and has an AMD Athalon III processor with a PR rating of 500. I have a 5 gig harddrive and …
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| O_o thats weird. I just hope we don't terminator ourselves in the future.
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| You know, your comments wouldn't bug me so bad Revanent if I knew half of your claims weren't true. Because as I'm …
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| Sadly, Microsoft is going to force users into buying Vista eventually. I've never tried Vista but from what I hear its …
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| But see the PS3 version is going to have mods too =o. I understand whats going on though.
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| AMD is cooler because the name sounds better.
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| Man, I'm only 15 and I feel the same way. I grew up with the snes and genesis. I partied with doom and Warcraft 1 and …
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| Rationally I'd believe you if I hadn't seen the prices. However, some of the prices for the VC are killer and …
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| Lets stop fighting about graphics and start looking at the future! Arguments bad >=o Anyways...
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| Oh my oh my oh my. Until E-3 I had no idea this game even existed and if I did know I wouldn't have cared. Infact I had …
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| I'm not going to upgrade to 4.0 until I'm outmoded >=o! LONG LIVE 3.5!!!!!!!!
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| See? He knows how to be sarcastic too! Because everyone knows you have to have an iq of George Bush to not be able to …
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| Well routers should come with manuals damnit. and if they do go find it >=o
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| Ohh man Counterstrike. Yeah I get shaky when I don't play that game for awhile
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| Byond is a fun word because it reminds me of batman.
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| YOUR IMAGE TAGS NO WORKIE >=\ works better >=\
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| Congrats! You Semi-Qualify! Now you just need to become a game reporter and go buy tickets ;D!
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| Seriously though, its just supposed to be mindless fun. I can make a cultured game if I wanted to, I'm just incredibly …
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| Wheeee! Cross Country Skiing or like... going across the country. Don't go to Virginia its humid as a mofo over there …
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| You are one weird guy.... Just go search on a reliable gaming site like GameSpot
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| I was being sarcastic... I really need to work on that D:
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| DAMN YOU NINTENDO!!! Oh but could you please make me another side scrolling Metroid game :D?
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| Eww, gross. Everything you just said is like the opposite of something you want. You want the game to be fun at the …
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