Keywords: bored
Resources (Games)
BYOND Games (All) - List of popular games and guilds on BYOND.
BYOND Games (Action) - List of popular BYOND Action games and associated guilds.
BYOND Games (Anime) - List of popular BYOND Anime games and associated guilds.
BYOND Games (Casual) - List of popular BYOND Casual games and associated guilds.
BYOND Games (RPG) - List of popular BYOND RPG games and associated guilds.
BYOND Games (Strategy) - List of BYOND Strategy games and associated guilds.

Resources (Guilds)
BYOND Action Guild
BYOND Anime Guild
BYOND Arcade Guild
BYOND Chat Guild
BYOND Casual Guild
DungeonCrawlers Guild
Roleplayers Guild
Dragonball Z Guild (By Javster)
Board Games Guild(By Flick)
Single Player Games Guild (By Foomer)
Fangames Guild (By Teka123 and Audeuro)
Original Games Guild (by Shrieker)
Fantasy Games Guild (by Gakumerasara)

Resources (Informational Guilds)
PHP Guild
Programming Articles Guild

Resources (Development)
Dream Makers
Pixel-Art Society

Resources (Tutorials)
Making skins in BYOND 4.0 (by Lummox JR)
Dream Tutor (by Lummox JR)
ZTips (by Zilal)
Zilal's BYOND Tutorials (by Zilal)
How-To (by Nadrew)
Idea Breeding (by splattergnome)
Programming Tutorials (by Various)
DMCGI Tutorials (by Airjoe and Nadrew)
DM Programming Tutorial I (by Kunark)
DM Programming Tutorial II (by Kunark)
DM Programming Tutorial III (by Kunark)
Warning of the Day (by IainPeregrine)

Resources (Misc)
Link Roundup (by Gughunter)
Along the Tech-Tree (by ACWraith)
ATP Development

Selection of BYOND Games/Utilities
Chess (by Mobius Evalon)
Murder Mansion (by SuperSaiyanGokuX)
Last Robot Standing (by DDT)
Icon Ultima (by Enigmaster2002/Mobius Evalon)
Incrusion (by Lummox JR)
Mafia (by LostRealm)
Castle (by Abra)
MysticJourney (by Gunbuddy13)
Seika (by IccusionEntertainment)
Duel Monsters Online (by Kajika)
Naruto GOA (by Masterdan)
Dragon Ball Z: Heroes United (by Falacy)
Pokemon RP Reborn (by Perpetr8r the Perpetu8r)
Pokemon Torn World (by Deity Productions08)
Chatters (by Xooxer)
XO - Five in a row (by Nadrew)
Laser Wars (by Leftley)
Darke Dungeon (by ShadowDarke)
Gemble (by IccusionEntertainment)
DragginBallz4k (by AirMapster/Mike H)

I'll update later, my bandwidth just dropped below 56k dial-up.
I'll update later, my bandwidth just dropped below 56k dial-up.

Streuth, mate!
That's a nice list, now if only people could easily find it so it's purpose wasn't completely defeated!
Resources (Guilds) and Resources (Games) are basically the same thing. Just with the Resource (Guilds), you link to that guild’s “homepage” which displays the current featured games online and blog post. Resources (Games), links to only the official BYOND guild, which shows all games in the guild. We do not need to “hold” the users hand, the person can easily click a link in the Resources (Guilds) and see the “more” link which will lead them to a list of games in that guild.

Resources (Misc.), I can easily see why Link Roundup and the Tech-Tree are listed there, as those are places in which you can get useful information from. But ATP Development and DDT are basically development teams. They contribute little, if anything, resource wise.

Is the "Selection of BYOND Games/Utilities" supposed to be noteworthy games for BYOND or just a random list of games you enjoy? I say this because I could name a few games that should and should not be in the list.

Games such as Night Fantastic, Redcap, Space Station 13, Path Wrath 2, My Life as a Spy, and Tanks should be in a noteworthy list. Of course, this is an opinion of games in which I think are worth mentioning.

