
Joined: Oct 25 2011

Medals Uchihazen1 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Space Station 13 Medals



Earned on May 30 2012, 4:18 am


Bleach: Oblivion Crusade


You have found one of the mystery medals.Can you find the rest?

Earned on Jan 18 2012, 2:01 pm

Climbing The Ladder

You are on your way to becomming something great.

Earned on Jan 18 2012, 6:38 pm

On The Ladder

You're almost to the top. "Wait what? ...Almost?

Earned on Jun 20 2012, 3:23 am

Final Fight

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Jan 7 2012, 8:03 pm


Dude, they're dead! Stop attacking!

Earned on Mar 29 2012, 4:48 am