Keywords: happy
My local hero JackGuy just donated me a further $18.00 to help me pay off a rather large bill which is due very soon.

So, thanks Jack! Every little bit helps =D!

And I will repay you some day =P

(Note he donated to help me pay off my $820.00 rent and $80.00 phone bills, which I can't cover at the moment, due very very soon).


GhostAnime just donated me a very nice $50.00!! I'm now forever grateful to him!
I would donate. Cept I myself am poor.
Solution: if you can't pay off your bills, stop throwing money away on trivial things like internet bills.
Internet bill was easily paid a long time ago. It isn't a contributing factor to my lack of money.
I would also donate, but due to the fact i'm 15..yeah...i would dude. Seriously. =\
I have a donate form for the Tibbius account on my members page now. We ares the gon' be a big business? =D
I sent Ten bucks to that paypal.

I would send you 100, but I'm poor as hell. Not even five dollars to give you.
Tiberath is lying. He doesn't need money. He just needs junk food money. Congratulations, everyone, you just fed him more cheese curls and soda.
Vermolius wrote:
Tiberath is lying. He doesn't need money. He just needs junk food money. Congratulations, everyone, you just fed him more cheese curls and soda.

So what if he needs food, a man needs to eat.
AlexisOnFire wrote:
I sent Ten bucks to that paypal.


Due to currency conversion, you actually sent me $12.00. And for the reccord, CHEERS!

What's more, I don't like cheese curls and cans of coke are 50c a piece. And I don't go out of my way to buy either.