
Joined: Aug 30 2008

18 years old, black male


Tony Uchima
Nov 8 2009, 7:25 am
VAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i gots uncharted 2
Tony Uchima
Jun 21 2009, 11:30 pm
Hai All

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Medals Vas12 can earn in his favorite games

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Pokemon Renewed From Dust

Quest 1

Finish the First Quest

PVP Battle

Earn this Medal by Battling another Player Online!

Charmander Fan

Join the Blazing Fire Club by Choosing Charmander as your Starter!

Squirtle Fan

Join the Squirtle Squad by Chosing Squirtle as your Starter!

Gym Badge 1

Get this badge for Defeating Leader Lorona!