Thunder Man 00

Joined: Mar 28 2010



Feb 15 2020, 7:03 am
Necro posting for hope of some naruto fun!
Thunder Man 00
Jul 14 2014, 11:01 am
I'm Back so uk Hit Me Up on my pager n stuff
Endless Rain
Sep 2 2013, 7:40 am
You have the host files for naruto by von fanel? if so we should link up and you send those too me. i really wanna get that game back online.. so hit me back and let me know something, even if you dont have em.
Dec 29 2012, 8:36 pm
hey Thunda, its me, Roxas from Naruto: Afterllfe. Another player told me that you have the host files for the game. If you do, then tell either me, Jamaicangoon, or Tobi (hewhoknows) so we can get this game back online.
Apr 5 2012, 7:07 pm
yo send me a message on pager if ur intrested in hosting/iconning a bleach game not for me for sogestku100

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Medals Thunder Man 00 can earn in her favorite games

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Naruto: Killed In Action

Test Medal

Test Medal

Naruto: Rogue

1000 Men Dead

Kill 1000 Elite Ninja!

10000 Rep Superstar

Get 10,000 Reputation!

Grand Elite

Accepted into the Brotherhood of Grand!

Bounty Hunter

Successfully Collect On 100 Bounties!

Ultimate Tourney Brawler

Fight And Win 100 Tournament!

Tailed No# 1

Unlock Your Full Potential!

Tailed No# 9

Unlock Your Full Potential!

The Unexpected

For those who are able to overcome any obstacle. Complete the Competency Exam!!

The Completionist

Those That Obtain All Accolades of Achievement!