For the heck of it today I dug up my old backup unit and loaded up the backup of the computer I got in '94 to dig up ancient treasures and found good ol' DUNG version 1. So I figured I'd take some snapshots of this relic.
And people on the forums whine about not disabling the printscreen button. They would have had a field day over that lovely save icon right click option.
Clicking on that look option brings up the look statpanel which shows the area, turf, objects, and mobs on the tile you're looking at. Also made it nice and easy to get the right click menu since you could right click on the items for the same right click menu you'd get if you did it on the map. Those statpanels are fixed and can't be removed nor could you add new ones in version 1.
Here's the statpanel you get if you click on the examine right click menu option. The top text box is the description field and the bottom is a list of verbs you can use from the examined atom.
Well I certainly didn't want the cheese!
I always drink puddles of green stuff I find in dungeons.
Now here's a real man's IDE. Syntax highlighting is for chumps! Note the required braces and how you build text strings which contain variable text.
And here's where you launch the various other editors which weren't integrated into the editor rather outside applications.
Old school chat is kinda lonely :(
Hold off all the requests for hiring me as an artist. I may be good but I work solo!
This is the dmm editor as dmi files were just a single icon no states, animations, or anything like that. The dmm files were for the animated or multidirectional icons.
And finally the map editor!
I couldn't find any projects on the backup but now I realize that I got a new computer in '96 and I started using DUNG in '98 so I likely worked on my projects on that machine. So I'm reading it now however my backup unit doesn't support random access and take 4-5 hours to read a chunk of data if it is near the end of the backup so I have a bit to see.
I don't even have an early version of DUNG. You might have the oldest copy in existence! It's more functional than I remember, although the assembly-style syntax (remember push and pop?) took some getting used to.
Good times.