While games in the following list are questionable:
* DragginBallz4k (Sure it could be fun, but there are a ton of games which surpass it in quality and fun)
* Dragon Ball Z: HU (Are we doing a popularity contest or anime games which are actually good? Because Dragon ball Z Onslaught seems to be better, quality wise.)
* Mystic Journey (Questionable, it’s a basic RPG, nothing special. Though, a game like Stolen Lands is much more in depth, my opinion though).

This list should probably be based on quality, replay value, and if it would attract a person to BYOND.
You listed the BYOND strategy games, but you left out the guild. <_<
While BYOND Strategy does not have the code forums that some of the other guilds have, it does collect a set of favorite resources. It also has the Design Tactics forum.
SuperAntx wrote:
That's a nice list, now if only people could easily find it so it's purpose wasn't completely defeated!

Most of that stuff I went out and searched for on my own. All guilds have a list of associated guilds, all games have a list of games others enjoyed playing.

I didn't seem to have any trouble. Stop being lazy, it's not difficult.
Popisfizzy wrote:
You listed the BYOND strategy games, but you left out the guild. <_<

It was 1am, cut me some slack!
Calus CoRPS wrote:
Resources (Guilds) and Resources (Games) are basically the same thing. Just with the Resource (Guilds), you link to that guild’s “homepage” which displays the current featured games online and blog post. Resources (Games), links to only the official BYOND guild, which shows all games in the guild. We do not need to “hold” the users hand, the person can easily click a link in the Resources (Guilds) and see the “more” link which will lead them to a list of games in that guild.

I am aware of this. It's just people don't seem to see the value those pages have. Thus, they made it to the top. I'm willing to bet most people will just go straight to the guild (foolishly) and forget about that nice little link round up pages they have.

Resources (Misc.), I can easily see why Link Roundup and the Tech-Tree are listed there, as those are places in which you can get useful information from. But ATP Development and DDT are basically development teams. They contribute little, if anything, resource wise.

Development teams have lists of games they created. If anything IccusionEntertainment should have been there. But as stated, 1am, cut me some slack. Links to games they've created are available. The purpose of this exercise was to prove that all the information anyone needs is perfectly available on the pages they've been linked to. But apparently, actually looking just isn't the done thing any more, it has to be spoon fed to you. (not you necessarily, but there are a lot of lazy people without eyes it seems)

Is the "Selection of BYOND Games/Utilities" supposed to be noteworthy games for BYOND or just a random list of games you enjoy? I say this because I could name a few games that should and should not be in the list.

I chose them randomly because I've heard people either speak highly of them and I know they're fun enough to play.

Games such as Night Fantastic, Redcap, Space Station 13, Path Wrath 2, My Life as a Spy, and Tanks should be in a noteworthy list. Of course, this is an opinion of games in which I think are worth mentioning.

I'm not going to phrase Space Station 13, no matter how unbiased I'm trying to be.

While games in the following list are questionable:
* DragginBallz4k (Sure it could be fun, but there are a ton of games which surpass it in quality and fun)

You're lacking names of those games. Besides, old classics are old classics. Infinity plus one games surpass pong, pacman and tetras, they are still fantastic games.

* Dragon Ball Z: HU (Are we doing a popularity contest or anime games which are actually good? Because Dragon ball Z Onslaught seems to be better, quality wise.)

DBZ:HU was selected because I didn't want to list GOA as the only anime game in the list. It had players and one hub page brought me to it.

* Mystic Journey (Questionable, it’s a basic RPG, nothing special. Though, a game like Stolen Lands is much more in depth, my opinion though).

A basic RPG is still a working, functional RPG.

This list should probably be based on quality, replay value, and if it would attract a person to BYOND.

If you're here, you know about BYOND. I'm not out to attract new BYOND Members on a BYOND Blog. The very thought of that method is foolish. My main plan is to point out, the search bar exists and can be used. Which SuperAntx just hates to admit.