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| Trying to have a tutorial area for novice players which will have the users mob and 2 other mobs, will be tight …
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| Been trying to install dreamdaemon for about 2 hours now on a terminal CentOS [6.4 64bit]. Unfortnunately I am stuck on …
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| There needs to be a better way of getting information from a .dmi file. At the moment you have the icon_states() …
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| A Lib full of many features
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| Would it do harm or benefit the community to release all these sources? Most of them are misc. anime's and rpg's, and I …
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| Created from scratch with php and mySQL, and i'd appreciate it if you visited or something >.> Unsafe: …
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| I decided to not to renew my membership a few months before it expired, It's not byond [the developers(although they …
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| Can we have a proc that posts php to a site? It'd help me out alot, seeing as BYOND doesn't have any procs like that …
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| Even in the best of games, there is that abusive/annoying/noob person that you don't want in your game. You try you …
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| GetFrame proc (icon) Format: GetFrame(icon_state,dir=0, moving=0) Returns: frame: the number of animation frames used (1 …
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| I did this css out of bordem, I went kuler to get the colors (http://kuler.adobe.com/). Any criticism would kindly be …
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| I've become too lazy to blog about anything, and its been two months sience I've blogged anything so I guess I'll blog …
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