| I've been out for a bit, I got lost in the void. Welcome to central Illinois However, I've been devoting time recently …
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| I posted these up on my blog just a moment ago. Wondering if anyone has any tips/suggestions.
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| Enemy art and a brief introduction to combat and robot customization.
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| I'm alive, MMA is as well.
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| So, I ran into this post of a guy who does demakes. Rather than explain, I'll just show you: Demakes. I was highly …
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| Medal-centric game research, and MedalData library news.
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| These are oldies but goodies. Mario Twins: link Final Dump: link
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| Not nearly as offensive as my last post, BUT...
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| Retrieve medal details for your players, even the medals they've earned outside your game!
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| Retrieve medal details for your players, even the medals they've earned outside your game!
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| Read about it and tell me if you would like to play a game like it.
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| Alright, so I haven't been all to active around BYOND lately. This entire semester has been pretty busy, I've written a …
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| Another amusing sample of my random response to having free reign over what to do on homework. The assignment was to …
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| It would be nice if we could get screenshot filenames from the ?format=text of game hubs. As it stands: screenshots = …
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| Copied from the BYOND Features forum by Lummox JR From the DM Reference for Isometric Maps: Screen objects (in …
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| The first batch of avatars.
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| From the DM Reference for Isometric Maps: Screen objects (in client.screen) are always drawn on top of all isometric …
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| Rolling back into the realm of Strategy.
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| Any of these new to anyone else? I know a bunch were new to me.
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| Our Efencea Based RPG fails to play nice with BYOND. Try the Demo inside. Also, I discuss our other project ideas.
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| Awesome. Some of these suggestions may not fit Regressia, I urge you to use your discretion when determining which have …
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| If you don't feel like reading all of this at least skip to the bottom bit and consider answering for my amusement. …
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| Vought is one of the playable critters in my slowly encroaching RPG. Vought: Vought Surprised: I haven't done much …
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| This is a bad omen BYONDfolk.
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| Just note that I'm a newbie at pixel art. I'm challenging myself by learning the way of the pixel. I've got a fun …
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| For those who want to try first and read later: IconUtility3.zip I've made the first of many changes to the Icon …
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| The future of my Icon Utility! Feedback, please.
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| Just a little something that has been annoying me for awhile now. Sometimes I'm not around to see the beginning …
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| Finals are over now and I can get back to work on various projects. Efencea is among said projects and as such I will …
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| After working hard on that last release, I took a little break. Upon my 'return' to working on Efencea I formulated …
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| New Layout First, I'm working on a new blog layout, as you can see. It's not finished, yet. I'd like to thank the …
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| When uploading files to members file storage, a confirm overwrite would be nice.
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| Many people commented, although mostly not on the last blog, that the icon utility would be MUCH more useful if it …
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| After, sadly, spending hours and hours importing Tayoko's spritesheets into .dmi and arranging them into proper …
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| Look, pretty! (Concept art for an alien hero.) Prepare yourself! Our progress with Efencea continues. I'm …
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| Since my membership is about to die, Tayoko and I, are considering the creation of a 'company'. This poll gives you a …
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| Just a bit of information as to what's going on with Efencea.
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| Work on Efencea is coming along, despite being slowed by my return to college. The primary focus of my work has been …
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| Really a quickie update to patch up a game breaking issue and introduce some new stuff. Efencea Stats Player Stats …
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| It's been a bit since the last update, but, I believe what we've changed was well worth the wait. Efencea Stats …
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May 3 2011, 9:21 am
I have one here if you need an example, otherwise I can explain it over msn or sometihng, sometime.