| GunRunner wrote: > Any aussies out there?... > > > Get back to me... Im close, New zealand. =D
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| Sns Vegetunkz wrote: > o.k. i try to sign in on byond on a diff comp (away fromh ome) and it says unable to retriev rov …
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| Strawgate wrote: > Plz help it wont let me do anything the only thing i can do is in safe mode Hehe I have the same …
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| Uhh I know this sounds stupid, but what are you celebrating? :P
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| Shades wrote: >Honestly, how many of you dont buy new games till you beat the old ones? I buy games just to own them …
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| EGUY wrote: > Does anyone know the release date of Geist? I am waiting for it, and it looks like it will be one of the …
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| SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote: > DOWNLOAD.COM!!!! ANYONE EVER HEARD OF IT?!?!?! HTTP://DOWNLOAD.COM Why yes I have. Why must …
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| Sounds interesting. I'm in, my email is [email protected] =). Yeah dont bother asking why the email addy is …
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| Goddz wrote: > the thing is i cant rememebr the hotmail. Well it's up to you to remember the email address. By the way …
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| Jerico2day wrote: > u do realize you only waited an hour, and this is the morning for a lot of people here... ie …
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| Yeah it looks good :-), reminds me of the old layout.
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| Your macro file or whatever must have been deleted some how (this has happend to me once before on 334). You need to …
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| Legendary Kai wrote: > 2 dimes is almost impossible to get now there is no dime tranfers :'( but... not my problem Like …
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| Ease wrote: and in to DBZ at the time, searched the net for making your own game, programming, and DBZ, and found …
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| I dont really remember how I came across byond. I think I was searching for "online games" or somthing like that.
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| You can actually turn off the windows XP grouping function, I my self keep it off.
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| Yes, hence the fact most drivers dont work, thats what I meant in the first place
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| Yes this same thing happens to me too, the error doesn't show however, but i do have to keep trying until it logs my …
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Jul 7 2014, 3:18 pm