| @ Oasis: People do that for multiple reasons.. (I was thinking, "So he's going to just "afk"/"afb" his purchased key …
6 |
| Kyle_ZX wrote: > Yea, I only played the Sims 1 but that's how you played. It was basically > > Get Person Up >> Clean …
5 |
| "FUNimation wasn't that big of an impact on me, but I do find it childish of the person, who will remain TruSeeker, …
14 |
| Consider yourself a successful commercial as I'm looking forward to checking out Silk's Onscreen Text. Thanks …
3 |
| Magnum, I'm your third fan.. This is the fourth time I've "third fanned" someone. I expect you to be honored to have be …
4 |
| "My next project will include its own scripting language, monkeys, and techno music. That is all." - …
4 |
| Good Pixel art does take a good chunk of time. Think about it, if you work for hours trying to make art look good, then …
13 |
| Doctor...who? I have no idea who he is. xD
14 |
| Dunno if it's supposed to happen, but when I run off an edge, I can jump without being on the ground. Eitherway, Love …
12 |
| Does pixel movement lag with online play? (Like FA's Lib)
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| No no, it's to readable to be laserdog's. (To many caps, laserdog is a capless guy.)
18 |
| Forum_account wrote: > The middle of nowhere (which is my favorite place). I rented a cabin and took a few days off to …
6 |
| I recognize you! Great PAW (Pixel ArtWork), I'm not an anime fan, but if the icons all match up to this quality, then …
13 |
| TS1: Wasn't Fugsnarf only in 1 Byondcast episode? Why is he leaving a place he's only been once? …
19 |
| 1. Quincy Prison Technique. 2. Another Blast! 3. Sado Blast 4. Just an arrow ~TruRatings -(*TR*)-
38 |
| Lige wrote: > Team Leader: Yeah, why not. Let's pick that one. So you have "no" talent? Perhaps it's because you find …
8 |
| Bravo joined the team? (His name is added to the Contact Us list.) Also, is Fugsnarf leaving?
73 |
| ShadeCyberPlatinum wrote: > Was a good read to me, I see everyone on BYOND as equals, being that I started within the …
38 |
| Um, this was written December 22nd 2011 (Which could possibly explain the broken Photobucket link.) I don't even know …
16 |
| You were missing number 2, you posted number 1 twice. (Though using common sense, anyone would replace 1 with 2.) …
1 |
| Wow, I saw this when I swam to your boat with my Troll. That pic at the top looks awesome.
5 |
| *Flaunts his imaginary glasses* "According to "BYONDcast weekly", getting a nay is totally where it's at." *Dense …
3 |
| Lol, your the Lizard Sphere X guy aren't you? xD
7 |
3 |
| Wow, relentless with the curse words. O.O
17 |
| pif is probably talking about the crazy hours programmers have to work, last I checked you barely get to sleep when on …
8 |
| I've never worked with a palette nor really know the correct to make it. When iconning a set of enemies, I just try to …
14 |
4 |
| Masterdarwin88 wrote: > Oh my. How I love thou no homo, EmpirezTeam. lol
40 |
| Ratzy wrote: > Not a bad Css, Teka already had an interview with the Journalism guild, and it didn't make him sound …
34 |
| Even though it was small, it had a great appeal and was very neat. I don't think I can suggest anything other than what …
18 |
| Fugsnarf wrote: > BYONDling was meant to be a joke, and it kinda turned into nothing and got ruined. I disagree and …
33 |
2 |
| Is it a chatting game, or something to take the place of Byond's default slow hub chatting?
7 |
| Teka123 wrote: > Just to let you know but it seems Nintendo don't like people linking their images lol. "these …
4 |
| The pictures are a little to small, mind sizing them up? (I can't click to enlarge either..)
14 |
| I spent forever on my game as well xD But I did have some smiles and felt like I accomplished something. I plan to keep …
11 |
| I almost cried when you said, "Hello Dreme C Kers." (Was it the fact that Oasis is back, or the Dream Seeker line he …
31 |
| Awesome, looking forward to it!
2 |
| Neat, Staffs all the way.
7 |
| I agree with the fact that I never put my mouse over a wall of text I'm trying to read, but for some reason I find it …
19 |
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| Even though I missed the date, I'll still post a link later so you can at least "try" what I would have submitted. But …
77 |
| Got it? maybeish... Ugh, I can't figure out how to upload, or where...
12 |
| $6 a month...not bad. This Dream Seeker likes. (If I ever need a host and am willing to pay, I may come here.)
17 |
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| Just like to let everyone know just in case, I'm sure he was joking when he posted.
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| So I still can't play Tanx >: ( Why Byond? I only want my Tanx... T.T
10 |
| I'm a True Dream Seeker. Love the name Dream Seekers!
61 |
Jul 10 2012, 11:24 am