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| i killed kunshin cuase he looked at me funny
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| You shoud bring back clone corps
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| Same byond just said my friend cancelled but he said he didnt
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| But……nvm was gonna say u could just change name but anyhow sup woth you el wookie
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| Masterralphy55 wrote: > No more NarutoX? > ='( Ikr. :(
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| I knoe I don't have a say so but just sying that to the people complain u dnt have to join their servers. :)
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| Cool both our names got ultimate in it
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| Probably pissed falacy off
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| Two things first brah ppl can't see the words with blck back ground second I tlked to.jack he said he's to.busy at work …
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| Life is Hell and Hell is life But this hell is only Determined By How YOU Shape It So I Say Live Your Life To The …
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| Can You Handel The Gate? (all credit to falacy for source )
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| ok i see hat u are saying and i agree
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| i agree with squall and all people who tak eshots at it should get a reward but person who kills it should get like a …
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Aug 15 2011, 11:21 am
I tought it was normal but ok just add me as Layout editor so i can fix it i know how to...