| Haha yeah that's really funny from what i've read. Big Rigs is definatly an epic game without any bugs whatsoever!
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| I like Family Guy the most. I've never heard of "American Dad" so I don't know what that's about.
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| Batman would win (IMO) for pretty much the same reasons that Xooxer has already stated.
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| Haha thought so. What am I to do? Transfering to my paypal account will give me -20 cents I believe. So they're stuck …
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| "What I'm trying to say is that playing someone with a dial up is *really* annoying. Once in a game, me and 5 others …
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| Oh yes I agree. I've only read the first part but it's so funny & awesome.
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| The latest (beta) version of Rcbot supports marines and they can be commanded and use welders and such. You can find …
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| "Yeah it maybe low cost for americans but not everywhere else." Christ I can't pay it either but it's only 30 bucks …
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| Indeed :-). It's quite nice to have and thanks goes to the developers of BYOND. Nice step foward to the future, eh?
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| Yeah it looks awesome. I can't wait till I can actualy get it from a shop in my country :-P. It sounds easy to get into …
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| Looks good. I hope it turns out to be good, it'd be fun.
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| Haha that's funny as. Interesting size for a Burrito =O.
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| Just because it's 5 bucks does not mean there is somthing wrong with that. I would actualy sell my old play station for …
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| I've downloaded it and it looks awesome. Sounds great! I am definatly going to be play this for a we while.
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| Yeah BYOND is awesome. I love the community (even though i'm hardly involved in anything, but I am like a lurking …
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| Oh great. Now Power Puff Girls will be R18 in no time. Every thing is anime now. Jeez it's almost always badly …
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| You need halflife 1 for ESF...Probably same for Digital Paintball, I dunno since I don't have it.
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| If I understand your post correctly it kind of sounds like your hard drive is nearing death.
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| Q: Age? A: 15 Q: What is an appropriate age to get married? A: I don't mind on the age too much. Q: Is Gay Marriage ok? …
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| Jermman wrote: > Jesus christ you have big eyebrows :p I have bigger/thicker :-D. I don't have a scanner or a digital …
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| You can use me as a card if you need/want to.
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| The word most has a meaning. But I have a question; if they are in debt wouldn't they get every thing taken away from …
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| Dragon-wars wrote: > that works with some websites but theyve started banning those too there like 100's of schools …
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Jul 7 2014, 3:18 pm