Unknown Person

Online: Dragon Warrior Mythology

Joined: Aug 6 2002


Aug 8 2015, 3:50 pm
Hey, I miss your game :( Been here since 2003. Wish there was a way to finally finish it. I came so close before it shut down.
May 4 2015, 3:58 pm
Hey bud, just like these other people here, I really want to play Dragon Warrior Mythology again. I will pay you for the host files (no source code or anything, not trying to steal your shit). I'll even not host it if you don't want me to, I just want it for myself. Shoot me a message bout this.
Jun 28 2013, 3:21 pm
Hey Unknown Person, long time no talk to lol, its been years prolly 6-7 maybe you remember me maybe you don't. I was one of the strongest people on your game DWM R.I.P EAZY-E. Anyway i enjoyed the hell out of the game when i was 15-16 now beong 23 i still would play the hell out of. Please bring it back Please.
May 14 2012, 3:57 pm
I know right? I would love to play it again. It is my favorite game that I have ever played on BYOND.
May 14 2012, 1:25 pm
I second this. I would even pay you for the host files. DWM is still easily the best RPG I've ever played on BYOND and I've been here for 7 years.

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Unknown Person's Games
Dragon Warrior Mythology
It is the quest for domination of the world.
About Dragon Warrior Mythology
Mystery Mansion
A mystery house of crime... in french!
About Mystery Mansion
RayCasting Engine
A simple engine on how BYOND can handle a pseudo 3D environment. Now with textures, and floor-casting.
Re: About RayCasting Engine
A turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme.
Re: About Ultimatum
Unknown Person's Demos
Stat Distribution Demo
A simple demo that shows you how to let the user pick their stats by using credits.
About Stat Distribution Demo
Unknown Person's Libraries
A plug-and-play utility and demo demonstrating the usage of browser forms to create a player comment submission system.
A library that implements basic data structures used in everyday programming.
Re: upContainers - a stack of primitives
A flexible browser library that allows easy implementation and usage of browser interfaces, windows, and forms using HTML.
Re: upForm Library