| A2J2TIWARI wrote: > Haha, I love the names of the countries! Japan= Napaj, India= Aidni, Mogolia=Ailognom... love this! …
92 |
| :O I bet I know what SilkWizard codes in!
10 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > Dem heads. Watch how you be talkin bout dem head, somous happen'a likem.
14 |
| I actually really like the idea of Frameworks. Including them in Byond's Dream Maker seems kind of weird, but that …
51 |
| Ah, I've seen those in the stores.
38 |
| It looks nicely styled, very neat indeed. I also favor the perspective as D4RK3 said.
10 |
| If he's the one coding, great! Throwing the art out of my mind I'm thinking he could make some major tweaks, such as …
15 |
| I think it's great he's created a neat library and even more awesome that he's taking critiques and tweaking this …
29 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > TikTik wrote: > > ~-EXSTENSION STRATEGIES-~ > > Speed- Aim to tower quickly for quick attacks. > > …
16 |
| I'm not a programmer for LIMBO, if you wish to speak with the project owners, contact Kazuki or Akto.
35 |
| I'm not a programmer for LIMBO, if you wish to speak with the project owners, contact Kazuki or Akto.
8 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > Where the *bleep?* is Crashed Bandicoot? Spyro? Some FF characters? I mean come on Sony. You skip …
36 |
| I'd like to apply for the "Open Tournament", please and thank you. May my luck and that skill stuff carry me to victory.
24 |
| A lot of people also came to America for religious freedom, which we're also losing slowly... On the contrary my …
4 |
| Kaiochao wrote: > A.T.H.K wrote: > > That fish is bad and you should feel bad! :D > Of course it's bad. I didn't make …
11 |
| Solomn Architect wrote: > Yut Put wrote: > > Silly BYONDlings and your naying. > > Enough horsing around. I smile upon …
131 |
| Chris Gayle wrote: > Trolololololololol Stinkin' trollz <.< Go away! We're looking for Chris Gayle!
26 |
| I refuse to vote because I'm torn. I'm currently making a multiplayer game, the ease to make a multiplayer game is what …
10 |
| That's hilarious, love the idea. +100
6 |
14 |
| Boxcar wrote: > I love writing things down, getting them out on paper. I have a portion of my wall that is now covered …
18 |
| You did a great job creating these, they sound very crisp. I personally love Enchiridia better than Skybound, though …
7 |
| Here's a post that helps deal with that lack of motivation.
4 |
| This is a post I stumbled upon awhile ago giving multiple suggestions on ways to stay motivated during a game project …
1 |
| I find the realistic tone very setting, with a realistic tone it could add depth to game and easily give off a darker …
77 |
| Zane5494 wrote: > I've become so lost as to what is happening in this conversation =3=" This topic has taken another …
26 |
| This is an interesting blog post I stumbled upon about making original games, many programmers could benefit from this …
14 |
| I like the sound of the daytime, but whether it'd be worth the work or not is up to you. The nighttime shading is kind …
2 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > Real men don't need to rotate the blocks.
23 |
| EmpirezTeam wrote: > That's because you guys aren't awesome DQ fans like me and LA. Liez, I personally love Dairy Queen.
19 |
| Teka123 wrote: > this is a Real oldie! :O lol Wow, didn't know you "byonded" for that long, you joined when Byond was 2 …
110 |
| I'm developing a game atm, it's not ready for public testing, but at least you know someone's doing something. xD
3 |
| Vocal_nebula wrote: > I think I just found a new desktop background. Vrocaan wrote: > You get an internet. Did you draw …
51 |
| I used to icon, but haven't done it in quite some time due to the fact that I'm giving more of myself to coding. Since …
62 |
| I'd really love to see some Rougelike games created, I'm a fan as well. I won't be tackling this contest because of …
99 |
| I wish he'd get remotivated. :(
36 |
| You should post on the game's forum.
1 |
| I could've used an iconner. xD
25 |
| Forum_account wrote: > I wouldn't base decisions on what the BYOND community is used to. They're also used to games …
10 |
| I say using art from another game is fine if they're place holders, but you shouldn't be content with that art to the …
19 |
| A lot of those links are dead, should they really be stickied? I think this is what he was looking for. He wants a more …
3 |
| That's true, but certain libraries can require a fair amount of study to use and bend them specifically in the way you …
16 |
| This is actually inspiring me to make my game original. (Though I probably wouldn't have great art like that. xD)
73 |
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| Even though the graphics aren't top notch, it's still consistent so it still looks right. Keep it up!
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| I wasn't a huge fan of that one, kinda freaky. "o.o
8 |
| Tensa Soul wrote: > According to the OP: owner[s] of the selected game[s] will be given the prize[s]. So then why are …
29 |
| Love the sound effects, very neat indeed. Bravo!
6 |
| Very nice game, looking forward to it finishing. :)
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Jul 10 2012, 11:24 am