
Joined: Jul 27 2007


Jun 4 2018, 7:18 pm
Delete comment once you see
Jun 4 2018, 7:18 pm
Send me an email [email protected]
Jun 4 2018, 7:14 pm
U der. I don't know how to send messages but hmu
Feb 14 2017, 3:32 pm
Because I'm a diehard Song of Ice and Fire fan and I saw your post in Developer Help. I've been silently watching the project since you started. :p
Feb 14 2017, 3:03 pm
How the frell did you notice I've restarted work on Game of Thrones? Thanks for the hype though!

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Unwanted4Murder's Favorite Games

3v1 PvP Survival Sidescroller
MMORPG based on Bleach. Updated often. Come play!
by Leptoon | May 3 2007
Tags: fangame
Castle Of The Winds Online
A roleplaying game with a fantasy medieval setting. Version 4.041 - 1/31/2017
by SuperAntx | Dec 18 2009
Take part in an epic battle over a colored piece of cloth.
Can you be the last one standing?
by Asha_LaPoe | Feb 26 2008
A Completely Original Fantasy RPG
by Tacurumin | Oct 22 2015
Tags: sports
The first and only BYOND soccer game !
A recreation of the Game Of Thrones Board Game
Explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders
by Silk Games | Apr 16 2009
A unique MORPG inspired by the gameplay of classic console RPGs
by Unwanted4Murder | Apr 23 2017
Tags: sports
An intense sports...ish arena battle game!
by Evi of au | Dec 8 2006
Tags: cards, casual, classic
Everyone loves the classic card game UNO!

Unwanted4Murder's Favorite People