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| Spent the day hacking away at the selection HUD. I had it working in under an hour but then I thought, why not make the …
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| Here's a shot where the player selection is coming together in the main page. I ended up rearranging the UI a bit. A …
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| Rough day in the coal mine. I spent most of the day reworking the player/bot selection UI while fighting with URL and …
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| Darker than Black looks a lot like X-men or Heroes. Did you see the Storm girl with silver hair? :) Music by Yoko is a …
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| Here's a shot of my latest efforts on the Bot Editor which isn't compelete yet. You can load and edit your previously …
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| Short day. I got to a few UI updates and the new Player Selection window which turned out to be a bit of a chore. I …
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| "Bitch-Man-Cookies!" - ts
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| After a late night binge and very little activity today (XMAS Shopping)... this is what I got done... After toiling …
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| Thanks for all the great suggestions. I went with adding Enter() to base turf. I'm giving some thought as to how I …
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| Good evening... I had a little bit of an unexpected transition into HOST control today. Never underestimate the amount …
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| ACWraith wrote: > "I discovered that my design currently supports hundreds of units on the screen at the same time and …
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| Super Saiyan X wrote: > Tsfreaks wrote: > > > > - Blow the game up so its not so small > > > Like, built-in multiple …
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| I've had a couple things bugging me... - Navigating the BYOND website on my mobile phone is painful. The primary …
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| I've got a couple more buildings plus some AI monitoring stuff done. The logic for the AI is getting interesting. When …
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| A shot of 4 AI players where there only action is to build if their power level is below 30 and in this example, their …
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| The design approach: Step 1. Create an AI base loop. Step 2. Create actions and update the AI to use them inside the …
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| Jeff8500 wrote: > Tsfreaks wrote: > > Dinomaster45 wrote: > > > Wheres the nay button? Not that i was going to nay …
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| Wish we could bump our presence without having to say something. Yea++ sort of does that but its not enough. Anyway, …
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| Sure. Your going to use HTML when your design requires a feature which the interface does provide or make easy. One …
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| The screenshots help. I started skimming toward the bottom-half but I've had a long day and my eyes are burning. ts
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| Based on my experiences... I'm currently of the opinion (as you well know) that I should go small all the time. With …
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| Foomer wrote: > Try converting as many game systems as you can into libraries. Converting old projects into a bunch …
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| I'd like to see something obvious like... windel(src, ) // Deletes the control and if its a container, everything in …
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| Nadrew wrote: > I'm not seeing anything unusual, Tsfreaks. Is it still doing it, is it happening every time? Does the …
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| Couldn't the drop ship just deploy ground vehicles and temporarily serve as a "lesser" base while you build up …
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| Get your silly out. :| ts
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| If it's important, I do know someone who can translate. It needs to be near mission critical because I would be asking …
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| That lighting project is really cool. We could certainly use dynamic shading like that in BYOND games. I'll try to …
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| I bought it yesterday for 360. I made it through a few rounds of campaign mode before getting frustrated and bored …
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